Time soon arrived in the old calendar year. It rained occasionally in Hong Kong. It was wet and cold.

Huo Yue has something to do in the new year. He wants to go back to Yuecheng.

And He Wei can get the president's vacation and have two months off in one year.

"Come back with me?" Huo Yue asked her, "it's just time to go back to your own home for the new year."

He Wei wants to go very much, but she just took over the bank, everything is not stable, she left for half a month, it's a little risky.

The old man gave her the job, but it's up to her to convince the public. She's too young and has been promoted. How many people are waiting to see her jokes.

He Wei said, "I won't go this year, but can you bring me some gifts?"

"Good." Huo Yue Road.

He Wei asked tentatively, "can you accompany me to the department store?"

Huo Yue said with a smile, "OK."

He Wei bowed his head and smiled.

Huo Yue raised her chin: "isn't it my duty to go shopping with you? Why do you think I will refuse to have fun? "

He Wei smiled again.

Huo Yue looked at her seriously, and seemed to want to say more to her, making the relationship between the two more natural: "isn't it?"

"I'm afraid you're upset." He smiled.

"Why bother? It's your right to be a girlfriend. Don't you think about how to make me fulfill my boyfriend's obligations? " Huo Yue Road.

He Wei is a little surprised. Not surprised at what he said, but surprised himself, never thought about what he would do.

She used to be different from George.

The development of male and female friends may be husband and wife. Husband and wife are the most intimate relationship in the world, whether in psychology, law or social recognition.

But he Wei is closer to Huo Yue than his neighbors.

She got huoyue, just like a poor girl, looking forward to a diamond necklace every day. The expensive price made her spend all of her money, but suddenly one day she got it by accident.

She was not happy, but worried about gain and loss, for fear that the necklace would be lost, or accidentally damaged by her. What's more, she felt that her clothes and makeup were not worthy of the necklace.

Don't say she's close. She wants to bury it in the safe.

"I..." she opened her mouth to explain, but found that the words were powerless. She did not know where to start.

The eyes of Huo Yue are dim.

He took He Wei's hand and said, "let's go and buy what you want."

He Wei nodded, and then he was silent all the way. She was still distracted, as if they had just established their relationship, and she was full of worries.

The remaining light of Huo Yue saw her.

He sighed deeply in his heart, but he could do nothing but think, "what should I do with her?"

He Wei got out of the car and bought two bottles of soda.

Huo Yue didn't like to drink this kind of thing, but he still took it in his hand and gave face a drink.

She's in a better mood.

"... how about this mink?" He Wei asked, "we can't use mink in such weather in Hong Kong, can we? But every time I go to dinner, the women in the restaurant wear tulle and wear a mink. "

"Yes, expensive things symbolize identity," said Huo Yue

"Then I'll buy this for my mom." He Wei Dao.

Huo Yue saw that she just took another one: "didn't he buy it all?"

He Wei said, "this one looks good."

In fact, she wanted to buy one for her sister. After all, her sister is old, and she is old enough to talk about marriage. The things in Yuecheng are cold and gloomy. The clothes are dignified and warm. The young girls are playful and fashionable.

But she doesn't have enough money.

"Do you want it yourself? I'll buy it for you. " Huo Yue Road.

He Wei said, "I really can't wear it. I'm afraid of getting angry."

Huo Yue is not easy to force.

He Wei has bought a lot of things, clothes, shoes and socks. She really has the look of being a big sister. Everyone of her brothers and sisters thought of it.

The driver moved all her shopping to the car.

He Wei thought of his words before he went out, and thought that they couldn't do this, so she planned to play coquettish.

She took Huo Yue's arm, just like a normal girlfriend: "it's too hard for you to go shopping with me. Can I treat you to dinner?"

"It's my pleasure," said Huo Yue

"But I've bought all my money. You have to pay for it." He Wei blinked his eyes.

"OK." Huo Yue pulled the heart all the way and finally eased it.

They went to the restaurant, passed by a shop and heard a beautiful piano music.

He Wei stopped and said to Huo Yue, "this is the first piano music I learned. At that time, when I practiced every day, my fingers were swollen. "

Huo Yue remembers that she told him at that time, and he kept it in mind.

Many years later, he would be played to him from time to time. However, what he really wants is to play for him once.

This shop sells western wedding dresses.

Huo Yue pulls He Wei's hand: "go in and listen."

He Wei then saw the brand. It's too late to refuse. He Yue took him to the store.

But when she came in, she met George head-on.

George is trying on his tuxedo. The black tuxedo sets off his slender figure. He has deep eyebrows and handsome eyes.

He Wei remembers that a long time ago, she and George discussed where to get married, what kind of wedding to do, which guests to invite and so on.

She and George were stunned when they suddenly met.

"George, how about this one?" In the dressing room, Irene came out in her wedding dress.

Her wedding dress is all plain, without lace decoration, and her skirt is swaying to the ground, which makes her figure slim and attractive, and does not rob her of the appearance.

Her hair was curled up and her eyes were radiant.

He Wei didn't think they were going to get married. He Wei was surprised to see Rowling.

Rowling changed her face immediately.

The atmosphere was awkwardly awkward for a moment.

"Shall we go?" He Wei pulls Huo Yue's hand and rushes out.

Huo Yue pauses a step, He Wei releases his hand and rushes out.

The dark clouds in the heart of Huo Yue have just dissipated, and now they are gathering again.

When they went to eat, Huo Yue never spoke.

He Wei carefully looked at his face, trying to say something, but he could not find the chance to speak.

Two people ate rice, returned home, Huo Yue went to the study.

Later, what did the entourage say? He Wei vaguely heard that Huo Yue smashed something.

The retinue came out with a face of vegetable.

He Wei felt uneasy.

In the evening, Huo Yue said to He Wei, "I'm going back to Yuecheng today. I'll try to come early after the Spring Festival. Are you all right alone? "

"I'm fine. Don't worry." He Wei said.

Huo Yue gave her a hug, turned around and left.

In the next few days, He Wei was in a bad mood.

When she saw George, she thought of the scene of their association, and then put it on Huo Yue. He Wei felt that he could never be like Huo Yue.

The idea made her miserable.

Then she thought, Huo Yue's face is not very good, do you think she intentionally took him to the wedding dress shop to test his idea? Otherwise, why do you rush back to Yuecheng and get so angry?

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