Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1816 I need self insurance

Yan Kai brings Chen sushang back to the hotel.

As soon as he entered, he poured her a cup of hot tea: "warm hands."

Chen Su said, "I want to take a bath. You go out and buy me a pajama. "

Yan Kai said yes.

He went to put the hot water first, turned to go downstairs and went to the nearest women's clothing store.

There are no pajamas in the shop, but there are more comfortable dresses.

Yan Kai estimated Chen's size, which should be similar to Yan Qi's, so he bought a dress, a sweater and a coat.

When he came back, Chen sushang had not taken a bath.

Yan Kai said to her through the bathroom door, "I've got my clothes, but I need to wash the ones that are close to me. If you don't mind, I'll send the dress down to wash now and order a meal. You can wear my shirt first. "

Chen Su said, "OK."

Yan Kai turns out her shirt, sweater and pajamas and puts them on the bed.

He went down first with his dress and asked the people in the hotel to wash and dry it. Then he asked for a rich meal and sent it directly to the room.

Busy, he went upstairs again.

Chen sushang has been dressed.

Yan Kai's sweater and shirt, which she can wear as a skirt, only folds up the sleeves; as for the pyjamas, they are too big, and the waist is too loose.

She simply can't get up in bed.

"Thank you." Chen Su Shang smiled as he wiped his hair. "It's so comfortable to take a bath. I haven't had a bath in more than ten days."

Yan Kai's heart was wrenched.

How did they do this?

“…… Are you out of money? " Yan Kai asked.

Chen sushang shook his head.

The waiter knocked on the door and brought up the dinner.

Yan Kai went to open the door, took the tray from the waiter and brought it to Chen sushang.

In this rice, there is a bowl of kelp and spareribs soup, which gives off the aroma of gravy.

Chen Su business up, do not breathe first a strong drink, until the bottom.

Yan Kai has never been hungry since he was a child, so in his eyes, starvation is a great torture.

He can't see any more.

Chen Su Shang had a bowl of soup. His body was warm and his stomach was warm. He smiled: "what did you ask just now?"

"Are you out of money?" Yan Kai repeated.

Chen Su Shang shook his head: "No. When I finish eating, I'll tell you more about it. "

She is really hungry.

When Yan Kai was eating, she called again and asked the hotel to send a dessert.

Chen sushang finished the meal for two by himself, and then ate the desserts sent by him. The whole person was too tired to move.

She leaned on the pillow, put down the sleeve of Yan Kai's shirt to cover her hand, and talked with her about this period of time.

“…… After you left, my Shifu found something wrong. It seems that someone specially dealt with us. The best way is for us all to leave our homes and disappear all over Hong Kong. Who can find what? Let's get back to each other. " Chen sushang said.

"At first it was Hu, and then it was Hu Lingsheng who was killed. Are you sure that the Hu family didn't do this?" Yan Kai asked.

Chen Su said, "I don't know yet. The enemy is dark and I am clear. Master asked me to pretend to be a beggar and keep this position. "

"You're not a real beggar..."

"To pretend to be a beggar, you have to pretend to be a little bit. Do not communicate with each other if there is no exact message. I don't know where my master and ye Wei's uncle and nephew are now. " Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai: "..."

He didn't quite understand that.

So he put his ideas straight out: "can't you just leave Hong Kong?"

"The enemy is a shadow, not something you can hide from." Chen sushang smiled. "Besides, my master has provoked more than one enemy. Whoever kills us, we will change places. We don't have to live. One more thing... "


"My master is a man with no morality. He always asked me to play with yuan Xueyao and make me friends with Xuezhu. I thought he had no problem.

Last time when we separated, he told me that the yuan family wanted to destroy the protection of Hong Kong. Yuan Xueyao and Xue Zhu are the main forces. We should keep a firm eye on them and not let them out of our sight. " Chen Su business road.

At this point, she was a little embarrassed herself.

Her unreliable master made it clear that she could use yuan Xueyao's and Xuezhu's feelings.

Moreover, in master's view, this is a great sacrifice, not a trick.

Chen sushang felt that he had been watching the theatre all day and was uneasy and kind-hearted. As expected, he did not misunderstand him.

"Yuan Xueyao?" Yan Kaiwei Leng, "not ye Xueyao?"

Chen sushang: "..."

"What pulse protection? Is it related to the last highway? " Yan Kai asked again.

He suddenly realized that he also advised Chen sushang to approach yuan Xueyao.

Is it true that he is also trapped in injustice?

It's true that Taoist priest Changqing is not reliable. What kind of hot water does he put himself and prime quotient in?

"This..." Chen sushang is a little wordless. She struggled for a long time, still not knowing how to speak.

There are too many secrets she can't tell Yan Kai.

"Later. After that, I'll tell you, OK? " Chen Su Shang smiled and said, "Yan Kai, you don't know these things very well, and I don't want you to."

Yan Kai's lip line has become one.

He looked at Chen sushang, but he stopped talking.

At this moment, he was in a bad mood. Chen Su Shang's words hurt him.

If he doesn't understand, he hopes Chen sushang doesn't understand either, so they are like a kind of people.

"I thought you were just miss chen." It took Yan Kai a long time to speak.

When Chen sushang heard what he said, he couldn't help laughing: "if it's just Chen's daughter, I'm afraid I don't know how to die. I have a secret. Do you want to listen? "

Yan Kai sat upright and said, "yes."

"When we first arrived in Singapore, Chen Yu, the illegitimate son of Chen Ding, wanted to belittle me. He is much stronger than me, and Chen Ding is partial to him. I have no power to bind a chicken, so he dares to make mistakes like that. " Chen sushang said.

Yan Kai's face was startled.

He never knew about it, and a thin anger broke out in his heart.

He also remembered that when he was at Chen's house, Chen sushang had said that Chen Yu and Chen Haoyue were wild.

It's wild indeed!

“…… Later, I bewildered him with a charm, and he was shot by Chen Ding. " Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Chen Su Shang and wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know what to comfort him.

Chen sushang continued: "I'm different from you. I still hope I understand the skill. In this world, there are always times when other people will not arrive. I need to protect myself. "

Yan Kai nodded.

"I'm sorry, Su Shang, I said the wrong thing. I don't have back pain standing and talking. " Yan Kai whispered, "I am mainly Because I don't understand and can't help, I can only say that kind of angry words. "

Chen sushang said it was OK.

She changed the subject and asked Yan Kai, "Why are you back in Hong Kong?"

"I came to you on purpose." Yan Kai took off his mouth and said, "I'll call you. No one has answered. I can't rest assured. I don't believe that you have returned to the mainland. So I stayed for a few days. "

Chen sushang: "..."

All of a sudden, she was a little uneasy.

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