Mrs. Si gave eight big yellow croakers to Gu Qingzhou.

She really put her hopes on Gu Qingzhou.

"You must persuade the governor to leave qiongzhi in Yuecheng." Schiff humanity.

From his wife's attitude, Gu Qingzhou understood one thing: the superintendent liked to take care of the boat, even valued it. If she valued her words, the superintendent would listen.

Understand this, and think of the last governor to give her a guarantee, Gu Qingzhou a little sad.

The part she took away from her watch has been stolen by Si Xingfu. Gu Qingzhou will not come back. Every time she thought about it, she felt sorry for the superintendent.

"A hundred years later, the governor's things will also belong to the governor. If he wants to steal them, it will not be a big loss." Gu Qingzhou comforts himself like this.

Such comfort, in fact, can't stand scrutiny. After a while, she will still blame herself.

She returned to her senses and secured the gold bar.

The gold bars were heavy and bright. Gu took them in his light boat and thought, "even if there is no grandfather's property, this money will be enough for me and Mrs. Li to live until they are old, or even to open a small pharmacy."

Eight big yellow croakers are placed in front of the chief executive officer, which is also a large sum of money, let alone the poor patron of light boats?

It's a lot of money.

But this money is not so easy to earn. Today, with the money from Mrs. Si, tomorrow Mrs. Si will be able to make Gu's boat doomed.

The hidden danger is too big!

Gu Qingzhou put the gold bar in his schoolbag.

The next day, she still carries these gold bars to school.

In the afternoon, it's a vocal class.

The school is preparing for the Christmas chorus. The vocal music class doesn't need to be taught alone. Gu Qingzhou lost the chance to sing because of her injury. She went on holiday very smoothly in the afternoon.

It has cleared up.

The bright sunshine sifted through the top of Qiu branch. There were mottled shadows on the ground, but there was no temperature. In winter, it was approaching this prosperous coastal city step by step.

Gu Qingzhou called a rickshaw and went to the governor's office.

"I'm here to see the governor. Gu Qingzhou said to the adjutant at the door.

The adjutant asked Gu Qingzhou to wait for a moment and go in to report.

Soon, the adjutant came out: "Miss Gu, the inspector asked you to speak in the study."

When she arrived, the superintendent was resting. He was tired after a half afternoon meeting.

The adjutant brought the governor's favorite Longjing up, full of tea. The dense water mist in the tea cup added warmth to the early winter afternoon.

"Light boat, sit." The governor said kindly.

The superintendent is a man who separates the military from the family. He is serious and cruel in military affairs, and he is elegant and charitable at home.

"Yes." Gu Qingzhou sits on the sofa opposite.

She took another cup of tea and looked at the inspector of Ophthalmology across the tea table. She took two sips of tea and put down the cup.

Gu Qingzhou sat upright.

The chief inspector took a few hot teas and was in a better mood. When he asked Gu what he wanted to do with the boat, Gu opened his mouth first.

"Inspector, in our school's Chinese class, there is a difficult proposition. I want to ask you for advice." Gu Qingzhou Wennuo said.

"What proposition?" Asked the superintendent carelessly.

"Ideals and nations." Gu said.

The governor is a family member. Hearing this, he raised his eyes and looked at Gu Qingzhou. He was a little cautious and sat upright a little bit: "is there such a proposition assignment in your school? Rarely. "


"Then how do you solve the problem?" Asked the superintendent.

"That's where I'm in a dilemma. I'm afraid that my problem-solving is too narrow. Mies doesn't like it and can't pass." Gu Qingzhou said, "you are a vassal of one side, the proposition of family and country and ideal. If you pass your pass, it will be easy to pass the pass of miss."

The inspector nodded, "tell me."

Gu Qingzhou bit her lips gently. Her fine, waxy and white teeth fell into the cherry red and full lips, hesitating.

"You don't mind. I won't criticize you." The superintendent encouraged her with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou's dark eyes turned gently, and the clear waves of her eyes flowed. She said: "the ocean is made up of every drop of water, and the desert is made up of every grain of sand. Inspector, which drop of water or sand do you think is more important? "

The supervisor was slightly shocked.

That's why he asked.

"Our Chinese nation is beset by foreign powers, divided by warlords and suffering from internal and external troubles. If we want to unify, is it the highest ideal?" Gu asked again.

"It's natural." The governor smiled and thought that it's good to study and understand some politics.

"Is family reunion also an ideal epitome of Chinese unity?" Gu asked again.

At this time, the governor suddenly realized.

He understood the intention of taking care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou pleads for siqiongzhi.

The superintendent didn't go around with her either, and said directly, "light boat, qiongzhi's ticket has been booked, you don't need to say it again."

Take care of the boat and be silent.

She lowered her head and took a sip of half warm tea.

"... the lady asked you to talk about love, Canoe?" The superintendent asked again.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "Madam gave me eight big yellow croakers."

Then she showed the big yellow croaker in her bag to the superintendent.

It's all gold bars from the junta's treasury.

The chief inspector breathed and felt too much.

