Gu Qingzhou returned to Yuecheng from Singapore to attend the wedding ceremony of Huo Yue and He Wei. He came by air.

She took many people with her: yuzao and her two sons, siqiongzhi and Peicheng, Gu Shao and Gu Ying.

At the end of the wedding banquet, Gu Shao and Gu Ying can't wait to review the mansion. Gu Qingzhou also took Si Xingfu with the children.

After the house returned to the name of Gu Qingzhou, she did not sell it again, but sent two old servants to guard it and clean and ventilate it every day.

When they came back, the lights of the Gu mansion were bright, so that the oil peach tree in the courtyard was golden and bright, and the leaves looked like emerald under the lights.

"... nothing has changed!" Gu Ying stood at the gate, the original also excited mood, tears can not stop.

"I used to come here, but I didn't go through the front door very much. I just turned in the back window."

Gu Ying looks at him in astonishment.

Then she looked at Gu Shao and said, "brother, do you know?"

"I live next door to Zhouzhou. Don't I know?" Gu Shao smiled bitterly.

He wanted to vent a few words and thought that Si Xingfu always smelled shameless.

Gu Ying can't help shaking her head.

She didn't know the real identity of Gu Qingzhou. She thought she was the princess of the royalist party and didn't know that she was born by Mrs. Hirano and Gu Guizhang.

Gu didn't plan to make it public.

"... let's get in touch with aunt Siyi. Can we meet Gu Ke?" Gu Ying asks Gu Qingzhou again.

She can't make up her mind.

As Gu Qingzhou said, Auntie Sihe and her children have a new life. Maybe she will marry again. If so, aunt four may not be willing to contact the old people of Gu mansion.

"Let's stay for a few days. I sent someone to look for it. Maybe I'll come back tomorrow." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Are you all set up?" Gu Ying is very happy.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "you have said this for a long time. How can I not arrange it for you?"

That night, Gu Ying and Gu Shao lived in the Gu mansion. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu took the children to Yan's house, while Si qiongzhi and Peicheng returned to the former governor's house.

Mrs. Yan wept with joy. She held yuzao's hand and never let it go.

Yan Xinnong is also in the city.

Today, he happened to go to the wedding of Huo Yue.

"Teacher seat!" They are reminiscing about the past. A young officer came in and gave a salute to Si Xingqi in sweat.

It shows his eagerness.

He chuckled at Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou, showing his big white teeth.

"Deng Gao!" Si xingxu stood up and hugged him.

Deng Gao is his former adjutant and the most important confidant. Later, after Si Xingfu withdrew, he was entrusted to Yan Xinnong.

Many of his subordinates are doing well in the army.

He looked at Deng Gao. "Promoted?"

"Yes, he's a brigade chief now." Yan Xinnong is connecting.

Deng gaohehe laughed and said, "Sir, please help me. How many days will you stay here? Shall we go to our army and have a look? "

"Well, wait for the day after tomorrow." Si Xingfu road.

Deng Gao's excitement passed before he thought of Gu Qingzhou and saluted him: "madam."

Gu Qingzhou stands up: "Deng Gao, congratulations."

She didn't go out to call for louzuo, because these people are all her husband's close relatives and their own.

"Thank you very much, madam." Deng Gao said with a smile.

Then, Deng Gao stares at Gu's two sons.

Gu Qingzhou's two sons are two years old. Now they can run, shout and mischievous. They are two energetic children who drag down the suckling mother.

Deng Gao picked up both of them: "my God, both of them are like a teacher seat, like a small teacher seat, ha ha..."

he was very surprised.

Gu Qingzhou can't hold his forehead.

"Like what, I was not so naughty when I was a child." The Secretary said with frown.

Gu Qingzhou, Yan Xinnong and Mrs. Yan look at him together.

It's hard for Si Xingfu to be a little embarrassed: "I play more innovative. Unlike these two little ghosts, I only know naughtiness."

Gu Qingzhou leads the way. Everyone laughs.

He found that his platform could not be built up, because what virtue he was, these people who were closest to him knew that there was no soil for him to boast.

In the evening, yuzao sleeps with Mrs. Yan.

Si Xingfu and Deng Gao went out for drinks overnight, as if they had called other subordinates. He also asked Gu Qingzhou, "are you going or not?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "I have to take care of Kaikai and Qifang. Besides, you soldiers are not shy about your meat and I don't want to be restrained because of my presence. "

He laughed.

After coaxing the children to sleep, Gu Qingzhou and Yan Xinnong talked in the living room, mainly about the recent situation in Singapore.

"Ah Hui's decision in that year was very wise. The original meritorious officials won four in less than two years. Once the junta is handed over, it is the fish that is slaughtered by others. " Yan Xinnong smiled bitterly.

"How about Shanxi?" Gu Qingzhou said

"Shanxi is still stable. After all, ye Xiaoyuan has medium and iron, and he is not short of money." Yan Xinnong said.

Gu Qingzhou breathed slowly.

She asked a lot of questions about the situation in China, and learned that her friends were very good. The forces of Yunnan and Zhuo family contracted by 40%, but they were all mentally prepared and peaceful. The Ye family was not affected, and ye Xiaoyuan was still the emperor of Shanxi.

"... how are you?" Gu Qingzhou also asked Yan Xinnong.

Yan Xinnong said: "I was not born into a warlord, but I was valued, and I was attracted everywhere. Now in the military department, I can speak. "

Gu Qingzhou was relieved.

As long as the position of the adoptive father is stable, the party members who stay at home will not be cut off.

"What is your situation in Singapore?" Yan Xinnong also asked, "the news we have here says that you are very dormant, almost ordinary people."

Gu Qingzhou did not know where to start.

His warship is hired. Singaporeans don't know, not even Nanjing.

The British sent a new governor to Singapore, but the man was the result of the activities of the chief executive officer, who was equal to the puppet of the chief executive officer, and had a handle on the chief executive officer.

In order to reassure the four neighbors, Si Xingfu also secretly supported the new Malay royal family, that is, he united with the old several princes and established a Malay Dynasty in Kuala Lumpur by bribing British officials.

The royal family has no military power or political power. It still relies on the British to pay salaries every month, but it exists.

Its existence makes other people who secretly poke at Singapore's independence unable to find a chance to talk. It also makes those "Royalty" kill each other and accelerate internal friction.

At the same time, Nanjing side must also think that there are two governments in the tiny area of Xinpo, only when they are in deep water and are not interested in worrying about them.

These words are the secret of Gu Qingzhou's couple, and she will not tell anyone, including her adoptive father.

It is not distrust, but some secrets are not suitable for senior officials of Nanjing government to know, otherwise, they will be trapped in the dilemma of the adoptive father.

Their identities are different today. "We just want a few simple days." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "it's enough not to be bullied. Other people don't want it. If Si xingxu and my dad had ambitions, they would not have quit at the beginning. "

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