Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1820 yuan family's plot

What's different?

"One is the beginning, one is the real end." Yan Kai said with a smile.

Chen sushang: "..."

She would like to be indifferent, but her heart shines a little sunshine, warm in Hong Kong in winter.

Yan Kai believed what she said. He didn't care to play with ambiguity and tell lies.

It's too easy for him to get a woman, so he's very honest about it.

"You and her, it's over?" Chen sushang asked, "if she is not happy..."

"No, it's really over." When she was engaged, I felt I owed her. When I was in love, I didn't treat her well. At this moment, there is no sense of debt. "

Chen Su said, "you don't owe her. You have more than one heart."

"No one taught me before, now I understand."

Chen sushang's lips are fretting, with a shallow arc.

She didn't know what she was looking forward to.

The car went all the way up to Chen's house in the middle of the mountain.

There are four people sitting in the living room. They are ye Wei's uncle and nephew three and Chang Qing's Taoist priest. Each of them looks dignified.

When yuan Xueyao saw Yan Kai, his face sank.

Chen Su Shang stepped forward to her master and said, "master..."

Changqing Taoist priest waved and asked her to sit down.

He raised his eyes and looked at Yan Kai, trying to squeeze out a warm smile: "Yan Shao, you take care of Ali these days. You go upstairs and have a rest. We have something to talk about. "

Yan Kai nods.

He didn't feel left out. After all, he couldn't understand the things between warlocks.

Yan Kai passed them and went to the stairs on the second floor, but the Taoist priest suddenly called out, "wait a minute, you don't know which room is upstairs, and you haven't cleaned it. You go to my study first, and I'll ask someone to clean up later. "

After that, he took Yan Kai with him.

His abnormal enthusiasm made people confused, including Yan Kai himself.

Since Yan Kai has come, he is not picky, so he has to go to the study with the Taoist priest.

There is a very expensive leather sofa in the Taoist's study. There are blankets in the sofa. You can sit or lie down.

"Taoist priest, if you have anything, just say it." Yan Kai is right on the point.

The Taoist priest's attitude is still very strange and gentle: "Yan Shao, did you bring that jade plate again last time?"

"Yes, does it work?" Yan Kai took it out of her pocket.

The jade pendant was warmed by his temperature, and his tentacles were warm.

As soon as he left Singapore, he went to see his aunt for it, just in case.

He just remembered that last time the Taoist priest had an unusual attitude towards this jade pendant.

"I don't know. Give it to me first." The Taoist priest spread out his hand.

Yan Kai put his respect in his palm.

Taoist priest took it up and looked left and right. It was also uncertain.

At the moment, he has a kind of wilful mind.

Yan Kai didn't disturb him.

The Taoist priest looked at it silently for a long time, put the jade pendant into his pants pocket at will, pointed to the sofa and said, "take a rest first."

When he went downstairs, he heard Xuezhu complaining to Chen sushang.

Xuezhu is hiding in the back kitchen of a western restaurant. She is tired, bitter and bullied when she does the work of sorting out groceries.

"How do ordinary people live?" Snow Zhu exclaimed, "let others bully you?"

Yuan's family lived in Xiangxi, but Xuezhu was a girl born in the first place, a magician cultivated since childhood.

She has been living a life of high status, at least materially.

For the hardships of life, she is not as transparent as Chen sushang.

"Used to, numb." Chen Su said, "people are the most resilient."

When the Taoist priest came down, Xuezhu's complaint was interrupted.

Only Chen Su Shang didn't know what happened.

"Master, what's the matter? Have you found the murderer who killed Mr. Hu?" Asked Chen sushang.

The Taoist priest looked at the leaves and eyes.

Chen Su Shang's heart thumped.

What does that mean?

Ye Wei's expression was distorted and his voice cleared: "it's the yuan family who killed Hu Lingsheng. Not because of Hu Lingsheng's family, but because Hu Lingsheng discovered his secret. "

"What secret?"

"Have you noticed something wrong with the compass recently?" Ye Wei asked.

Chen sushang nodded quickly.

She's full of problems, and I don't know which is more important.

"The secret discovered by Hu Lingsheng should be related to this, but we don't know that the man is dead." Ye Weidao.

Chen sushang is a little confused.

Her master has always kept the yuan family under her nose. On the other hand, he urged yuan Xueyao to fall in love with Chen Su Shang.

He made friends with them, and at the same time he used his feelings to tie them down.

Chen Sushan thinks that he is so immoral.

Since such immoral things have been done, how things are still out of control?

"Do you yuan family also have factions?" Asked Chen sushang.

Yuan Xueyao rushed to answer, "yes."

"Since the three of you are in Hong Kong, how can you send someone else?" Chen sushang asked again.

Xuezhu trusted Chen sushang and Taoist priest Changqing very much and said immediately: "I don't know. Su Shang, our family often takes on some business. Sometimes the business is too big to imagine.

This time, we have come to Hong Kong to destroy Hong Kong's protection. Once this protective vein is broken, many people's Qi will change, and they can also reorganize the dragon vein of China. "

"Breaking is to stand." Ye Wei also said, "first break the present, and then go to find a new one."

Chen sushang hurried to see her master.

It was more serious than she thought.

But long green Taoist priest was in a daze. The smoke in his hand burned a long piece of ash, and he didn't move for a long time.

"Yuan's family don't trust you?" Asked Chen sushang.

Xuezhu said quickly and said their guesses: "this is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that it may be a scam from the beginning to the end. "


"Yes, for me, brother and uncle Liu." "I'm upset," said Xuezhu

Chen sushang understood this time.

They guessed that the yuan family didn't send them out to protect their blood vessels, but wanted to squeeze the three of them out of the yuan family.

The yuan family's power may be changing.

“…… Grandpa's most valued people are not my uncles, but six uncles. " Xuezhu said again.

Ye Wei, the sixth uncle, is actually the sixth uncle, but the old man says he has a business mind.

The head of the yuan family needs not only skills, but also the ability to drill and master power.

He valued Ye Wei more.

"My eldest brother is the eldest son. Our father died very early. If Grandpa had a chance, the head of the family would be the eldest brother. If the eldest brother failed, he would be the sixth uncle.

I was raised by six aunts and six uncles when I was young. Naturally, I stand on the side of six uncles. If my eldest brother wants to be the head of the family, I will also stand on his side. Besides, I don't agree with anyone. " Xuezhu said again.

Therefore, if you want things to go smoothly, uncle Liu must go, Xueyao must go, and even Xuezhu must go.

"So you think it's a conspiracy from the beginning to the end?" Asked Chen sushang.

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