Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 174 leakage detection

Night wind with drizzle, cold lingering, fell on the Milky balustrade of the balcony, the dust of the balustrade, clean.

The light colored curtains are so close to the wind that the distant lights project into the room of Gu Qingzhou, which is mottled and dim.

With this weak light, she carefully looked at the bearing in the palm.

"That gold watch should only be a trust, and it won't hide anything important! The most important thing is this bearing. " Gu Qingzhou guesses.

She can only guess.

She narrowed her eyes, looked and looked, then stuffed them into her pillow.

She didn't know what it was.

Gu Qingzhou didn't know much about industry. He felt that the watch that was so important should not be something that the supervisor thought about others, but something that delivered news.

"The people who know that I have touched the gold watch are XiuXiu, siqiongzhi and wuyitai. XiuXiu and siqiongzhi can't believe it any more. And aunt Wu knows it's important. She admits that if I touch it, she will admit that she touched it. She won't be so stupid. " Gu Qingzhou lies on the bed, listening to the drizzle outside the window and analyzing the situation in his heart.

Gu Qingzhou is safe. She can't be doubted about it.

She and aunt Wu are too silent at the same time.

This time, Si qiongzhi lifted the stone and hit his own foot.

Gu Qingzhou didn't want to fight with Si qiongzhi, but she didn't have a good impression of Gu Qingzhou at the beginning. It's only a matter of time before she can get into a bad relationship, unless Gu Qingzhou withdraws from his family.

This matter, Gu canoe has not been stained with stink for a while, and five aunts too sick, also sent money to he 's drugstore, Gu canoe went to the governor' s office this time, it is also a harvest.

Gu Qingzhou had a good sleep.

The next day, when the weather cleared up, Gu opened his eyes and the sun had risen. The morning glow is red and gorgeous. After sifting through the twigs of the sycamore tree, the mottled light and shadow fall on the window.

Gu Qingzhou stretches.

"It was a good night's sleep, but no one should have slept in the governor's office last night." Gu Qingzhou stretches his waist and thinks at the same time.

What she thinks is not bad.

Not only did the governor stay up all night, but also the brothers of the governor, as well as all the staff officers and military experts of the governor's government, did not sleep.

"There must be one thing missing!" Said an old man of sixty. He has gold rimmed eyes, is gentle and elegant, and looks rich in learning.

Facing the table full of parts, he said to the inspector: "this new weapon was stolen from the German government secret agency after a long time.

Our people have died several times, and everything should have arrived in Yuecheng, but we must lack the same thing, or we will not succeed! "

"What can't be replaced?" the inspector asked

"I don't know what's missing from the latest cannons. I can't guess. Inspector. If you can guess it, you don't have to steal it from Germany. " The old man said helplessly.

This old man is a weapon scholar. He is in charge of developing new weapons in the arsenal of the governor's office.

At daybreak, the weapon experts who had been busy all night finally decided that they had spent most of the year stealing something, but they lacked one very important thing.

I don't know what is missing, because they haven't seen it.

"Rest first." The superintendent is humane to all.

The staff and experts left. In the study, only the chief inspector, Yan Xinnong, the chief executive and the chief inspector smashed the tea cup.

Broken porcelain rolled all over the floor.

"... the missing one must be hidden in the watch." "When the watch came, it was the first secret, but now it's just a small nail in it," said the inspector

Yan Xinnong carefully said, "Inspector, miss qiongzhi is afraid. Let's coax her to take out the things!"

The chief inspector asked siqiongzhi for a night and almost started. Siqiongzhi said that she had never touched her watch and insisted that Gu Qingzhou had taken it.

The superintendent felt that she was passing the buck.

"I can't ask. She must have lost something. Now she's dead and refuses to admit it. She framed the boat." The governor fidgeted and rubbed his temples. "Women are wrong!"

"Inspector, you give me qiongzhi, I can judge it." Si Xingfu is sitting in the sofa with a casual posture, but the curve of shoulder and back is particularly elegant and elegant.

He said slowly, but Yan Xinnong and the governor fought a cold war.

It's not a knife to kill Si qiongzhi.

When it falls into the hands of Si Xingfu, it is impossible to survive or die.

The whole government in the south is well-known for his insidious and ruthless manner, so others dare not provoke him easily. As for the interrogation, Si Xingfu can make more than ten kinds of torture.

He is a devil!

When it comes to torture, no one can do it.

Simu suddenly stood up. He didn't agree to give siqiongzhi to sixingfu, but he couldn't say.

"Sit down!" The superintendent waved.

Pondered down, the superintendent said: "I give Cuihua and XiuXiu to you. You can judge the whereabouts of things through them."

"No, they don't know." Si Xingfu road.

The superintendent was so upset that he wanted to scold.