"Madam gave me this huge sum of money, which shows how much she wants to keep qiongzhi. I was not raised by my parents when I was young. I didn't feel any hardship, but I was empty in my heart.

The master in the jade shop, who wants a piece of jade to become a talent, keeps polishing it and accompanies it day and night instead of throwing it abroad and letting it die.

Governor, qiongzhi is only a teenager. She has a chance to be a heroine. No tiger girl in the gate, such a piece of jade, can you bear to throw it abroad? "

The governor's heart, as hard as iron, suddenly became a little loose.

Gu Qingzhou said the words "heroine", which hit the soft spot of the supervisor.

He doesn't need a daughter who is "smart, obedient and kind" in his husband's population.

China's territory is divided, and there will be few wars and turmoil in the future. The sons and daughters of the governor should become a grain of sand and a drop of water to defend their country.

They are all important.

"She made a big mistake." The inspector sighed.

"You think she made a big mistake. I think it's you!" Gu Qingzhou road.

The chief inspector was stunned and did not understand to look at her.

Gu Qingzhou said: "if I steal my father's things, the most valuable one is the gold bar. What you have is too valuable. What she stole is valuable. Responsibility should not be given to her alone. "

She said this, plainly belittled and secretly boasted, and every sentence was in the mind of the superintendent.

How can the chief inspector sacrifice the chief qiongzhi?

Men are ruthless, they can not recognize each other. However, the stone is slightly cracked, and then it can be broken if it is dropped casually.

The governor's problem was solved by Gu Qingzhou.

He looked at the gold bars in the book bag of the light boat and said with a smile, "put them away and give them to your father for safekeeping. Don't lose them. A big yellow croaker can buy several small houses! "

This is to agree to the request of Gu Qingzhou.

"Thank you, inspector." Gu Qingzhou smiles, her eyes are crooked, and the girl's charming and simple can't be covered.

After a pause, she said, "is it too much, or...?"

she wanted to go back and hesitated to know how much to return, hesitated.

The superintendent was amused by her.

"Not much. In the future, the light boat will be the daughter-in-law of the family secretary. Remember to bring these with you when you are married. It is still the family secretary." The superintendent made fun of her.

It's a huge sum of money. The governor said it's false that he didn't feel hurt, but it's not a waste to take care of the light boat.

In those days, my grandfather, who took care of the light boat, helped the superintendent's army, which was not comparable to this amount of money.

A sum of money of unknown origin, after the baptism of Gu Qingzhou, became the money that the military government gave her in a fair and aboveboard way, completely washed out.

Take care of the boat.

After that, Gu finished. She got up and left. She went to the bank. She put the money in the safe. After that, she could live, escape and even open a small drugstore.

From the bank, Gu went to the post office again to check his letters.

He Wei, the eldest daughter of he's drugstore, wrote to Gu Qingzhou: "the five aunts of the Secretary's family gave me four hundred yuan. Both my father and my mother know that it's my sister's meaning. We have saved it for my sister, and she will pick it up in a few days."

He family won't spend a cent on the boat.

Thinking of this, Gu looked at the time. It was just 4:30. Where can I go now? I can still catch dinner.

So Gu went to he's drugstore.

She's on a tram.

On the way, Huo Yue's car passed by and the driver saw Gu Qingzhou at the tip of his eye.

Hesitated, Huo Yue followed Gu Qingzhou to he's pharmacy.

Gu arrived first.

"... that money is from Aunt Wu. Thank you so much for your medicine. She gave it as a gift." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mu Sanniang doesn't agree. She takes the money out and has to take care of the boat.

"Would you like to put it on the counter, count me as a shareholder, and eat red at the end of the year?" Gu Qingzhou said, "I know the medicine shop is difficult. Let alone your aunt. It's He Wei. I've been here for more than a year. When she arrived in the spring and Autumn period, she was wearing this blue cheongsam."

Mu Sanniang has no heart.

After persuading for a while, mu Sanniang and he mengde finally agreed to leave the money on the counter as shares of Gu Qingzhou.

"Qingzhou, you know, it's not that our pharmacy business is bad, it's the end of traditional Chinese medicine. In this period of time, it's much better than before, but it's not necessarily profitable. If you put this money on the counter, it's also a loss. " He mengde said.

"I'd rather pay!" Gu chuckles.

He mengde couldn't, so he took out the account book and recorded the money in it.

Gu Qingzhou didn't eat. He Wei sent her to the hutongkou if he wanted to go back earlier.

"Shall we go to the cinema this weekend?" Gu Qingzhou asked He Wei.

He smiled and said, "sister, I have two tutors to do on weekends."

"You're too hard." Gu Qingzhou road.

It's already dusk, and the golden evening light falls down. There is a bit of confusion in the sight.

Gu Qingzhou did not see Huo Yue's car not far away.

He Wei took a few steps, but he noticed.

Ping'an West Street has no cars passing by. He Wei is curious. He looks over and over again to find out whether the other side is unknown.

Then, through the window glass, she saw Huo Yue.

"Lord Huo!" He Wei is very happy. He rushes forward and looks at Huo Yue's window.

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