Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1674 key points of fairy village

After Zhang Xinmei sent the yuzao, it was more than five o'clock in the morning when she came home. It's almost light.

He tightened the curtains and planned to sleep all day to keep his energy up.

He had to admit that he was no longer a teenager. If the rest is not good, his brain is like a paste, which can not be turned.

However, he had a very painful sleep.

His mentality is a little vicissitudes, a person can live a lifetime, but his body is only 20 years old, is a rich and powerful man.

When he was clear-minded for a while, and was suddenly ignited, he had a lot of dreams.

In the dream, he pushed the woman on the bed. At the most intense time, he heard her gasping for "Uncle", which scared him to wake up. Zhang Mei wakes up at about seven o'clock in the morning. He goes into the bathroom.

After his own bad dream, he thought in the mirror for a long time. He didn't know why he had such an animal dream. For example,

if it is the stimulation of last night, then the dream should be Fang Fang. "

I'm going to be killed by the little devil, the manager." He washed his face wearily, thinking that the dream of suffering from the plague must have something to do with the words of Si yuzao last night.

She let a frown kiss her. How can the teasing of language be more powerful than the body?

Damn it! Zhang

Xin Mei decides not to see Si yuzao again until this year. One day with her, at least eight years off Yang Shou, Zhang Jiuye will soon become a short-lived ghost. But he is not a ghost, but a ghost will find his own door. Yu Zao came to knock at the door early in the morning. Zhang

Xin Mei opens the door impatiently: "don't you need to have class?"

Si yuzao picked up his eyebrow: "uncle, you are old and confused. Today is the rest day." Zhang

Xin eyebrows and corners of eyes jump straight, blocking the door to prevent Si yuzao from entering: "you have a good time on the rest day, what are you doing here?"

The uncle is very mean and cautious. "

I'm not looking for anything, I promise!" Siyuzao said.

Zhang Xinmei hesitated for a long time before letting her in. As soon as yuzao entered the door, she returned to Zhang Xinmei. Zhang Xinmei hid subconsciously, only to see her shaking. He ran into her as soon as he dodged.

The whole person of Si yuzao pours into his arms and binds him to the waist.

Zhang Xinmei tried to open her hand, but she couldn't do it. She couldn't move. "

do you want me to tell your parents about your rogue virtue?" Zhang Xinmei had to knock her head with her hand. "Miss Si, please be more solemn, don't lose the face of the fairy." Si

yuzao murmured: "uncle, give me a kiss..."

Zhang Xinmei was so excited that he tried to push Si yuzao away again.

Two people are so close, Zhang Xinmei's morning fire hasn't completely gone down, and he pushes and rubs, and he can't help but react. He was stunned and wanted to hold back.

But his body was not under the control of reason, so he had to let his body pass by. If you don't think about it, you'll find it stuck. When

she felt it, she raised her eyes and looked at Xinmei teasingly. Zhang has a black face and half of his life's dignity. So far, he has swept the ground. He saw the slightly crooked corner of his eyes, and the whole person was not well.


Uncle Zhang, I am a doctor. I am more familiar with human body than you. " Si yuzao said, "think about it before you speak." "

it's not because of you. It's a normal physical reaction in the morning. I just woke up." Zhang Xinmei's face eased a little. "Have you learned this?"

"Yes." Siyuzao said.

"Then let go!" In this situation, Si yuzao can't hold him anymore, so she has to let him go.

Zhang Xinmei enters the bathroom.

Looking at the time, Si yuzao found that he had been in the bathroom for an hour. She couldn't help but walk up and knock on the door: "Uncle Zhang, are you sick? Under normal circumstances, it's not right if you haven't finished it in ten minutes. "

It's maddening to open one's eyebrows.

He growled through the bathroom door, "get out!" He soaked himself in a cold tub and was loveless.

Miss Si yuzao doesn't know where her face comes from. She is so shameless and unresponsive that she asks others if they are ill. Zhang

Xin Mei can't let herself be planted in the hands of a girl, so she stands up and wipes the water and goes out.

Later, he pinched his nose and bit his teeth to send Miss Si yuzao home, refusing to talk to her.

Si yuzao is very dissatisfied.

She didn't sleep very much last night. She tossed and turned all night, and her mind was full of breath of Xinmei in her ear, so hot.

There is a string in her mind, which is pulled tightly. It seems that his lips and his hot breath should fall on her lips, so as to relieve her own anxiety.

But no. No matter how she pesters her, Zhang Xinmei doesn't agree to kiss her and shows her position: he won't molest his younger generation, and he likes women with big breasts!

Yuzao takes a deep breath and decides to digest this anxiety. She can't disturb Zhang Xinmei any more.

After a week, the desire to roll in her heart faded.

The scorching heat that Zhang Xinmei left in her ear finally became dull. In addition to a lot of things about school and go Association, Si yuzao soon lost his skills and even left the little eruption in his heart behind. After the establishment of the shengweiqi Association, 50 members were recruited.

Lu Wenli said to Si yuzao, "when each association is established, you can use a one-day school newspaper to hold the major and minor matters of your association." Yu Zao just remembered that the journal did report a group of people every month.

She didn't think about it carefully, because she didn't read the school newspaper very much. She read the daily and evening newspapers with current politics. "

shall we use it, too?" She asked.

Lu Wenli said yes.

"Do you want to talk to the editorial department of the school newspaper about this?" Asked Si yuzao. Lu

said: "yes. I know the editor in chief of the editorial department. Can I help you? " "

No, I'll see for myself." Siyuzao said. After the

class, under the guidance of Lu Wenli, she found the editorial department of the school newspaper and showed them the seals and certificates of the students' Go Club. "

Yes, but this year, the school has reduced the expenses of the school newspaper. The association compiles newspapers and pages by itself, and also has to print them by itself. " Editor in chief.

"It doesn't matter." "Then are we sure?" said Si yuzao

"Since you have no objection, you can be sure." The chief editor said, then he asked Si yuzao to choose a day. On this day of every month, the school newspaper was devoted to the weiqi meeting. No. 16 was selected by yuzao.

"The 16th is another week. Are you going to start this month or next month?" The chief editor asked, "if it's from this month, you need to hurry up these days. On the 14th, you need to do a good job in typesetting and send it to the printing factory on the evening of the 14th." Yuzao said she had time.

There are many talented people in Weiqi club. They have finished all the pages of the school newspaper in one night. Because of this, yuzao took many school newspapers home to study.

That day after school, Zhang Xinmei came to see her again. "Uncle Zhang, why are you here?" Si yuzao was very surprised.

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