It took more than half a year to compensate a dozen spies. The internal structural equipment of the artillery stolen from the German confidential department was so destroyed by sejongzi.

The chief inspector didn't want to hit his daughter, but in this moment he had the impulse to shoot him.

"Give it a try, and take out all your means." "I know you have some ability," said the inspector

As for the interrogation of Si Xingfu, this was the first time that the governor said that he had some abilities, not that he was cruel and unruly.

"Then I'll try." Si Xingfu road.

He left the governor's office.

The deputy of the governor's office has sent Cuihua and XiuXiu to the prison of the military government.

Si Xingfu's eyes shine slightly.

He went to the Bank of Notre Dame road.

Last night, the chief inspector asked the chief, qiongzhi, who said that the watch was worn by Gu Qingzhou on her wrist.

The governor did not believe it, and others did not believe it. The governor believed it.

"My woman is a fox." At that time, he almost knew where the lost parts were.

Gu Qingzhou is smart and wise. Something must have been hidden by her after passing her hand.

She doesn't have a lot of hiding places, and she hasn't been exposed to weapons. She certainly doesn't know what she has taken. She will feel that her valuables are put in the safe.

He went to the bank.

He opened the safe in his own name. Although he didn't have a key, the bank manager could also ask the bank to open it.

After opening it, he poked away the pitiful property of Gu Qingzhou and saw a gold watch.

This gold watch was given to her by Si Xingfu when Gu Qingzhou started school at the beginning of the year.

Now, the watch doesn't go away.

He smiled.

Sure enough, the back of the gold watch was pried open.

He took out a small bearing from the gold watch.

"... you dare to steal anything!" The lip angle of Si Xingfu is slightly cocked.

Taking care of light boats is the best way.

When they met for the first time, Si Xingfu tore her coat. When they met her sincerely, she was unwilling to be frivolous and stole his pistol.

Last night, she must have been unwilling to be calculated by Jack and stole the parts of her watch.

Put the bearing in the pocket, lock the safe and leave the bank in a good mood.

He went to jail during the day.

XiuXiu and Cuihua are handed over to him. There is almost no possibility of their survival.

After half a day's trial of the fake model and sample, Si Xingfu took Gu's boat off completely and told the superintendent, "it must be qiongzhi that has been lost. Aunt Wu and the boat haven't touched that watch."

Then he said, "Inspector, are you sure you don't want me to audit qiongzhi for you?"

He never called Abba, which is a childhood habit.

Joan branch to him, is equivalent to killing this daughter.

The superintendent thought it was not enough. After all, he still loved qiongzhi very much. Qiongzhi was just not sensible.

"Come on, I'll ask." The governor was helpless.

After two days of questioning, qiongzhi was going crazy, just saying that she didn't lose anything.

At this time, Mrs. Si was also annoyed and said to the superintendent, "isn't this obvious enough? You sent someone to examine aunt Wu and take care of the boat. They framed qiongzhi! "

The governor's anger was full of anger, which was all vented on the Secretary's wife: "did they harm qiongzhi? Ask Joan what she did?

Qiongzhi is only sixteen. What do she know about good and evil? It's not all you, not your daughter-in-law, not your aunt. She wants to deal with them!

After all, it's all your fault. You're not a qualified mother at all. You don't teach my innocent and simple daughter how to behave! "

Mrs. Si was angry and scared. The flames were gone. She sobbed.

The governor's side is in a mess.

Si Xingfu got the most critical parts and remembered where to match the rest. His trusted weapon experts have begun to develop the artillery that the inspector has always dreamed of.

On Saturday morning, when he was just getting up, Gu Qingzhou stormed to his other restaurant.

It's rare that she has never come on her own.

He put on half of his clothes and laid her on the bed.

When he kissed her, Gu Qingzhou asked in his ear, "did you steal my things?"

The hand of Si Xingfu had already slipped in along the edge of the cheongsam inside her cloak.

Gu Qingzhou pressed his hand: "isn't it?"

"Yes, it was originally the military government thing," he said, as he kissed her on the lips

He also wants to see Gu Qingzhou when the matter is over.

I don't think I'll have a good meal if I send it to my door by myself.

Gu Qingzhou has to wait for him to vent his disgusting desire before he has time to speak.

"What is it?" Gu Qingzhou was also curious. "At that time, the governor's study was heavily guarded, which must have been a very important thing. You picked up a big bargain, didn't you? "

"Yes." In the ear of Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu tells her the use of the parts.

"Canoe, you gave me another gift!" "I have already said that you are a living baby," said Si Xingfu happily! Canoe, you sent me new cannon parts and saved my life. How can I repay you for your kindness? "

He thought about it, leaned over and pressed on her again. "Give you some seeds, and you'll have some dolls, OK?"

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