Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1609 real threats

A bowl of cold noodles aroused Yan Ziqing's appetite.

He didn't have lunch or dinner until now, when his appetite opened, he couldn't stop.

He pointed to a dish of fried dumplings filled with leeks, full of leeks; a big bowl of chaos, a portion of steamed spareribs, and finally a bowl of sweet potato seedlings with osmanthus.

Xu Qizhen's kitchen is prepared for four people's supper, which he ate all.

"You must be fat later. You are a fat man." Xu Qizhen said.

Yan Ziqing disagreed: "I have a wife and children. If I'm fat, I'll be fat. What's the charm I need?"

Xu Qizhen was afraid that he could not digest his accumulated food, so he said to him, "let's go out for a walk, just for a chat."

After entering the night, the summer heat fades away, with the fragrance of ash in the night wind.

Yan Ziqing said to Xu Qizhen, "every year when the fragrant ash blossoms, it means that summer is coming."

"It smells good." Xu Qizhen said, "I haven't heard such flowers in Nanjing."

"Aren't you in France all the time?" Yan Ziqing asked.

Xu Qizhen said: "in those years, most of the time is still in Nanjing. Nanjing is my home. If you are free in the future, I will take you to Nanjing to play. "

She paused and felt that the topic was far away. She forced it back and asked him about Yamamoto.

Yan Ziqing is silent and subconsciously wants to touch his pocket.

His pocket is empty. He's finished smoking all his cigarettes today.

He walked forward a few steps, as if to sort out his thoughts, and then said to Xu Qizhen: "the old man came out in person..."

when he pulled Yamamoto to leave school, Yamamoto did not talk all the way.

When she arrived at the hotel where she stayed, she grabbed Yan Ziqing's corner and did not let it loose. Yan Ziqing pulled it twice without pulling it out.

He sat with her in the restaurant downstairs for a long time.

She said a lot about one thing: she wanted to start over.

"You can't ruin your marriage just to be angry with me and to be with a woman you don't love?" She said so.

"I didn't love Xu Qizhen, I didn't destroy my marriage, I'm very happy," Yanzi said

"You don't have to be so angry with me." Yamamoto's quiet road.

Yan Ziqing suddenly froze.

Because at that moment, he was sure that he was not angry with her, nor was he thoughtful. He was subconsciously saying what he had in mind.

He and Xu Qizhen together, there is no unhappiness.

Xu Qizhen is in a bad mood, and she will not lose control for no reason. She works hard to go in a good direction, which Yan Ziqing can see and is very moved.

She can write accounts, speak English and French, paint oil and play piano. She is full of talent and is a real lady.

Sometimes when Yan Ziqing sees her, he subconsciously thinks that she is a great person.

Besides, she can cook.

Her food is unique. Yan Ziqing has never eaten anything better than her.

Let alone him. His father and children also praised Xu Qizhen.

Another point: Xu Qizhen needs him!

Yan Ziqing still has many defects in his feelings. Xu Qizhen's need for him makes him feel very important.

Of course, there is a more important point, he and Xu Qizhen's bed is very harmonious.

It's hard to achieve that.

Sometimes the man himself is happy, but he knows that his woman is not happy because of him, and he will feel a little guilty.

Xu Qizhen is not. Her body is easy to please.

So Yan Ziqing didn't lie. He was very happy.

When he raised his eyes, he found Yamamoto was looking at her. She has a unique face, whether it is a close look or a glance, it will be amazing.

Yan Ziqing collected his mind.

Yamamoto asked him, "you just lost your mind. Are you thinking about her?"

Yan Ziqing said truthfully: "yes, I am still thinking about whether I am happy or not. I've figured it out. I'm fine, and my marriage is good

Yamamoto lowered his eyelashes.

She looks sad and aggrieved.

She was so pitiful for five minutes. When she raised her eyes again, she saw the pain of Yan Ziqing's eyes.

She knew that any strong support happiness is false, his heart only her.

As long as she shows a little sadness, he can't stand it. He takes her as his life.

So deep feelings, how can you just abandon it?

Yamamoto has so many men chasing her, she never promised, her heart is always only Yan Ziqing.

"If you think it's very good, then..." her words, the aftertone continued, curling in her ear.

Then, as expected, she saw Yan Ziqing reaching out and holding her hand.

This is the first time he has taken the initiative in such a long time.

Yamamoto is very happy.

Yan Ziqing wants to say something, and the old man of the Yan family comes.

His men took Yamamoto and Yan Ziqing to the room upstairs.

after a while, Yamamoto was placed in Singapore's four eyeliner, all brought in.

In front of Yamamoto's quiet face, Yan took one shot, splashing blood and brain all over her body. She dared not move. The whole person was stiff. Finally, Yan said: "within ten years, you and your people are not allowed to enter the Malay Peninsula. Miss Yamamoto, if you want to kill my daughter-in-law's family, let's try. See if it's my gun or yours. If you don't want to die, get out tonight. If you make trouble in Singapore, all of you will be buried together. I promise to do so. "

After he left, Yamamoto shuddered and hugged Yan Ziqing.

She left in a hurry all night.

Yan Ziqing tells Xu Qizhen about Yan's personal appearance.

"... your family is safe as long as they are still in Singapore. She dare not make trouble in Singapore." Yan Zi is clear.

At this point, he bowed his head.

Then he raised his eyes, "Qi Zhen, I still have her in my heart, but I promised you, so I will never look back. I won't lie to you about it. "

"I know." Xu Qizhen was not surprised.

Because he still has Yamamoto in mind, he can't be as decisive as Yan.

His father did him a big favor.

"Then are we stable?" Xu Qizhen said, "she won't pester you and Kaikai again, will she?"

"No." Yan Zi is clear.

Xu Qizhen nodded with satisfaction.

Yan Ziqing asked again, "don't you mind? I... "

" I don't mind. " Xu Qizhen said, "I also have the past. I know it doesn't conflict with the present. My determination to live with you has nothing to do with who is in my heart. The past is memory. No matter how deep the memory is, it will fade slowly. "

Yan Ziqing listened to this sentence and was silent again.

He seems to think something is wrong.

He didn't make sense of this. He lived here in Xu Qizhen. He was so tired that neither of them had insomnia.

Sleep is the best medicine. Yan Ziqing, who woke up the next day, recovered as usual, so did Xu Qizhen. The trouble Yamamoto brings to them seems to have passed.

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