Early in the morning, outside was the darkness of dawn, and the cool wind filled in. ?

someone sent a pot of soup to Si Xingqi. He didn't hide his weapon because it was a complete head.

The head's mouth was nailed by a needle, and the corners of his lips were cocked up. He looked like a smiling man. As the scoop came out of the water, the Milky eyes rolled to the ground and fell to Gu's feet.

Gu Qingzhou vomited at that time.

Who is the head? Si Xingfu doesn't know it. It's a demonstration.

This place can't live any longer. Si Xingfu is going to move his nest. If he pursues again, he doesn't know what will be sent next time.

There are too many enemies in Si Xingfu. He doesn't know who is so bold to challenge him.

He wants to find out about it.

Gu Qingzhou was greatly stimulated, because before she fished out her head, she thought the soup was delicious and she wanted to eat it.

Seeing the boiled head and the strange upturned lips, Gu almost broke down. She would never be with him again: "I want to go back, I want to go back!"

She was shrill, unable to eat, and vomited several times.

Si Xingfu has no choice but to send her to Yan's house first.

At the weekend, Yan Luoshui was at home. He was surprised to see that Si Xingfu sent Gu to come here by boat.

At the sight of Yan Luoshui, Gu Qingzhou hugged her and cried.

She cried Yan Luoshui at a loss, patting her shoulder gently: "canoe, it's OK, it's OK."

After giving Gu Qingzhou to Mrs. Yan, Si Xingfu touched her head: "I'll see you in a few days."

It's very intimate.

Yan Luoshui understood everything at this time. His eyes almost fell off. He was shocked to see Si Xingfu and look after the light boat.

Because I was so surprised, Yan Luoshui didn't say anything. Although I have guessed it, Yan Luoshui still can't accept it.

Yan Luoshui always thinks that Si xingxu is an elder.

Gu Qingzhou lies in Yan Luoshui's arms and refuses to manage Si Xingfu.

After waiting for the Secretary to leave, Mrs. Yan asked, "what happened to the boat? He bullied you?"

"No, it was a man who sent a pot of soup in the morning..." Gu Qingzhou told Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Yan Luoshui about the soup.

Mrs. Yan and Yan Luoshui also changed their faces.

They were disgusted to hear it.

Gu Qingzhou still can't eat. As long as she smelled the food, she saw the boiled head immediately.

She drank bone soup every day when she was recovering from the injury at sixianfu. Now in retrospect, the more she thought about it, the more disgusting she was. She didn't want to drink any water.

Si Xingfu also sent the two wolf cubs together.

"What a lovely dog!" Yan Luoshui, holding Mulan, couldn't let go.

"Is this a dog?" "Mrs. Yan is more knowledgeable." is this a wolf

Yan Luoshui is surprised: "is it?" She actually likes wolves better. She looks right and left in her arms.

At night, Mrs. Yan asked the servant to fry rice. She didn't bring any soup on the table. She asked Gu to eat more or less.

Gu Qingzhou still can't eat: "I really have no appetite."

Mrs. Yan had no choice but to cut the fruit and let Yan Luoshui take care of the boat.

At the foot of Gu Qingzhou, another small dish was put, half of which was beef. Dushan and Mulan were eating.

Yan Luoshui brought in the fruit, sat next to her, took her cold hand, and said, "Mom Mu has told me about the boat. Actually, I can guess how much. That day I saw you two standing behind the curtain..."

Gu's fingers were stiff.

Yan Luoshui knows. I'm sure she will, and so will the superintendent.

People all over the world will know.

Gossips can eat Gu Qingzhou alive.

"Muma said, young commander promised not to hurt you until you are eighteen. In the past two years, there will always be a way out. " Yanluo waterway.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou's face in pain, Yan Luoshui hands the cut apple to her, interrupting the topic and no longer mentioning the running carriage.

The whole weekend, Gu Qingzhou didn't get any water.

It's not the first time that she saw the head of a dead person, but the head made so delicious still made her sick.

"I don't want to go to the office anymore!" Gu Qingzhou chokes on Yanluo waterway.

This is the first time that she has taken the initiative to mention Si Xingfu since she came back.

"Well, if you don't, don't go." Said Mrs. Yan.

On Sunday night, Gu Qingzhou ate a small half bowl of rice. The dried rice was a little difficult to swallow, so she ate it with clear water.

On Monday, Gu went to school with Yan Luoshui.

She left school for more than half a month and came back a little strange. Fortunately, Yan Luoshui and Huo Fengjing accompanied her all the time.

As for Si Xingfu, Yan Luoshui didn't mention anything, and Huo Fengjing pretended not to know.

"After you leave, Wan min becomes the lead singer." In the afternoon, all the students went to the chorus class. Gu Qingzhou made up the math in the classroom. Huo Yuanjing accompanied her and told her about the chorus.

Huo didn't join in the chorus. She didn't like singing. She was always distracted in vocal music class. Miss couldn't help her. Who told her brother to be the leader of the Green Gang?

"Really?" Gu Qingzhou was a little surprised.

