After he Wei got engaged, he sent telegrams to his relatives and friends.

Gu Qingzhou calls back and asks when she will have the wedding.

He Wei also asked Huo Yue, "shall we have a wedding party?"

"No." Huo Yue Road.

He Wei seemed to understand what he was going to say, and he could not help showing his joy. After the original determination of the mind, there will be no misinterpretation of any of his words.

She was full of expectation and waited. As expected, she heard Huo Yue say, "I want to have a wedding in April. It's not hot or cold. I'm afraid I can't wait to book a wedding banquet for at least half a year. "

He smiles.

"... I asked Xi Jiu to prepare the wedding venue. I wanted to be in Hong Kong. Later, I thought, I'd better go back to Yuecheng. The hotel has been booked and can be used at any time.

I also asked someone to book the wedding dress. It's the brand that Miss Si wore when she got married. I made several sets according to your size. They will be delivered at the beginning of next month. Then you can see which one you like " Huo Yue Road.

He Wei put his arms around his waist and raised his face to ask him, "are you really ready?"

"Well, what else would I do in Hong Kong?" Huo Yue bowed her head and kissed her on the lips.

Then he said, "now that you have said it, let's fix the date?"

"The old calendar or the new calendar's April?" He asked.

If it's a new calendar, I'm afraid it's too late, because it's the middle of February now.

The old calendar is just at the beginning of the first month. After three months, almost everything is ready.

"According to you. You are the bride, everything depends on your preference. " Huo Yue Road.

He Wei went to look through the calendar.

She first selected the Yellow calendar, and then checked the new calendar, and found that the new calendar day of the ninth day of May is very good. The early summer scenery of Yuecheng is picturesque and the temperature is suitable.

"How is the day?" She asked Huo Yue.

Huo Yue has no opinion. If he can get married, he will be: "OK."

Therefore, Huo Yue told Xijiu the date of his marriage and let him handle everything.

Before long, relatives and friends formally received an invitation to marry Huo Yue and He Wei.

He mengde and mu Sanniang are very happy.

He Wei is finally getting married. Mu Sanniang attaches great importance to their first child's marriage.

Mr. Huo knows his family's roots. Mu Sanniang doesn't want to be fat, so he doesn't prepare any expensive dowry.

She made shoes and old clothes for huoyue and He Wei.

These things are enough to keep her busy.

Gu Qingzhou also received an invitation.

That day, she was having afternoon tea with a group of people, and the servant handed over the invitation.

"Then we are going back to Yuecheng in May. I haven't been back for a long time." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "just in time, I'm going to take Kaikai and Qifang to see their mulberry land."

Gu Shaoze said, "I haven't been back for a long time."

Gu Ying said, "there used to be an aunt in our family who gave birth to a girl and was taken back to the countryside and also to Yuecheng."

What she said was Gu Zhen, Xiangxue's daughter.

"Yes, there is one." Gu chuckled.

"I really want to see her," said Gu. Seriously, she is the only one in the world who is related to me. "

After saying that, she was shocked to feel that she had lost her words and hurriedly said to Gu Qingzhou and Gu Shao, "elder brother and elder sister, I have no other meaning."

Gu Shao said: "I also want to see her. She's six or seven years old, isn't she? "

In a flash, all these years have passed.

"It depends on whether people are willing to see us." Gu said, "it's very impolite for us to disturb people's lives if they don't want to."

"Why not?" Gu Ying doesn't understand.

Gu Shao said: "aunt Si is still alive. They have their own mother and sister. Why would they want to see us irrelevant people? Now I'm not looking after the mansion. "

"Gu mansion" is like a long memory.

When Gu Qingzhou returned to the Gu mansion, he was faced with a bloodbath. But now in retrospect, she only remembered that the plane trees outside her room were very thick. Si Xingfu often turned to her room from there. The flowers and grass there were still a little warm.

"Let's go back this time and see the Gu mansion?" Gu Ying asked again.

"Go back and see," Gu said

Yan Yiyuan, who was drinking tea in silence, never answered these words.

Gu Qingzhou asked Yan Yiyuan, "five brothers, don't you go back?"

In recent years, the biggest change is Yan Yiyuan.

Pain can completely change a person's brain structure. When a person's way of thinking and temperament have changed, is this body the same person as before?

Gu Qingzhou doesn't think so.

She can't find the warmth of sunshine when she looks at Yan Yiyuan now. He has a protective cover on his body, which protects him from the wind. No one can get close to him.

"I can't." He smiled and said calmly.

Gu Shao and Gu Ying look at him in surprise.

Yan Yiyuan didn't explain. He bowed his head and drank tea.

Si Xingfu and Si qiongzhi and Pei Cheng are sitting next to each other. They just listen to Gu's brother and sister with a smile. They have no interface.

Later, when the crowd was gone, Gu Qingzhou went to Yan Yiyuan.

Yan Yiyuan has been in Singapore for a long time. When he came to Singapore, he met with his uncle. Now he often goes fishing and playing chess, and occasionally goes to the warship with his uncle.

He was busy and full, but he didn't speak much.

He always sent people to inquire about Huo fongjing. When he left, she was a little more alive. He couldn't sleep all night. Then he decided not to appear in front of her again.

"Are you really not going back?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Yan Yiyuan said: "I will go back to see my parents, but I will not attend the wedding of Lord Huo, or ah Jing will suffer."

Gu Qingzhou sighs.

Yan Yiyuan has figured it out these years.

What he can't accept is his loss. At the moment of the original explosion, he lost his a Jing. Now even if he wanted to come back to her, she would never love him again.

He has changed from inside to outside. He is no longer the man he used to be. He seems to have changed his blood all over.

What about ah Jing?

Compared with him, ah Jing is not the same person as before.

The leaves are luxuriant. They turn yellow and fall off in autumn. Will they be the leaves of last year?

The tree will never change, but it is not the same tree as last year.

He is the same as Huo Xunjing. Their bodies are the same as before, and people are not anymore.

It's no good to force Huo to live a depressed life every day.

"To be nice to her is to be far away from her. It turns out that's true. " Yan Yiyuan said, "I want her to have a better life. She's really suffering."

"Five elder brothers..." Yan Yiyuan waved and let Gu Qingzhou stop saying: "my own business, I and a Jing know each other well, don't worry about us."

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