Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1770 rhetoric

Ye Xueyao's "yes" answer was candid, which surprised both the Taoist priest Changqing and ye Wei.

They looked at each other.

Ye Xueyao talks hard. After a moment's hesitation, ye Wei has to speak for his nephew.

He smiled and asked the Taoist priest Changqing, "Taoist priest, is your apprentice unmarried?"

The Taoist priest Changqing also reflected and said with a smile: "she was divorced, you know. If Xueyao wants to be her boyfriend, it will be a beautiful thing. "

He said that, on the contrary, he blocked Ye Wei's words, which made Ye Wei's words useless.

Ye Xueyao said, "OK."

Changqing Road takes tea and sips it gently.

When Chen sushang and ye Xuezhu went downstairs, ye Xuezhu changed her lipstick and the color became more gorgeous. The two girls were talking and laughing.

The Taoist priest said that there was an appointment in the evening, so he could not invite all the Ye family to go with him.

"Ah Li, you send them to your sixth uncle." Long green road long smile way.

Chen sushang sent ye Xueyao and others out.

After going out, ye Xueyao stopped under the steps at the gate.

Half mountain mansions have high steps.

Ye Wei and ye Xuezhu seem to understand. They say goodbye to Chen sushang and go first.

Chen sushang asked ye Xueyao, "what are you doing?"

"Teaching." Ye Xueyao said slowly, "are you still teaching?"

Chen Su said, "during this period of time, didn't you invite a new gentleman?"

At the beginning, he promised Ye Wei that Chen sushang didn't discuss the degree of teaching with Ye Wei, or even the salary. She also only thinks that she will often be free and pass the time.

"No." Ye Xueyao said.

"To be honest, Mr. Ye, I'm not clear about my future now. I'm not very stable. Otherwise, I will ask my master to help me to invite a college student for you. How about that? " Asked Chen sushang.

"No." Ye Xueyao said.

Chen sushang: "...

" be free and go to school. " Ye Xueyao said, "I'm not in a hurry."

Chen sushang looked at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes. She didn't know ye Xueyao at all, why he came to Hong Kong, his parents and relatives, how he and his uncle and sister, what plans he had in the future and so on, Chen Su business didn't know.

She subconsciously felt that he was killing time just like herself.

Learning English is also a way, otherwise long days, really boring.

"Well, I'll go back and make a teaching plan. Let's make the schedule as loose as possible." Chen Su business road.

Ye Xueyao said yes.

Then he pointed to Chen sushang: "a Li."

It's a little confusing.

Then he pointed back to himself: "Xueyao."

Chen sushang is still looking at him.

He gradually became uneasy and spoke with more difficulty: "no, no, no, Mr. Ye."

Chen Su Shang understood this time.

He wants to use each other's first names instead of their last names. Chen sushang introduced himself to Ye's uncle and nephew. They may not remember that the Taoist priest "a Li" is long and "a Li" is short every day.

"Oh." Chen sushang is confused.

After he left, Chen Su Shang returned home, took a few sips of tea, and said to her master, "ye Xueyao is very strange today, and his speech is very strange."

The Taoist said: "no wonder, he just likes you."

Chen sushang almost choked to death with tea.

"Master, are you bored enough to gossip about me?" Chen sushang was helpless to see Master Yan.

The Taoist priest told Chen sushang what ye Xueyao said.

Chen Su was stunned.

"No wonder I have to teach." Chen Su business road.

"What do you think?" the Taoist asked her

Chen sushang has never been in love, or even loved a boy.

Ye Xueyao's appearance is very good-looking, five sense handsome, tall and straight figure. There is nothing wrong except a little stutter.

"... I don't know." Chen sushang is in a dilemma.

Changqing Taoist priest disagreed: "what's to be considered? We can get married and start a family all the time. There are no rules and regulations. Ye Xueyao looks good. You can enjoy it first, but you can't leave it behind. "

Chen sushang: "is this what an elder should say?"

"I'm telling the truth!" The Taoist priest did not reflect at all. "Life is short, ah Li. Enjoy yourself in time!"

Chen sushang: "...

half an hour later, Yan Kai came back from the Huo family.

This time, he looked at Taoist priest Changqing with a certain degree of exploration, because Huo Yue said many stories of Taoist priest, and Yan Kai was like listening to a legend.

At five o'clock, the Taoist priest took Chen sushang and Yan Kai down the mountain to have fun.

On the way, Chen sushang somehow mentioned the last time's giant gate star.

"The dragon vein of China has three protection veins, one of which is in Hong Kong," said the Taoist priest Changqing. I don't know who laid out the array and wanted to use the order of jumen star to destroy Hong Kong's protective vein. "

When Yan Kai heard this, he still felt incredible.

He had a jade pendant in his pocket. His aunt took care of the boat and asked him to bring it to Huo Yue.

And huoyue asked him to show it to Taoist priest Changqing, but he couldn't give it to Taoist priest. It should be returned to Gu Qingzhou.

Yan Kai never took it out.

He put it in his pocket and kept rubbing his fingers.

At this time, there was a little movement in Chen Su's handbag. She took out a small compass, opened it and found that the compass pointer had been pointing at Yan Kai.

Yan Kai also saw it and asked in surprise, "what is this?"

Changqing Taoist priest sat in the front row, as if he had eyes in the back of his head. He came back and took Chen sushang's Compass: "I think it's broken. I'll repair it later."

He threw it under the seat and didn't allow Chen Su Shang to play with it again.

Chen sushang looks at Yan Kai suspiciously.

Yan Kai is even more confused.

What did she want to ask? The chief of Changqing Road in the front passenger seat suddenly said: "Ali, we'll go to the restaurant for dinner later. The steak is very good. Next time you can ask ye Xueyao to invite you."

Yan Kai's attention was immediately diverted.

He pricked up his ears.

Chen sushang, however, didn't want to talk about this in front of her ex husband, which was a bit awkward, although he didn't deserve the name.

"... ye only has money. I look at him like that. His nephew is probably richer. " Master continued, "remember what master said. Good food, good drink. Don't treat yourself badly. As long as you have money, you can eat, drink and have fun with you. Making friends is not bad. Of course, I can't do without money. If I don't have money, I have to ask you to support me... "Br >

Chen Su Shang kicked down the front seat and said," you should be serious. Give me back the compass. "

Changqing Taoist priest doesn't care to step on it. He just teaches Chen sushang how to fall in love.

Yan Kai asked Chen sushang, "are you dating that gentleman?"

"No." Chen Su set up a horse road.

The Taoist priest said: "always dating, ye Xueyao is after Ali. Yan Shao, what do you think of Ye Xueyao? "

Ye Xueyao is undoubtedly very handsome.

Yan Kai has no feelings with Chen sushang. When he heard this, he didn't feel angry or even happy. Because Chen sushang gave a lot of hope to his family when he went to Singapore last time. Yan Kai was afraid that they would marry in disorder.

"He's a very smart guy." Yan Kai said, "of course, it's also very handsome. I think it's a good match for vegetarians."

"I said the same thing," said the evergreen

Chen sushang thought of what he had said before. What he said was to accompany her to Myanmar and send her back. It turned out that he just said it, without any meaning.

She's a little stuck in her heart.

"... it turns out that" rhetoric "means that." She suddenly understood.

She was in a low mood at this moment.

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