Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1585 decisions and future

Huo Yue got the consent of his Wei's parents.

He said to Mu Sanniang and he mengde, "my father-in-law and mother-in-law keep this secret for the time being. I want to propose slightly like the new one..."

mu Sanniang heard from her second daughter that the new one has many tricks and is very strange in many ways. When she overheard her talking about friends, mu Sanniang felt incredible, and now the young people are very strange Bold and shameless.

"We won't say that." "Mu Sanniang said with a smile," don't worry. "

Huo Yue got the approval of the future father-in-law and mother-in-law. He was in a good mood.

On the thirtieth of the year, Huo Yue proposed to quit his post and nominated a new leader when he had a reunion dinner. He shocked the gang members and didn't know what he meant.

Later, it was said that Longtou had been promoting and retiring from the post in recent years.

It has been six or seven years since Huo Fengjing disappeared. He always has such a bright future. He has deliberately cultivated his second in command - in addition to Xijiu.

Huo Yue knows Xijiu well. Xijiu is very capable, but he has no ambition. He is very satisfied with his family. He has no plan to be the leader of Qingbang.

On the first day of the new year, Huo Yue gave Huo static money and told her to be obedient too. Instead of staying at home all the time, she had to go out and walk more, so she flew to Hong Kong in a hurry.

Hong Kong also celebrated the lunar new year. The streets were full of stalls selling jasmine, Narcissus, firecrackers and couplets.

He Wei bought a lot of flowers and couplets to decorate Huo Yue's house, which was full of joy.

On the thirtieth of the year, Mr. Leton returned to Hong Kong with his eldest son and granddaughter, Anna, to spend a few days in Hong Kong.

The old man asked He Wei, "is the bank still working smoothly?"

He Wei said: "fortunately, with the help of colleagues, there is no big problem at present."

The old man said: "I seldom meet such a talented young man as you. We are friends in need. I want to take you to England and train you for a few years. In the future, all the banks in Asia will be handed over to you.

My two sons, one with average ability and one with a passion for art, are not materials for taking over. I just let it go for less than a year. A lot of things have happened. I need to go back to Europe in advance.

I'll leave the day after tomorrow afternoon. Do you think about it? You used to study in Europe and get used to life in England. If you stay in Hong Kong, you are just a branch president. If I die, your position will be worrying. I'm so old. How many years can I help you?

If you go to the head office to study for five years, and later have your own contacts, even if I am not there, you also have capital. "

He Wei didn't say anything at that time.

She followed the old man to dinner with Matthew Leton and Anna, which was the new year's Eve.

Back to huoyue's home, He Wei looks at the luxurious half mountainside villa, tossing and turning.

Since Huo Yue kissed her, her heart has been unstable, thinking that he will leave her one day; then, they go to sleep, and she actively pesters.

When she went to Singapore, she heard that Shi Xingfu said that Huo Yue would not get married. But they entered the wedding dress shop by mistake. Huo Yue came back that night and lost his temper with his entourage. He usually didn't.

He Wei has been trembling, holding the driftwood carefully and collecting the treasure.

Maybe it's time to admit it: she doesn't deserve it at all.

"I stayed in Hong Kong, feeling shaky and uncertain about my career. If I go to England with the old man, at least I will not worry about my career. " She said to herself.

She also found that the girl who was brave enough to pursue Huo Yue's love was 15 years old.

Now she is still very fond of huoyue, but she dare not show it or expect it. She is so reckless to fulfill her wish for the 15-year-old girl.

It's time for her to plan for herself now.

He Wei took a deep breath. He got up early in the new year and went to the hotel where the old man stayed.

She told the old man about her decision.

"I'll go with you to England." He Wei said, "you're right. Britain is better for me."

The old gentleman was very happy and worried about her repentance. He asked her, "what about your gentleman?"

"There are many girls like me in his present position. He doesn't plan to get married, so he won't be short of people." He Wei said, "it doesn't matter. He is a very rational person. Once he knows that I have a better future, he will bless me."

He Wei thought about the expression of xiahuo Yue.

Huo Yue heard her decision, and probably frowned, which was his real displeasure.

The next second, however, his sanity will subdue his displeasure. He would wake up like the morning when she was 15 and think of the most realistic problems.

He will tell her that her pursuit is right, because she is a woman of the new era, and her ambition for work is worthy of encouragement.

He Wei thought of it, and his heart hurt.

She hoped huoyue could keep her, but she knew it was impossible.

"Well, I'll ask Matthew to book a cabin." The old man said, "let's start the day after tomorrow. You hand over the work of the bank. For the time being, the vice president will act for you. When I get back to the head office, I will send someone."

He Weidao is.

Coming out of the hotel, she walked alone in the street.

There are traces of firecrackers on the street, and the aftertaste of light sulfur left after the firecrackers are set off. This is the unique flavor of the new year.

He Wei has a sour nose.

She is inexplicably reluctant to live in Hong Kong, although she has not lived here for a long time, and there are not many beautiful things.

When she returned to Huo Yue's house, the servant said, "Miss He, the master is back."

He Wei's steps stop in place.

All of a sudden she wanted to cry.

The reason why she can't bear Hong Kong is that Huo Ye is here!

Here she got the most precious thing in her life - Huo Ye's response to her. He didn't push her away, he didn't turn her down.

He doesn't need to love her. To accept her is enough to move her.

But she can't always take advantage.

He Wei went upstairs.

She saw Huo Yue, threw her arms around his neck, put her lips close to his ears, and wanted to kiss him.

Huo Yue picked her up: "how are you doing?"

If they were in love, he would probably ask her: miss me?

That's normal.

He Wei feels that he has been wronged. Did he accept her because she was abandoned by George and bullied by Rowling?

"Weiwei, I have something to tell you." Huo Yue hugged her, arm very hard.

He Wei felt that he was going to say something about leaving her.

She can't keep her with her own body. What kind of woman has Huo Ye never seen?

He Wei didn't want to be too embarrassed, so she let go of Huo Yue and pushed him to show him to let go. She stood in front of him, raised her face and looked into his eyes: "Mr. Huo, I have something to tell you. Old Mr. Leighton asked me to work in the head office of the UK. I agreed to go the day after tomorrow. "

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