Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1611 irreplaceable food

Yamamoto received a letter from Singapore a week later.

It was Chen Shengji who sent it to her.

She was so angry that she burned the letter with the picture.

A back head spoon and less than a fifth of the side face, how to calculate the picture?

And Chen Shengji actually said he would not help her anymore.

Yamamoto has been cut off by Yan Lao. She can't go to Singapore or send people. Now Chen Shengji doesn't contact her anymore.

She didn't give up on him and wrote a letter.

She used to despise Chen Shengji very much. Now, for the sake of her son and man, she used some ambiguous means to Chen Shengji, hoping to cheat his trust.

I can't think of it. The letter was so overwhelming that I didn't respond.

Then she wrote two more letters, and no reply.

Chen Shengji is determined not to help her anymore.

"Well, don't blame me! I can't clean up the Yan family, or I can clean up you! " Yamamoto thought quietly and coldly.

Yan Kai won the championship of the tennis match. He asked his parents to take him to the cliff of Malacca to find the bird's nest. Yan Ziqing must fulfill this promise.

"When I step on the bird's nest, I can make bird's nest porridge for you." Xu Qizhen said.

Her eyes were bright at Yan Ziqing.

Yan Ziqing found that when she was excited or expected, her eyes were very bright and could shine into people's hearts.

Although it's a little dangerous, how can the Yan family be afraid of danger?

"Are you afraid of heights?" Yan Ziqing asks Xu Qizhen.

"I'm not afraid of anything," said Xu

"Don't brag, let's try a tall building." Yan Zi is clear.

The tallest building in Singapore is the governor's mansion, which has nine floors. When viewed from the top, pedestrians and cars are like ants.

However, the governor's office is not accessible to ordinary people.

It's more troublesome to find people in the governor's office. Although they can speak, it's better to talk to Si Xingfu. That's a matter of words.

Yan Ziqing went to see Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu was surprised: "I'm full, but I want to go to see the tall buildings?"

"We are going to play in Malacca." Yan Ziqing said truthfully.

At the same time, the spirit came out: "it's very exciting."

Yan Ziqing said warily, "what are you doing? I'm taking my son and wife to play. Are you annoying and annoying? "

Si Xingfu gave him a white look: "why should I go with you? Can't you stagger the time or the place? "

Yan Ziqing: "...

Yan Ziqing, a mentally retarded man, couldn't speak for a long time, so he had to wave his hand to show that he won.

They went to the tall building and looked down. Xu Qizhen and Yan Kai were still very excited. They wished they could pull a rope down.

Although Yan Ziqing didn't say anything and was used to looking down at such a height, he still felt uncomfortable. He was not afraid of heights, but he would also be full of distrust of heights like a normal person, afraid of falling to pieces.

His wife and children are not normal people.

After confirming that there is no obstacle, Yan Ziqing takes Xu Qizhen and Yan Kai to play in Malacca.

They have collected a lot of wild bird's nests and met with people who have collected them.

Yan Ziqing knew that they had been exploited so much by a local consignee that he could not get even one twentieth of the profits, so he was a little upset.

Although he didn't mind his own business, he also went to understand and found that the local area was under the control of the gang.

Later, he engulfed the little Gang, drove the Malay away, controlled the wild bird's nest market in Malacca, and often gave Xu Qizhen some superb blood swallows.

Xu Qizhen put this extremely expensive thing in her own restaurant, the price is still the same.

This opened up a little situation for Xu Qizhen's restaurant again. Many ladies made an appointment every day to eat bird's nest. Xu Qizhen had a dozen regular guests.

Xu Qizhen didn't say thanks to Yan Zi, but she made several dishes for him and turned over the pattern.

"This is my own fish maw with money. I've made some improvements. Try it." Xu Qizhen brought vegetables to her husband and father-in-law.

Yan Lao likes it very much.

Yan Ziqing said to her, "I'll go home and let the cook do it. Aren't you tired after a busy day?"

She doesn't do it every day.

The restaurant has 15 tables of business at noon and 15 tables of business at night. It's very easy to sit up and finish all the business in less than two hours.

It's very good for Xu Qizhen to have four hours of busyness every day. It's time to exercise.

"If you're too tired, don't do it. If you're not tired, improve your food." Xu Qizhen said.

"Yan said:" then you do simple, too delicious will raise our appetite. For example, we can't eat any other soup bags after eating the soup bags you made. Sometimes it's hard to have a bite in the morning. "

Xu Qizhen was stunned and continued to laugh.

The children were infected with her and laughed.

Yan family hasn't laughed for a long time. He looks at Yan Ziqing and gives him a satisfied look.

To marry Xu Qizhen is one of the few good things Yan Ziqing has done.

"Mommy, I want to have fried dumplings." Yan Kai Dao.

Yan Ziqing also immediately interface: "also give me a, want leek filling."

"I haven't tasted it yet. Do it tomorrow. " Yan Lao Dao.

Xu Qizhen found that the family had become greedy cats.

She's afraid to fatten them all up.

Rao is so, she still smiled: "I can do it in 20 minutes, you wait a moment."

She went to the kitchen and was busy.

She is very skillful in cooking, and indeed in less than 20 minutes, the hot fried dumplings will be out of the pot.

When Yan Kai and Yan Qi were fighting, the phone rang.

"You eat first. I'll take the call." Xu Qizhen said.

Yan Lao also tasted a fried dumpling with crisp skin, delicious ingredients and delicious soup. Different from the soup bag, it adds crispness and more stimulating taste buds.

Yan Lao ate three in a row, which controlled him to put down his chopsticks and say a word.

"It's delicious." He is a bit reluctant to give up. He hasn't been so greedy for anything for a long time.

Yan Ziqing and the children nodded repeatedly, and there was no reason to know him.

He had to look at Xu Qizhen.

But see Xu Qizhen to hang up the phone to come over, the face is a little ugly, full Mou worried appearance.

"What's the matter?" Yan Lao asked.

Yan Ziqing also raised her eyes, surprised to see her: "what happened?"

"It's Gu Shao." Xu Qizhen said.

Then she looked old.

Yan Lao nodded kindly. "... the hospital said that there was something wrong with his car and people were unconscious. Ruan's family went back to Nanjing to attend the birthday of one of their grandparents. They all left. The Secretary's family went to Malacca to find the bird's nest, but he couldn't get it. He didn't wake up in the hospital, and he couldn't find his family. He only found a telephone number book in his wallet, which connected our family." Xu Qizhen said.

When Gu Shao was sent to the hospital, he did not think Pei Cheng and Si qiongzhi had gone to Hong Kong to study and were not there.

Almost no relatives or friends are in Singapore.

The people in the hospital took his notebook to record the phone number one by one, and only Xu Qizhen was there.

"You go to the hospital." Yan Lao Dao.

Gu Shao is Gu Qingzhou's brother, a friend of the Yan family. Yan Ziqing stood up, not unhappy, but very concerned to hold her hand: "it's OK, let's go and have a look."

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