Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1563 hindsight

After he Wei went upstairs, Huo Yue sat alone in the car for a long time and smoked three cigarettes.

He got out of the car and looked up the stairs. He Wei's room was lit.

When he was thinking about whether to go up, the light had turned off.

Huo Yue turns and leaves.

He Wei didn't see his car, and she didn't expect him to stay downstairs for so long. When she got back to the house, she went to take a bath.

She was too tired, aching and late. After taking a bath, she turned off the light and went to bed. She thought that she would get up early tomorrow. Before going to work, she would go to the hospital to see the old man and bring him breakfast.

The next day, she got up early as expected, and then met Huo Yue's man at the door of the hospital.

It was the young man last time.

He said to He Wei, "Mr. Huo transferred the old man last night."

He Wei was sent by him.

When He Wei went, Huo Yue was also there, talking with the old man.

The old man heard that the kid who betrayed He Wei was in the original hospital, and he resolutely agreed to transfer to another hospital. He wished he could remove the suture of the wound and didn't want the kid to treat him.

"Mr. Huo, have you eaten yet?" He Wei asked in Chinese.

"Yes," said Huo Yue

He Wei took out the bread for the old man and said with a smile, "this is what I brought for you. You can eat it casually. I don't know if there is breakfast in the hospital."

The old man took it.

Huo Yue wants to negotiate with the hospital, so he goes out first.

The old man said to He Wei, "this man is not a professor, is he? Although he's elegant, he doesn't speak and do things very slowly and doesn't look very patient. "

He Wei smiles and doesn't explain.

The old man added: "when you came in, he was stiff for about three seconds. It was tense. Men are so nervous about their sweethearts. "

He Wei is shocked.

"Yes, you are such a beautiful girl, you should match such a good man." Said the old man.

He Wei's smile added bitterness: "don't make fun of this, I can't bear it."

The old man looked at her. "You don't believe me?"

"I can't believe it." He Wei said, "he is not my friend in the ordinary sense. If I believe him, I will probably hate him."

The old man felt that the girl had been hurt, and that the man had hurt her.

Since he has hurt other girls, let him suffer more. This is his retribution. As He Wei said, "I'm just joking. I want to find something about love to write poems."

He Wei can't help shaking his head.

Huo Yue came in and said to He Wei, "let's go. I'll take you to work. You're going to be late."

The old man said to He Wei, "this is an injury. I have no infection. I can leave the hospital today. You can go home directly after work. Don't come back to the hospital."

He Wei said, "then you should listen to the doctor's advice. Don't worry about the medical expenses. I still have some savings."

The old man's smile is very bright: "you have a good heart, good people are rewarded."

He Wei said, "yes, because you have written poems to me."

After Huo Yue came back, he just heard this sentence.

He looked at his palm.

The palm is full of calluses and stained with sin. I wonder if such hands can write poems.

However, it seems that we really have to go.

He sighed in his heart.

Huo Yue sent He Wei to work. On the way, he said what he said last night. He explained to He Wei that he didn't mean anything else but to care about her.

"I know. I'm not angry. Yesterday I may be too tired, and so late, not too good to listen to, I apologize to you He Wei Dao.

Huo Yue said: "you don't have to be too polite to me. If you don't have to apologize, it's me. My words are too abrupt. "

"Since there is a misunderstanding, I won't say it, neither will you." He smiled and said, "can I ask you something?"

"You said."

"Then help me to send the old man back to his house. He is really pitiful by himself, and I can't move him. The people around you are strong and can be carried upstairs. " He Wei Dao.

"And how would you thank me?"

He Wei said, "I don't know. How would you like me to thank you?"

"Let's go riding at the weekend. I promised the two girls of old Qin. Old Qin's girls are like him. I can't stand them alone. You have to help me. " Huo Yue Road.

He Wei said happily, "OK."

Sure enough, this morning, Huo Yue went to the hospital again and asked the doctor.

The doctor said that the old man was injured. There was no big deal. He could leave the hospital and go home for rest.

Huo Yue sent someone to send him back.

After he Wei got off work, he bought a chicken to make some chicken soup for the old man.

The old man was moved: "I wish I had a girl like you. Otherwise, how about I be your godfather? "

"I have a father." He smiled and said, "besides, we Chinese don't have the habit of recognizing the godfather, only the adoptive father. But my father has paid too much for me. I don't want to have an adoptive father. I want to share my respect and love for my father. "

The old man nodded: "you are a good filial girl with your own thoughts. In the future, you may be able to make a big business. "

"I hope so." He smiled and said, "I don't want to do a very big business. If I can be a branch head, I will be very satisfied. In this way, no one can bully me.

However, we don't have a woman as the branch president of Leton bank. I want to be particularly good to have a chance. You've also done business in the bank. You can teach me more. "

The old man said: "no need to teach. You are a very qualified branch head. Ghent is over fifty, and he should retire. "

"When he was in his fifties, Mr. Ghent looked very healthy, and it was hard to get back." He sighed.

Every time she mentioned Mr. Ghent, she was particularly disgusted, but she tried hard to hide the emotion, and the old man did not see it.

I don't want to say anything more. I want to wait for my legs.

He Wei also asked two other neighbors to take care of the old man when she was at work.

It's the weekend in a flash.

He Wei went to the food market in the morning and bought the ribs for the Xiangdi woman to cook the braised ribs for the old Englishman at noon.

When she is busy, Huo Yue's car is downstairs.

He Wei took out his riding clothes.

Her riding suit is pink and inlaid with white edge. It's the latest one at that time. She bought it with George. She watched it for nearly two months before she got a scholarship, and then George got it.

George said she wanted to buy it for her, but she didn't agree with her. Later, George came up with an idea. They bought one set by themselves and each paid half of the money.

Half of He Wei's set is George's, and half of George's set is He Wei's.

This is her most expensive dress.

Until this moment, He Wei felt the pain of lovelorn. She thought that the rage period was finally over, and she would think of George's smile when she saw something.

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