Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1659 his secret

After a school uproar, it's almost the end of the term.

Everyone is absorbed in study, including Si yuzao.

Zhang Xinmei comes to see her every few days and finds out that she was actually studying in the living room or reciting something before dinner, which surprised him.

"Do you want to cram?" Ask her with a smile.

Si yuzao said, "if you don't hold Buddha's feet temporarily, it's really hopeless."

Zhang Xinmei patted her head: "I usually ask you to study hard, but you don't listen."

"I have a good study!" Siyuzao said.

She was right.

In terms of learning, Si yuzao has great skills and talents. She was taught to recite prescriptions by her mother when she was young.

For the next three weeks, when Zhang Xinmei came, Si yuzao was studying hard.

Kung Fu is not inferior to those who want to. In two semesters, she only took half of the semester, but also delayed several weeks. She was stunned to be the 29th in the whole grade.

In the last mid-term exam, she was still one hundred.

After she got her report card, she immediately sent a telegram to Singapore, hoping that her family would have flowers and stage ready, waiting for her to go back and boast.

She also showed her report card to Zhang Xinmei.

Zhang Xinmei picked the tip of the brow: "not bad, very powerful! Do you need my compensation? You say a wish, anything... "

" I want to taste opium... Ouch! " Before she finished, she had been hit by Zhang Xinmei with a thick book on her head, and her skull was about to be broken.

For a long time, she flew up to her eyebrows in anger and tried to hold him by the neck. "Whatever you want, you say it yourself."

Zhang Xinmei peeled her off: "gambling and opium are not good. Healthy and legitimate wishes. If you say it wrong again, I will tell your mother and your grandfather. Your father dotes on you lawless, so do your mother and grandfather? "

Si yuzao covers his head: this old man is not as enlightened as my father.

"I don't want to talk to you." "I don't need you to take care of me next semester," said Si yuzao

Actually, Si yuzao doesn't remember revenge. In this case, she really just said it casually.

Zhang Xinmei's heart suddenly stopped.

An indescribable suffocation filled his heart and stopped his breathing.

He thought about it. If he can't see siyuzao again...

emotionally, he looks like he's been cut open and blood is bubbling. He looks at the cut in horror, but he can't heal it. The whole person is in a panic.

However, Mr. Zhang Jiuye of Shanghai, who was quick to respond, has calmed down his mind.

"Are you still angry?" Zhang Xinmei snorted coldly, "you are a girl. You said you want to taste opium. I hit your head. Are you not happy? Do you want me to break your leg before you know it's wrong? "

Si yuzao's mouth is bulging.

Zhang Xinmei leers at her: "sorry!"

After a long silence, Si yuzao turns around and ignores people.

She glanced at Zhang Xinmei and saw that he had been taut all the time. She thought that it was her fault first, and then she came together with a mean face: "Uncle Zhang, I'm wrong, I'm sorry I apologize."

Once again, the breath of Xinmei is wrong.

He reached out and touched her head: "does it hurt?"


He said, "my uncle will take you to the tobacco shop. You can see the people who have lived in the tobacco shop for a long time..."

Si yuzao is so happy that he has forgotten the unhappiness: "do you want to go now?"

Zhang Xinmei took her to a tobacco house as expected.

Si yuzao saw a well-dressed lady lying on a smoking couch, her face waxy and thin, with sparse teeth.

"It's good. She's got a lot of money. She can't finish losing, but her life hasn't been long." Said Zhang Xinmei.

He walked around with yuzao.

Siyuzao saw all kinds of smokers, which was totally different from the lady she imagined lying on the beauty's couch smoking opium. Her heart and stomach were shocked.

Just out of the smoke shop, she vomited.

She grabbed Zhang Xinmei's sleeve and said, "Uncle Zhang, you're right. I've been beaten less and less, so I've got such a bad idea."

Zhang Xinmei handed her a glass of water.

After gargling, Si yuzao sat on the curb of the road. Even the flying dust smells better than the stink in the tobacco house. She refused to move her feet.

Zhang Xinmei said, "do you want me to take you to gamble?"

Si yuzao shook his head: "I used to go to the casino with my dad, and others deliberately let me win. It's not interesting at all. You, Mr. Zhang Jiuye, have taken me with you. You must have made me win on purpose. "

Zhang Xinmei pulled her up: "don't sit on the side of the road, I will take you to eat delicious food."

Si yuzao is willing to stand up.

They went to a western restaurant, and Si yuzao had a delicious mango ice cream and cake, and their mood improved a lot.

"You're going back to Singapore on holiday?" She was suddenly asked by Zhang Xinmei.

"Yes." Si yuzao said, "Uncle Zhang, would you like to go with me?"

"I have to go to work." Zhang Xinmei said, "my uncle is already an adult, unlike your children."

He not only has to go to work, but also needs to do underground work. It is impossible for him to leave Shanghai easily.

Si yuzao said: "it's a pity. I want to take you to the diving. Let's go to the seawall to find pearls. I'll teach you how to hold your breath. I'm very good at it. Even my dad is not as good as me.

If I were born in ancient times and by the sea, I would be a famous pearl plucker. "

Zhang Xinmei despises her ignorance: "the Pearl picking girl is miserable, and the pearl can't be worn by herself. Miss Si, you are so lucky. "

After thinking about it, Si yuzao agreed with these words.

She's really lucky.

She was born in Si's family, destined to be rich in this life. Even without her father, her mother would take care of her; even without her mother, her aunt and grandfather would not really let her suffer.

"Uncle Zhang, when I think of going back to Singapore, I can't bear you. What can I do?" Siyuzao suddenly changed the topic and blinked.

Zhang Xinmei was choked by a mouthful.

He coughed, and then smoothed the tone over. He raised his hand to beat Si yuzao: "do you have any serious ones?"

He was just thinking that she was going back to Singapore, and his life always seemed to lose a little color. He couldn't imagine that Si yuzao had thought of going with him, which made Zhang Xinmei feel that she had seen through her.

But how can miss Si have this ability!

The next afternoon, Si's plane arrived in Shanghai and took Si yuzao back for the holiday.

Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou, who came back from Switzerland, came to pick them up in person.

"Xin Mei, you seem to be a little thin." Gu Qingzhou road.

Zhang Xinmei rolled her white eyes and said, "it's not your daughter's trouble. Ask the eldest lady of your family how many things she has caused

"Did you cause any trouble?" said the secretary

"No." Siyuzao said.

Si Xingfu ignores Zhang Xinmei and takes Si yuzao on the plane: "Abba has reserved a seat in your aunt's restaurant, and you can eat delicious food when you go back."

Gu Qingzhou exchanged greetings with Zhang Xinmei.

"Do you want to go together?" Gu asked him, "come back in a few days."

"No, a lot of things. I'm not a kid." Zhang Xinmei said, "see you next time, boat."

"If you marry my daughter, you'll call her mother-in-law. Don't be big or small." Gu chuckled.

The lips corner of Zhang Xinmei Drew: "who is so reluctant to marry your daughter? Mrs. Si, please take a look at your daughter, just her temper, that stinking virtue... "

he shook his head, and without looking at the light boat on the plane, he got into the car and left.

Si yuzao wants to come out and say hello to Zhang Xinmei. He can't see him anymore.

"How did Uncle Zhang go?" She asked in surprise.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "I stabbed him in the heart, and he fled."

"What mind?" Asked Si yuzao. Gu chuckled, "it's a secret. I'll tell you later."

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