Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1598 aggressive

Xu Qizhen didn't know Yan Kai had a mother.

If she wants to marry Yan Ziqing, her family will naturally investigate her.

Yan Ziqing did not talk about his girlfriend or get married. There are many women around him, who never lack them, but they are not serious girls.

To be honest, there is absolutely no innocence to speak of; or to be a bastard, he is also very accurate. He has not specially held the actor or the star, nor frequently went to the boudoir of a famous opera.

It's just such a person. He has small problems and can live up to the big issues.

What's more, his family is a gang, and they do arms business. That's the business of licking blood with the edge of a knife. Compared with his family background, his minor problems are insignificant.

Xu Qizhen agrees to get married, because he pulls her out of the dilemma, or she will fall into the situation of her second brother.

She also told him that you can play outside as long as you don't disturb her.

But she never thought that her stepson actually had a mother-in-law, and the other side was a much more beautiful woman than her.

Yamamoto is very elegant, eyes slightly cocked, beautiful with charm and charm, Xu Qizhen is incomparable.

"... Miss Yamamoto, you go to my restaurant every day. Do you want to see my character? Don't trust me to be your child's stepmother, you can bring it up, so peeping at me, isn't it a villain's heart? " Asked Xu Qizhen.

Yamamoto's face turned red.

She was very embarrassed, and her eyes were slightly wet: "Mrs. Yan, you are so thoughtful. I didn't know you were Ziqing's wife..."

"who believes this Asked Xu Qizhen.

She is aggressive.

Yan Ziqing never spoke.

Yamamoto is very embarrassed and looks at Yan Ziqing.

Yan Ziqing just waved her head, which meant that she could bear it.

Yamamoto can't help clenching his fingers.

"Ziqing, since you already know me, please tell Miss Yamamoto about me. Don't come near me again. Tonight is Ah Mei's eighth birthday. I'm going back to Xu's house. " Xu Qizhen said.

"Can I take you?" said Yan Zi

Xu Qizhen shakes her head.

According to the original plan, she went to the shop to buy a hair band for her little niece, which was inlaid with diamonds, like a princess.

After she left, Yamamoto bowed his head and covered his face with his hands.

Yan Ziqing asked, "did you go to her restaurant?"


"Why?" Yan Ziqing frowned slightly. "You don't want to do this. Qi Zhen is not in a good mood. She will lose sleep occasionally. If she is too upset, she will lose control of her mood. Don't provoke her. "

Yamamoto raised her face.

In a flash, she got angry and smashed her cup to Yan Ziqing: "you deliberately pissed me off, didn't you?"

Coffee splashed all over Yan Ziqing.

Yan Ziqing's white shirt was stained with coffee, and the stain was a little bit stained. He wiped it at will, without movement or anger.

"You... Deliberately allow others to accuse me, and also deliberately favor others in front of me." Yamamoto choked, "you weren't like that before."


Yan Ziqing took out a cigarette and lit it. After taking a deep breath, he was able to suppress all the floating emotions.

"You said you wanted to be nice to me. You don't count. What are you talking about?" Her voice is not high, always with a grievance nasal sound, like that young and lovely girl.

She is two years younger than Yan Ziqing. She is 28 years old this year. When I first met Yan Ziqing, she was only seventeen years old. Eleven years passed in a flash.

Yan Ziqing, sitting in front of her, became more mature and handsome, but also changed her character.

Yamamoto was born into a big family. Her father and her family fled to India after a failed fight. They were ambushed when they passed Singapore.

All his parents were killed and Yamamoto was alone in the street.

She was dirty, like a rat in the gutter, hiding her head and tail. Then she met Yan Ziqing, 19.

At that time, he was sleeker than he is now. He was the youngest son of the Yan Family's father. He was lawless.

He found Yamamoto in the alley of the casino.

She fainted from hunger.

He gave her a bowl of rice to eat and a piece of coarse cloth to wear.

The 17-year-old girl washed away all the filth and showed her fair skin. She was as beautiful and pitiful as a delicate porcelain doll.

Yan Ziqing took her in.

The Yan family didn't know about it.

Yan Ziqing hid her in a fireworks lane. In order to see her, he often went in and out there, and ruined his reputation, but he also covered her up and escaped her cousin's pursuit.

She would wear men's clothes and go out with him.

Three years of hiding.

In those three years, it was her happiest time. She often sleeps on his legs and talks to him in Minnan dialect, word by word.

Deep in her heart, she thought about her life with him, so she gave him herself and became pregnant.

She gave birth to Yan Kai. Yan Ziqing planned to take her home and marry her in public. However, at this time, news came that her cousin was locked up and her uncle had real power in the family.

As long as you go back to Yamamoto's house, you will have a place for her in the future.

Yamamoto did not discuss with Yan Ziqing, leaving her son, who was still under the full moon, and left a letter back to Japan.

Yan Ziqing went to Japan to find her.

She said: "Yamamoto family's industry originally had my father's share and mine. I can't leave it in a muddle. It's irresponsible to my father and my family. "

Yan Ziqing asked her, what about me? Our feelings for more than three years, and our son?

Yamamoto replied, "family is more important to me."

Yan Ziqing went back to Singapore and never looked for her again.

Later, he began to really indulge, and really mingled with the women in the land of willows. He was so drunk and gambled that nobody knew he was sleeping next to him.

Besides Yan Kai, he also has Yan Qi.

Yan Qi's mother doesn't remember who he is.

Later, there was a tragedy in his family, which made Yan sanshao, who had been in a coma for several years, wake up. He got rid of the paper addiction and helped his father manage business and gang.

He became mature and cruel. He was no longer the young boy who deeply loved Yamamoto.

"Yan Kai is eight years old this year. It's seven or eight years ago. Everyone will change." Yan Zi is clear.

"But I haven't changed!" Yamamoto said, "Yamamoto's family is mine. I can do whatever I want. For this reason, I've been suffering for years, you... Did you hear the news, just get married in a hurry, deliberately angry with me? "

Yan Ziqing took a puff of light smoke.

"My marriage with Qi Zhen has nothing to do with you." He said, "it's true. You can believe it or not. You can ask me anything. Don't go to her. "

"I want to go back to my son. I need him to inherit my family property in the future." Yamamoto's quiet road.

"Your family, like ours, is engaged in invisible business, which is not worthy of inheritance for Kay." Yan Ziqing said, "still that sentence, the child can recognize you, but will not give you." Yamamoto raised her head slowly, and her eyes were full of tears: "I want not only children, but also you. You should all be mine... "

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