Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1650 Zhang Xinmei's support

Back from the station, Zhang Xinmei invited yuzao to dinner.

He told yuzao that when she was very young, he had met her and even thought about taking her back to be a child's daughter-in-law.

"Uncle Zhang, when you were a kid, were you a jerk?" Asked Si yuzao, biting his chopsticks.

Zhang Xinmei is more than a bastard?

At that time, he was so spoiled by his father that he could do nothing but his mother. He would not listen to other people's words.

However, people will grow up.

That day he stood in the procession of his father's funeral, thinking of his father's last words, he seemed to see a little boy running away slowly.

In the past time, the loess that was covered on his father's coffin fell together and was deeply buried in the earth.

He is no longer the ninth master of Hongmen, not the devil of Zhangjia.

He was a soldier, walking in the dark, without seeing the sun. But there was a blood in his heart, which was inherited by his father. It would burn him and light up his faith at any time.

"... not so good now." Said Zhang Xinmei.

"Do you want me to be a daughter-in-law?" Asked Si yuzao.

Zhang Xinmei carefully put down her chopsticks and knew that today's serious words had been finished. Next, she had to deal with Miss Si's bullshit.

"No." He said it seriously.

Why not? I am so beautiful... "

" extreme steel is easy to break, you are too beautiful, I have no happiness. " Said Zhang Xinmei, rolling her white eyes.

Si yuzao thought about it and thought deeply: "also, we fairies can't marry you mortals, and will violate the rules of heaven."

Zhang Xinmei: "...

later, he also asked Si yuzao specifically if she could improve her daily serious time a little bit.

Si yuzao said that she has always been very serious, she is serious in every word.

Such a thick face is definitely homologous with Si Xingfu. Zhang Xinmei sometimes remembered that Si yuzao was not his own, how could he be so like him?

Later, he found that he had neglected one point: Si yuzao was a serious family member of Si. She had the similar blood of Si Xingfu, and she was normal just like Si Xingfu.

He was very tired and sent siyuzao home.

Yuzao took a bath and lay on the bed. Thinking of Zhang Xinmei's saying "belief", she felt inexplicable, as if she was missing something, and her heart was empty.

"What am I short of?" She looked at herself.

She is the eldest miss of the Department. Her parents hold her in their palms. She needs wind and rain when she was young. She has eaten the most precious food in the world. She has seen the most beautiful scenery. What else does she lack?

She couldn't think, but she knew there was a space.

Especially after knowing the secret of Zhang Xinmei, there is a vacant space in her heart. She always wants to decorate something to go in, otherwise she will not be practical.

This idea didn't bother Si yuzao for a long time, because the next day at school, she heard an explosive news.

All the students in their class came together to discuss.

"Five schools merge?"

Si yuzao only heard the word. She didn't understand it. She asked Xu Jingran and Ma Xuan.

"It seems that our school will merge with four other schools to form a public comprehensive university." Ma Xuan road.

"But our school is French," said siyuzao

"Part of it has been sold to the government." Xu Jingran said.

"Really?" Si yuzao asked

Xu Jingran is not sure: "I also heard about it. Today everyone is talking about it. It seems that it's just the beginning. There is no official document."

Another male classmate came up and shared the gossip he heard: "the mechanical school has been passed on. They want to change from the mechanical school to the mechanical department. The news comes from their school. The merger of five schools is true."

"Is that mechanical school on Nanming road? Are they not run by the church? " Ma Xuan was surprised. "My elder brother graduated from mechanical school before. My fourth brother said he would take the exam."

Ma Xuan's family conditions are worse than Xu Jingran's. There are seven brothers and sisters in her family, only her father works alone.

Her family has worked hard to cultivate her eldest brother. As a result, the eldest brother got married as soon as he graduated from school. With children, he no longer has the money to support his family, and needs her parents to take care of some grandchildren.

Now, her family is waiting for her to subsidize her family after graduation.

But if they are merged into a comprehensive university, they are not specially matched with St. Paul's hospital. If Ma Xuan wants to find a good job, it depends on luck.

Like Ma Xuan, many people in the school place their future career in the hospital.

But the government's public comprehensive university can no longer be as employable as St. Paul's School of medicine. "That's the mechanical school. They've been in a mess. It turns out that the government has already bought 60% of the shares of their school. They could have entered the machinery factory opened by the Americans as soon as they graduated, but after becoming a student of a public university, they can only get a graduation certificate as soon as they graduate, and their work is no longer guaranteed.

If we had known that, we would have gone to other public universities. Those universities are more famous and their scores are lower than ours. " Said the boy.

Yuzao saw for the first time that these happy and carefree students showed their sadness.

Everyone's life is not easy. These children have already planned their future.

"In the long run, it would be better if we had a diploma from a public university." Si yuzao tried to comfort them.

Ma Xuan said: "no, hospitals prefer students from medical schools. Even if they don't work in St. Paul's, they are more promising and favored."

Si yuzao is silent.

After she went home, she sat alone for a long time.

She called Zhang Xinmei. "... in the long run, comprehensive universities are more conducive to the cultivation of talents and to the country and society. And the government's public universities have more guaranteed teachers. " "But, my classmates and friends, they don't care about the overall situation, don't care about the long-term development and overall planning of the education cause by the government. They are very angry about the lost interests."

Zhang Xinmei seldom hears her serious words and is a little relieved: "yuzao, you are very farsighted and wise."

Si yuzao was not in the mood to be garrulous, and smiled bitterly: "I just stand and talk without backache."

"Many policies will indeed sacrifice the interests of some people in a short period of time. It's normal for the school to panic. It's unfair for the part of the students who haven't graduated from your school. Their fate will be like ants under the wheel of history and will be run over," said Zhang Xinmei

"What shall I do?" Si yuzao asked, "I really want to be on my classmates' side."

"Then stand over!" "Zhang Xinmei said," people should have their own position, otherwise swaying around will not work! "

"Even if my position is wrong?"

"How do you know right or wrong? A drop of water, is it a flood disaster or an irrigator? Before that time, who can say that the policy must be right? " Said Zhang Xinmei. After Si yuzao hung up the phone, she finally went to bed.

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