Before Gu Qingzhou asked for leave, she replaced Wan min as the leader of the Christmas chorus, because Wan min sang badly.

Did Wan min improve these days?

"Yes. However, she still can't sing well. It's another leader who works hard. She fishes in troubled waters. She went to the supervisor's office and even wrote to the school director to fight for the opportunity. " Huo Shoujing.

"Why does she have to take this opportunity?" When Gu asked, he thought out the answer.

The answer was first said by Huo: "it's not that she can't do it, it's that you've got to squeeze her down! So when you ask for leave, she must fight for it and prove it's really your fault. "

Gu Qingzhou thinks that she and Huo are in line.

"She's too competitive." Gu Qingzhou road.

Huo gathers his head in silence.

At the end of the chorus class, when the students returned to the classroom, Wan min specially passed by Gu Qingzhou and looked at him.

Wan min is a little girl with a baby face. She looks very cute.

Gu Qingzhou and her classmate have a long time. They don't think they are the same kind, so they have nothing to do with each other. In a flash, they formed a feud. However, they thought about Wan min carefully, and realized that she had always been very competitive.

Gu Qingzhou put down his math class and packed up for home.

She went to Yan's first.

Mrs. Yan called the Gu mansion and said, "Mrs. Gu, the boat has improved. Today, I went to school. I'll take her back later."

Qin Zheng is very happy, the phone laugh gentle: "we also blame miss the boat, the old lady said yesterday, how she did not come back."

After dinner, Mrs. Yan and Yan Luoshui sent Gu to go home.

Gu Guizhang also appeased the old lady in advance.

In front of Mrs. Yan, the old lady didn't say anything. Afterwards, she was accompanied by Qin Zheng, and called Gu Qingzhou to the room to torture him: "how can I have such a long cultivation after being hurt?"

"It was said by the military doctor." Gu Qingzhou road.

"I think you are lazy." The old lady drank hard and thought it was dishonest to take care of the boat.

She scolded Gu Qingzhou for a long time, and said: "grandma is raising you for your good! You have no one to teach you since you were little. I'm looking forward to your success! "

When Gu Qingzhou went upstairs, he thought as he walked, "if my mother had not died, would I not have been taught since childhood?"

The thought of it made her feel cold.

There is an idea, forming in the mind of Gu Qingzhou, which will never be forgotten.

After returning to her room, she thought about it for a long time.

She has a new plan.

She stayed still and made up her homework for a while. After two weeks' preparation, she began to clean up the family.

Homework is more important, because study is the future.

At home, Gu Qingzhou still can't eat, and has nightmares at night.

The shadow of that pot of soup is too strong for her, even stronger than that of peeling people's skin, because it's really related to the food, and it can't escape.

Gu Qingzhou was hungry for several days.

On Thursday, Gu came back from school and got a call.

It's from the governor's office.

"Miss Qingzhou, the governor is back from Nanjing. Tomorrow is Friday. You come to have dinner after school in the evening. The governor will send someone to pick you up." It was Mrs. Si's adjutant who called.

Gu Qingzhou's alarm bell is loud.

In the past half a year, the chief inspector knew that his wife didn't like to take care of the boat and was afraid of aggravating the contradiction between her mother and daughter-in-law. He never invited her to eat.

What happened this time?

"What did the scumbag say?" Gu Qingzhou is timid. "What will the superintendent do to me?"

After Gu Qingzhou returned to the city, the superintendent was the first one who had good intentions towards her. She was really afraid to face it.

"OK, I see." Gu agreed.

She didn't sleep all night. She thought a lot. She was just like a thief.

The next day in class, Gu Qingzhou was also in a trance. In the math class, sister Hu called her up. She was stupefied and made the class laugh.

Sister Hu is very partial to take care of the boat, and said: "when the boat is ill for a long time, it can't keep up with its lessons. Don't laugh at her, we should help her more."

The students stopped laughing.

Yan Luoshui and Huo Fengjing worry about her and ask her, "what's wrong with you?"

"No, it was the governor's office who called me and said that the governor invited me to dinner." "I'm afraid," Gu whispered

Yan Luoshui and Huo Xunjing immediately understood what she was afraid of.

They can't help it.

Yanluo waterway: "otherwise, I will ask Muma to accompany you in the evening?"

"No, I have to face it." Think of the light boat.

If the governor of the Department starts to fight, he can't spare the light boat. It's certain that he will leave his family. Whether this life can be saved depends on the compassion of the governor of the Department.

In addition, the book may not be read.

Gu Qingzhou thinks it's a pity that she has worked hard for a year and can get her graduation certificate in a few months. No matter where she goes in the future, she can do something. It's not worth quitting now.

These thoughts, seven up and eight down all around her, let her neither miss the book, nor mind to deal with the family.

On this day, Gu Qingzhou is still dripping water.

Finally, after school, when Gu Qingzhou walked out of the school gate, he saw the car of the military government, and an adjutant was waiting at the door.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou clenched his teeth, he went to the governor's office.

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