Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1645 the taste of love

After a few days, the mass on Xu Jingran's body had obvious convergence, and the purple on his skin began to turn pale. Xu Jingran wept with joy.

Ma Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take medicine again until you are completely cured." Si yuzao said, "Jing ran, you can also tell your parents to rest assured. It's a serious illness. You'd better face it together. It's better to have the support of your family. "

Xu Jingran nodded.

She did tell her parents.

Her parents came to school to invite Si yuzao to eat at home. Thank her very much.

Si yuzao went.

As a rule of the day, Xu Jingran is always sorry: "can't you get used to it?"

"It's delicious. All the ingredients are fresh and tender. My aunt must be able to buy vegetables." Siyuzao said.

Xu Jingran's mother was very happy: "yes, there are skills in choosing small dishes or meat dishes..."

she talked about her know-how of being a housewife, and talked about it.

Her children and her husband don't like to hear her say this, while Si yuzao is interested in asking questions from time to time and can ask for ideas.

Xu Jingran was moved.

Later, she said to Ma Xuan, "yuzao is a daughter of a thousand gold. I thought she would dislike her. I didn't expect that she really enjoyed eating. My mom is so verbose, she can talk to her

"The real rich family has a good upbringing. Only the children of the nouveau riche family are arrogant and haughty. They despise each other.

Siyuzao's grandfather and Abba seem to be warlords. In the past, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang generations were their home turf. Later, their family just went to Nanyang, I also listen to those boys Ma Xuan road.

Xu Jingran was shocked.

"Are you sure?"

"It's hard to tell her grandfather and father, but her mother has a biography. I can see from her biography that her family used to be a warlord. " Ma Xuan road.

Once again, Xu Jingran was too shocked to speak.

She also told her parents about it.

Her parents were very impressed with her, so they said, "I'll say her tutoring is very good. She turned out to be a real celebrity. You need to learn from others well, and it's easy to learn. "

After Xu Jingran's illness was known by her family, she would not bother yuzao Decoction any more.

Yuzao thinks that illness and disaster can make a family closer, pain can make them closer and warm each other, which is a good thing.

She doesn't help anymore.

Xu Jingran's illness also improved day by day. Later, two tumors on her shoulder disappeared first, leaving only slight traces on her skin.

Elsewhere, they are converging.

However, the students did not know about it, and yuzao did not let Xu Jingran talk about it.

Yuzao still has classes every day, sometimes theory class, sometimes experiment class, very busy.

As for the general members of the Federation, there is nothing to do, or even little need to go to meetings. Only the president and the organizing committee need to discuss and study from time to time.

And Zhang Xinmei, jade algae also went to less.

She read the newspaper every day and occasionally saw the news of the underground party, most of which were critical. Yu Zao saw Zhang Xinmei win again from the critical words.

She was very happy.

"Do I want to be an underground party?" She couldn't understand her happiness and was a little confused.

Later she thought about it. What she didn't want was to be happy for Zhang Xinmei.

Her Uncle Zhang is a man of faith, though she doesn't know what it is.

With this idea, yuzao couldn't bear it. She was always thinking about Zhang Xinmei's various things. Until their Chinese class, the teacher assigned a composition topic: taste.

This topic made the students confused, and the mind of Si yuzao was temporarily transferred from Zhang Xinmei.

At lunch, yuzao and several classmates in the class, including Xu Jingran and Ma Xuan, were discussing this at dinner.

One male student was very cunning: "if you want to get high marks in Professor Jiang's Chinese class, you can try to write..."

he lengthened his voice, yin and Yang strange airway: "the taste of love."

The students shouted.

Everyone scolds this male classmate: if you are immoral, can't you expect us to be a little better?

Male students are very aggrieved: "I am serious."

Yuzao seems to be moved. She asks, "why can I get high marks for writing this?"

"Do you know how cold poets are?" The boy student lowered his voice.

