Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1620 take care of your son

Xu Qizhen recently visited Gu Ying and Chen Shengji.

They both like to eat what Xu Qizhen makes. They have to make an appointment once or twice a week.

Once they were the last table.

Xu Qizhen made three more dishes, ate with them and talked about their recent situation by the way: "are you going to get married?"

She thought she would wait for a while, but she said, "yes, we plan to get married at the end of October."

It's August now.

Xu Qizhen is surprised: "so fast?"

"If you find the right one, what's wrong?" Chen Shengji said with a smile.

Xu Qizhen nodded, "yes, more careful than me. I get married faster than you."

All three laughed.

When Gu Ying went to the bathroom, Xu Qizhen asked Chen Shengji alone, "didn't you cheat her? Did you tell her about Yamamoto

"I told you." Chen Shengji said, "her elder sister and elder brother have cross examined each other. Do you want to ask too?"

Xu Qizhen loses his smile.

She's not a family member. She's not qualified to ask.

She's just a little strange about it.

"You've loved Yamamoto, how can you suddenly..." Xu Qizhen pondered the next words, "Gu Ying and Yamamoto are totally different people."

Chen Shengji agreed.

Gu Ying is different. No one in the world is the same as others.

When Chen Shengji met Gu Ying for the first time, he thought that she was very good-looking at first sight, and he was attracted to the girl with this appearance.

Yamamoto is quiet and beautiful, which is so far away that it can't be desecrated. Gu Ying can light up his mind, which makes Chen Shengji feel that he has made a detour in the past.

This is the beginning.

Everyone has their own preferences, some men like to stand side by side with their excellent women, some men like to rely on their own birds.

Gu Ying needs Chen Shengji. She is uncertain about many things, which makes Chen Shengji have a sense of existence and a great height.

Such a marriage made him more comfortable. He didn't want to be overwhelmed by women.

He is a very ordinary person himself. He is so ordinary that he has no advantages. Even moqiang thinks it's hard. He has no ambition.

He likes to go with the flow and be quiet and simple.

Gu Ying is the same as him.

"I met a better man." Chen Shengji said, "when I was with Gu Ying, I knew that this person was better and more suitable for me."

After eating, Xu Qizhen thought for a long time.

She reflected on her life.

So far, she is sure that she met Yan Ziqing, who is also a better person and more suitable for her.

No matter what the form of marriage is, at least she has no complaints about Yan Ziqing, and even the existence of Yamamoto has not stirred up ripples in her heart.

When she and Gu Shao are together, they are different. At that time, she is always very careful.

Now, Yan Ziqing takes care of her carefully.

"Is that fate?" Xu Qizhen asked himself.

As August draws to an end, Singapore's September is quiet.

Then in a flash, it's October.

October is busy.

First of all, it's the first year of Ning'an, Gu's fourth child.

The first year of the child's birthday was very grand. The relatives and friends were busy for three days. The old man even sent someone to invite a theater troupe from Shanghai to sing the three Heaven Festival.

Xu Qizhen and Yan Ziqing also took the children to attend.

She gave Gu's son a gold collar and a gold lock.

"Thank you. It would be nice if you could come." Gu chuckled.

Xu Qizhen didn't avoid her eyes this time.

She shouldn't blame Gu Qingzhou, because Gu Qingzhou hasn't talked about her feelings with Gu Shao from beginning to end. She is the adopted daughter of the Yan Family and always has to face it.

In the real face, Xu Qizhen finds that she doesn't hate her anymore.

Maybe it was her feelings for Gu Shao that faded.

On the day of the one-year-old banquet, Xu Qizhen was always with Yan Ziqing. They talked and laughed, and her parents, brother and sister-in-law, sister-in-law and husband also came.

Other people who know her say that she is now very successful in her career, that restaurant is very profitable and famous. And she and Yan Ziqing are also very kind.

Since his marriage, Yan Ziqing has never been to any fireworks place. He always takes Xu Qizhen with him when he has something to do.

As you can see, Xu Qizhen looks better than before, healthy and ruddy, and likes talking and laughing.

Troubled by her past, a little off her body, she is about to completely transform.

"Mrs. Yan, you did a good job!" Back home, Yan Ziqing got eight points drunk. He held Xu Qizhen down and kissed her lips. "You didn't look at Gu Shao. It's very good. I'm very satisfied."

Xu Qizhen did not see Gu Shao tonight, because many people said hello to her and she needed to deal with it; Yan Qi was always by her side and she had to take care of it; Yan Ziqing had to talk to her from time to time and she had to listen.

Too busy, others will forget.

Xu Qizhen pushed him: "you are really drunk. Go to the bath."

Yan Ziqing refused to move. His hand slipped in along the neckline of Xu Qizhen's dress.

Xu Qizhen was too tired. After that, she went to sleep directly and didn't change her dress.

The next day, she was woken up by a harsh phone call.

Si Xingfu growls on the phone: "Yan Laosan, you will die for me in half an hour, or I will kill your son!"

Xu Qizhen woke up all of a sudden.

She coughed deliberately first, and then said, "master, please wait a moment, Ziqing is still awake."

She heard that other people call him Si Xingqi.

Si Xingfu's mood was relaxed. He immediately changed his normal voice to Xu Qizhen: "Qi Zhen, you don't need to call him. Ask him to pick up his rogue son quickly. I'll throw him into the sea slowly."

Then he hung up.

Xu Qizhen held the phone for a long time.

Yan Ziqing was also woken up, confused and asked, "what's the matter?"

"I don't know." Xu Qizhen is in a fog.

They arrived at the Secretary's house an hour later and found that Yan Kai was standing upright.

It turns out that last night, Yan Kai said that he would go back first with his entourage, but he hid in yuzao's room.

Si Xingqi personally sent yuzao back to his room to sleep. He didn't notice that there was a child under the bed.

Today, he went to wake up his baby daughter in the early morning, but he saw that Yan Kai and Yu Zao were sleeping peacefully together, and they were still holding hands.

The manager's gas exploded.

Yuzao then said: "brother Kai wants to ask me how to get the burn scar. He also wants one. I told him no, then we were sleepy. "

Gu Qingzhou is covered with black lines.

Yuzao is seven years old, and Yan kaicai is eight years old. It's the age of two kids who have no idea. There's no gender awareness at all.

It's frightening for the child that Si Xingfu shouts to fight and kill.

"Yan Laosan, take care of your son, or I will take care of you!" He gnawed his teeth.

Yan Ziqing has no face.

He and Xu Qizhen took the child home.

Yan Ziqing said to Yan Kai, "are you a bastard? At such a young age, how dare you climb on someone's bed? "

Yan Kai hides behind Xu Qizhen.

Xu Qizhen said, "he doesn't mean that at all. What do you do when you lose your temper? You need to make it clear to him. He knows the truth. If you have to do it again, you can fight no later. "

Later, she told Yan Kai that boys can't sleep in the same bed with girls as they grow older.

Yan Kai understood.

He nodded seriously, and then asked Xu Qizhen, "am I going to marry yuzao?" Yan Ziqing was angry: "then your father has to quarrel with the bastard of the company every day for the rest of his life! Forget it. If you let me live for a few more years, don't think about the daughter of the Secretary! "

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