Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1578 driving the waves

He Wei screamed and turned on the light.

The people at the door turned around quickly and ran. The footsteps were very light, but the speed was smooth. It was a little skilful at first sight.

He Wei is in a cold sweat.

Her screams woke the neighbors of the next two families. They came out one after another and asked her what was going on.

He Wei went to the door and looked carefully. His door lock was broken by someone.

"This has to be called the police." The Jewish man was very worried, "Miss He, have you offended anyone recently?"

She has offended many people, such as Mr. Ghent, who was dismissed, Zhang Zhu, who resigned, and the snobbish subordinates in the office.

Her heart was restless.

"Miss He, shall we take you to the police station?" Asked the Jewish woman.

He Wei said: "you accompany me downstairs to call my boyfriend and let him pick me up."

Accompanied by the Jewish couple, she went to the public phone booth downstairs and called Huo Yue.

Huo Yue is asleep. The servant wakes him up.

As soon as he heard it, he said, "wait for me. I will be here in 50 minutes. Do you have a safe place to stay? "

"Yes, I can be in the neighborhood." He Wei Dao.

Huo Yue nods and asks her to wait at the neighbor's house first. He will pick her up soon.

As he changed his clothes, he called his entourage and asked them to call Xijiu to find out who was so bold in Hong Kong and dared to pry the door of He Wei in the middle of the night.

The following way is.

Huo Yue is too anxious to go out. He doesn't notice his follower's expression.

He drove so fast that just after forty minutes, he arrived at He Wei's downstairs.

He Wei is still in his house, but she is making a midnight snack. The Jewish couple and the Xiangdi woman next door are all there with him Wei.

When He Wei translated for them, Xiangdi women and Jewish women agreed to learn English and Chinese from each other.

After Huo Yue went upstairs, He Wei sent his neighbors away.

She packed up a large suitcase and said to Huo Yue, "I'll move out of here first and talk about it later."

Huo Yue carried her suitcase.

He said to He Wei, "I'll choose a hotel for you. You stay first. I'll send someone to stay next door to protect you. Don't worry."

He Wei didn't answer.

She hesitated, and then said to Huo Yue, "you told me last time that the house you live in is very empty, and I can borrow it. I wonder if your proposal is still valid? "

She's afraid to stay in a hotel.

Even if Huo Yue sent people to guard, she didn't feel safe.

If someone can pry at the door of her house, maybe they can pry at the door of the hotel. I don't know who started, and He Wei didn't want to live in a strange place alone.

Huo Yue smiled and said, "of course, this proposal has been effective."

The reason why he didn't say it was that He Wei was angry after he said it last time. Huo Yue didn't want her to be unhappy.

She said that, of course, was the best.

The lip angle of huoyue is slightly raised.

He Wei moved to Huo Yue's house that night.

There are several buildings in his half hillside villa. Huo Yue is on the third floor of the building where he lies. He Wei will choose a room for him.

"I live on the second floor. It's convenient. The security here is the safest." Huo Yue Road.

He Wei chose a room with a spacious balcony.

She smiled and said to Huo Yue, "when the house over there is finished, I will move away. I'll disturb you during this time."

"You are welcome," said Huo Yue

He settled in He Wei, told her to have an early rest and went to the front living room by himself.

He called Xijiu himself and asked him to check all night long, who was the one who stole the door of He Wei.

Xijiu says yes.

The next day, He Wei woke up at less than six o'clock. When she got up to change clothes, the servant came in and said to her that the master was waiting for her to have breakfast in the restaurant.

He Wei went to the restaurant.

Huo Yue stood up and gave her a hug: "how are you sleeping?"

"It's sweet. Thank you, Mr. Huo." He smiled.

As soon as they had half eaten, Xijiu came.

Huo Yue got up and patted He Wei on the shoulder: "I've eaten. You eat first. Wait for me for a moment after eating. I'll take you to work."

He and Xijiu went to the partial hall and said something. Huo Yue frowned.

Before he Wei finished eating, they finished talking.

"Congratulations on your promotion, miss he." Xijiu said with a smile.

"Thank you He Wei Dao.

Tin nine hurriedly said, "I dare not to call it tin nine. Don't call me my Lord."

He Wei heard that every time huoyue was in the presence of an outsider, even a servant or an entourage, it was called "nine Ye". He respected Xijiu very much, and He Wei naturally dared not take it lightly.

"Don't worry about that." Huo Yue smiled and said, "I have to go. I can't catch up with you for a while. You can find the gangster last night. "

Tin nine is.

Huo Yue drove himself and sent He Wei to the branch.

When he stopped the car, He Wei asked him, "is Jiu Ye still looking into the matter of prying the door last night? Do you have any eyebrows? "

"Not yet." Huo Yue said with a smile, "when you get off work today, maybe there will be."

He Wei no longer says anything.

She entered the branch and Huo Yue returned.

When he got home, he asked Xijiu to come over: "you can't find out who started it all night. To be honest, did you send someone? "

Huo Yue is especially slow in love because he is worried about gain and loss.

Apart from love, he has never done anything like this. He is a bold and careful man who dares to do anything. As time goes on, he naturally has his own keen mind.

Xijiu has been in Hong Kong for some time. How can we not find such a small thing?

"Yes. How could miss he be allowed to scream when everyone else has opened her door? It's my people who scare her. " Tin nine.

Huo Yue's face sank.

Xi Jiu said with a smile, "isn't that good? Master, you have been reluctant to propose and always want to be close to her. Now that she's moved in, don't let her move out again. "

Huo Yue's face improved a little, and then he couldn't help his forehead: "Jiu Ye, you are really worried."

"I can't help worrying about you." "That's all," said Xijiu. "You've been struggling for so long. So far, I still hear miss he call you "Mr. Huo". Think for yourself, are these two people in love? "

Huo Yue is a little weak.

He thought of the last time Si Xingfu said that he could not speak directly.

Up to now, he is still in this temper.

He can't tell things clearly, which is the habit he has developed for many years.

But he Wei is not Xi Jiu. She doesn't know Huo Yue as well as Xi Jiu.

"... and find a reason to put off." Huo Yue said, "otherwise she asked, I couldn't answer her."

Then he said to Xijiu seriously, "she was scared last night. You can't do it again."

Tin nine is.

Huo Yue has been sitting alone for a long time. Is it suitable for him to propose tonight?

As Xi Jiu said, he has not yet solved the intimate problem with He Wei. They are not like two people in love. Huo Yue doesn't want to think deeply. It's strange to think about it.

He Wei respects him so far.

He's not her father, he doesn't need her respect.

Not close enough, Huo Yue now proposes, let alone He Wei, that is, he feels inappropriate, as if he can't wait to prove something, rather than the feelings come naturally. "What to do?" Huo Yue felt that he had never been so worried since he left his hometown at the age of 17.

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