The students all said they knew.

Only Si yuzao didn't know.

"Who is it?" Asked Si yuzao.

Ma Xuan was surprised: "it's a famous love poet. His poetry collection is very popular and can't be snatched. However, he is very mysterious and rarely appears in the public. The newspaper can't guess who he is. You don't know? "

Everyone looked at the male student who was talking.

"Does cold shallow have anything to do with Professor Jiang?" Si yuzao asked everyone what they wanted to ask, "is it his lover?"

"No!" Male students are disappointed with such a group of deadwood students, "either Professor Jiang's lover or Professor Jiang himself."

Again, the crowd was in a uproar.

We all don't believe it, saying that this male classmate is bullshit.

The male student was very angry: "my uncle is the editor of the publishing house, and his poetry collection is compiled by my uncle. He has seen cold shallow and knows his identity. Just cold shallow person low key, say again and again cannot leak out! "

The crowd began to talk.

Yuzao thinks this is a good idea.

There are too many questions about "taste", so it's a little difficult to cut the question. If you really write sour, sweet and bitter, it's only a passing score, or even a failure.

This is a Chinese lesson, not a recipe.

So, "the taste of love" is a good relevance. If Professor Jiang is a famous love poet, maybe he will really prefer this kind of theme?

It's easy to get a high score.

But yuzao has never been in love. How does she know what love is like?

She went to the bookstore immediately and wanted to buy some books.

In the bookstore, she met her senior brother, Lu Wenli, a junior.

"Si Xuemei." Lu Wenli said hello to him.

When Si yuzao knew Lu Wenli, he was full of drama. Their first grade experiment teacher, an old doctor in his sixties, can't come to class every time it's windy and rainy, so he chose two assistants from the senior grade.

Lu Wenli is one of the professor's assistant students.

Most of the experimental classes in the first grade are taken by him.

The first time I took an anatomy class, I used a mouse.

The students were very nervous. Lu Wenli demonstrated once and asked who was the first to come. The first grade students all backed away.

Si yuzao said, "let me do it."

Lu Wenli told her the precautions. Before she finished speaking, Si yuzao had rifled the mouse, which was very skilled.

This day's experiment class is mixed. In addition to the class of Si yuzao, there are other first grade students. One of the female students threw up on the spot.

Lu Wenli said to Si yuzao, "not bad."

"I practiced with corpses." Si yuzao said, "of course, it was donated to the hospital, not for my own killing practice."

As soon as this remark came out, another male classmate also vomited.

Lu Wenli patted yuzao on the shoulder: "Xuemei, stand back and talk less."

From then on, Si yuzao became more famous in the first grade, with a nickname of "ferocious". Lu Wenli called her "ferocious student sister" every time he met her in the school or canteen.

However, they usually go to the library to read books. It's the first time they met in a bookstore.

"What book?" Asked Lu Wenli.

Si yuzao showed him a love novel and a collection of cold and shallow poems.

Lu Wenli pointed to the collection of cold and shallow poems: "do you know that he is your first grade Professor Jiang who teaches Chinese?"

"You know that, too?" "Well, I used to guess that he was the one. Compared his articles published in school with his poems written in cold and shallow style, I have 50% affirmation. So I wrote a whole book of cold and shallow poetry appreciation. Professor Jiang was really moved after reading it. He said that I was his confidant and told me his secret. " Lu Wenli said, "in fact, I just want to know whether it is him or not. What I analyze is his character."

Hearing this, Si yuzao felt that there was more than one fierce animal in the school.

She gave a thumbs up: "fierce, elder martial brother!"

When she went back that day, she read novels and poems, but still didn't know the taste of love.

And she also saw that kissing seemed to be important.

All of a sudden she wanted to know the taste of kissing. "Elder martial brother Lu must have no girlfriend. I don't know if he knows the taste of kissing. If he wants to, we can cooperate." An idea came out of siyuzao's mind.

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