Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1776 hand kissing

Ye Xueyao shocked Chen sushang's mind.

"You You... " She had a sudden stutter and was speechless for a while.

Ye Xueyao is also a magician.

"Mr. Ye..."

"No!" But ye Xueyao said, "it's not ye, it's yuan. Yuan Xueyao. "

The dusk is getting deeper, the sunset in the distance is slowly fading away, and the sky has drawn down the black curtain. The villas in the middle of the mountain have set up a lot of lights, while the harbor city under the mountain is bright with neon.

Chen sushang is not a magician.

To be honest, her ability of fortune telling and geomantic omen reading can only be regarded as an introduction.

She has just begun to learn about the yuan family in Western Hunan.

The yuan family claimed to be the descendant of Yuan Tiangang, a great magician of the Tang Dynasty. It was unclear whether it was true or not. But in today's world, the person with the strongest skill must be yuan's.

Chen sushang always thought that ye's uncle and nephew were not simple.

But she didn't expect that they were from the yuan family. But ye Xueyao, it should be yuan Xueyao, was obsessed with her. In order to let her "know him", he voluntarily confessed his identity.

She thought of the strange situation on the last road.

She took a silent step back.

If yuan Xueyao did that, Chen Su Shang's master destroyed the array of others. In the circle of magicians, it would be a feud.

Her Shifu always advocates harmony and wealth, and does not want to make taboos. Even if he sees the holy things of other schools, he will not break them. This is the rule of the Jianghu.

Chen sushang took another step back in silence.

"No!" Yuan Xueyao saw, "don't be afraid."

Chen sushang wanted to call her master, even for help. But she finally overcame this fear and stood still, leaving yuan Xueyao to stand in front of her.

He asked her, "in this way, do you understand?"

Chen sushang thought about it. It's really sincere that such a big secret was told by him.

She raised a problem and others solved it. If she didn't show her sincerity, I'm afraid yuan Xueyao would kill her on the spot.

"Yes." She said, "but understanding doesn't mean accepting. Do you understand that? To know you is to decide whether to accept you or not. "

"I see." Said yuan Xueyao.

Chen sushang nodded and turned to go back.

She seems to be in a hurry and she can walk faster. The way back was a little slanting upward. Chen sushang was not sure whether she was afraid or tired. When she got home, she was already sweating.

Changqing Road chief is in the dining room, preparing for dinner.

Seeing Chen sushang and Yuan Xueyao coming back, he smiled: "ouch, how does Ali sweat? Have you had dinner? "

Instead of answering, Chen turned to yuan Xueyao and said, "go back first."

But Taoist priest Changqing was very enthusiastic: "what else can I do when I order all the meals? Come and eat together. "

Chen sushang: "..."

Master, don't be mean to me.

He invited, yuan Xueyao very decisively agreed: "good."

Chen sushang: "..."

She went upstairs and simply washed her face, changed her dry clothes, and went downstairs.

She was afraid of her master's nonsense.

When she arrived at the dining room, she found her master talking and laughing. Master has a high bridge of nose. The pupil of his eyes is a little light. Under the light, his hair glows yellow with the light. He is a bit like a mixed race.

Chen sushang sat next to his master.

Food is on the table.

As long as master is at home, every meal is very rich, and the servants can't finish it. Her master is so extravagant that she never treats herself or Ali badly.

Today, there are still many dishes.

Yuan Xueyao didn't know the inside story. He thought the Taoist priest was entertaining him.

Chen sushang took a few sips of the water glass, and then heard her master ask yuan Xueyao, "your yuan family sent people to Hong Kong this time to destroy the protection of the dragon and the Chen position, right?"

Yuan Xueyao looks at the Taoist priest Changqing in surprise.

But Chen sushang, choked to death by a saliva, coughed out of time on the dining table.

She coughed red, because the taste of choking water in her windpipe was too bad.

Yuan Xueyao and the Taoist priest Changqing both looked at her, especially the Taoist priest. They were also very concerned about patting her back.

Chen Su Shang coughed for a minute before he stopped coughing. His face was red with coughing.

"Drink water slowly, just like when you were a child." Said Chang Qing kindly.

Chen sushang looked at yuan Xueyao.

She would like to explain that she didn't tell on her own. But she and Yuan Xueyao entered the door together. Yuan Xueyao was very clear. She had no time to inform.

Yuan Xueyao nodded at her and said to her, "Taoist, it's a high man."

They know each other well.

Changqing Taoist priest urged yuan Xueyao to tell Chen sushang about his identity. He believes that this kind of little fool who has never been in love will explain everything.

"Not high, not high." "If it's high, it's still higher for you yuan family. We can't match yuan Tiangang's successors. "

He can speak well.

If the long technique is powerful, his ability to bewitch others is 10% higher than his technique.

Don't say yuan Xueyao's stuttering is yuan Xuezhu, who has the same crisp words. I'm afraid that he is not the opponent of the Taoist priest.

While eating and drinking, the Taoist priest himself can also use his tongue to laugh and compliment the yuan family.

He said about the last pulse protection.

“…… Our two families won't have a feud because of this, will they? " Asked the evergreen Taoist priest with a smile.

Yuan Xueyao: "..."

He just listened to the Taoist priest and was very tired for him. He felt that his tongue was made of iron and could grind down the skin of his mouth.

"No, No." Yuan Xueyao said.

He also wanted to explain, but the Taoist priest didn't care about his explanation at all, and then he added: "well, we are close neighbors, or don't kill each other."

When it's here, let alone yuan Xueyao, Chen Su business understands it.

If her master can not make trouble, he will not make trouble, but once he does, he is not afraid.

He will only do what he thinks is right.

It's incumbent on the yuan family to set up the array, to destroy the protective vein, and the Taoist priest to protect the air transport of Hong Kong.

He is not afraid of yuan family's revenge.

He was just a first-hand man, communicating with the yuan family.

They have to be angry, and the Taoist priest will not take it seriously. When they are destroyed, the Taoist priest will still have a lot of fun. When they are destroyed, the Taoist priest will enjoy enough money for the first half of his life and die. Anyway, Ali will inherit the heritage.

The Taoist priest who put life and death aside is very open-minded and open-minded.

Yuan Xueyao and Chen sushang looked at each other and saw each other's eyes. They were silent.

At the end of dinner, yuan Xueyao left and Chen sushang took him to the gate.

"Good night." He whispered.

Chen sushang also said good night.

But he suddenly came close, took her hand and gave her a kiss.

Chen Su Shang Leng next, and then directly told him: "kiss the hand gift is to meet the line, not leave the time."

Yuan Xueyao smiled: "I know."

Chen sushang: "..."

Seeing her speechless appearance, he smiled again, turned around and walked down the steps.

Chen sushang watched him go far, standing alone at the door, stunned for a long time.

Changqing Taoist priest walked behind her and patted her on the shoulder: "what is Lengshen doing?"

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