Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1568 he's mine

Huo Yue has a headache.

A person's words and deeds will take shape at a certain age, and form their own unique habits.

It's hard to change habits.

Just like Huo Yue, he knows where the problem is, but he doesn't know how to explain it.

What's more, she still calls him "huoye", which is the name between lovers?

Huo Yue put out his cigar and asked Si Xingqi, "what do you call a light boat at ordinary times?"

"What's the name?"

"What did she call you, both of you, in private?" Huo Yue repeated.

"It's called darling," said the secretary

Huo Yue: "...

this is not credible at all.

"Would you like some face?" Huo Yue sighs.

"She is used to calling my full name. I don't think it matters," said Si Xingfu. What do you want your woman to call you? "

Huo Yue: "...

the serious words of Si Xingfu are limited every day. Once he has finished, he starts to talk nonsense.

Huo Yue stands up and plans to find he Wei. He doesn't want to listen to his nonsense any more.

He plans to order a ring as soon as he returns to Hong Kong, which should be more persuasive than any language.

After the wedding, He Wei and Huo Yue stayed in Singapore for three days. They were busy every day. Huo Yue wanted to meet the gang in Singapore and went to Yan's house.

He Wei followed the women.

Three days later, they returned and Gu Qingzhou personally sent He Wei to the airport.

She also said to Huo Yue, "Mr. Huo, you should take care of me more. I'm not sure if she is alone in Hong Kong."

Huo Yue put his arm around He Wei's shoulder and said, "she's not alone for a long time."

He Wei was shocked and looked at him, and Gu Qingzhou was also shocked.

After returning to God, Gu Qingzhou smiled: "I can't tell you. That's great. I'm relieved. "

On the plane, He Wei secretly aims at Huo Yue from time to time.

Huo Yue asked her, "what's the matter?"

"It's OK. Have you dealt with your affairs?" He asked.

Huo Yue said: "I go to Singapore as a guest, nothing important. How are you doing these days? "

He Wei said: "it's very good. I know a lot of people..."

she began to talk about her experience in these days.

Huo Yue listened carefully.

Later he thought, she looks ok this time. Does she understand what I mean?

When he arrived in Hong Kong, huoyue invited him to dinner. On the dessert, he was very serious to He Wei: "Wei Wei, I have something to tell you."

He Wei's smile was forced.

She looks at Huo Yue nervously. Her eyes are a little scared and expecting. It seems that she wants Huo Yue to say something.

Huo Yuexin is surprised: "what did she think I was going to say?"

When he is ready, he can't say anything for a while.

He thought to himself, "is that guy of Si Xingfu reliable?"

He Wei, however, thinks that the trial is coming. He may tell her that he will not see her again in the future. Then her constant fear will finally come true, and she will be a little more relaxed, without having to worry about it day and night.

Huo Yue changed the subject temporarily.

He said to He Wei, "you still call me Mr. Huo... Do you have such a name?"

He Wei knows that he didn't want to say this at first.

Her slightly relaxed heart, suddenly mentioned again, she is a little pain.

"I call you tiny, don't I?" He said.

He Wei nods.

What does she call huoyue? She didn't think about it, just like she didn't think she would get Huo Yue.

They have only been together for a week, and He Wei still feels unreal and unrealistic.

Besides, Huo Yue just kissed her and asked her not to repent. He didn't say anything about them. There are so many uncertain things in these words that he didn't understand how he planned at all.

Therefore, she never imagined that she would use a private name to call huoyue.

"Let me think about it and let you know tomorrow." He Wei said, "I really want to think about it."

Huo Yue agreed, although he felt that what he received tomorrow would not be only a private address.

He sent He Wei home. He Wei chatted with him by chance all the way. He had no special mood.

But as soon as she got back to her house, she began to sit up.

Half asleep and half awake, she had another dream. She dreamed that Huo Yue was far away from her back. She fought for her life and cried for Huo Ye.

"Please don't leave, let me die are willing, you don't leave me, don't abandon me." She seems to have broken her leg, so she has to drag herself to him.

Then she woke up crying.

After waking up, she sat for a long time and heard a knock at the door.

It's already dawn and it's time for her to go to work. She tossed herself all night last night, sleeping late, and then dreaming all the time, which made her get up late.

Huo Yue came to see her to work. Before she came downstairs, he knocked on the door and prepared breakfast for her.

He Wei opened the door and saw that he was still standing in front of her, not leaving her. Everything in the dream was just a terrible fantasy.

She thought: "to her mother's gain or loss, if he wants to leave me, it's not enough fate. He doesn't hate me as much as he used to. He wants to be with me. "

Time is so short, why should she torture herself?

He's mine now!

Who can control the fate and future, even their own life, can you be sure that the next moment it is still yours? Everything can be long or short.

He Wei pressed hard, hugged Huo Yue, and kissed him actively.

This is the first time she has taken such an initiative.

Huo Yue put one hand around her waist, lifted her whole body up, carried her back to the house, and closed the door with the other hand.

"I thought for a long time last night. I still like to call you Mr. Huo." He Wei said, "if it changes, you will not be my Mr. Huo."

Huo Yue laughs.

When He Wei was in a dream, she always silently recited Huo ye in her heart. The name was so heavy in her heart that it could not be changed at all.

Maybe later, her relationship with him gradually becomes dull. At that time, she can accept other titles, right?

Huo Yue moved his eyes and said, "change your clothes quickly. You're going to work."

He Wei asked him to wait outside first.

She was very happy for the next few days, because she suddenly thought it through.

Si Xingfu knows Huo Yue very well. He said that Huo Yue will not get married. He Wei will struggle no longer. He has no future with him. It's better to enjoy the present.

This is the life she always wanted.

She is no longer distracted, but very focused on huoyue.

Huo Yue had thought about talking about their relationship carefully, but it changed a little. It seems that she understood everything, and Huo Yue didn't talk about it much.

It's really hard for him to say something straight.

When He Wei asked for leave to go to work, Mr. Ghent called her to the office.

She's a little scared.

Every time she went to Mr. Ghent's office alone, she kept her heart in her head.

I don't think she is the only one in the office this time, but also Zhang Zhu.

"What happened?" He thinks little. She went to see Zhang Su's face carefully.

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