Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1828 biological mother

When the plane landed in Hong Kong, Gu asked Chen sushang, "have you changed your mind? Do you want to go to the hospital with me? "

Chen sushang is a wise man. He already knows what the hospital will be.

She was frightened.

She thought about it: "Mrs. secretary, I'll have a day off first. Where do you stay? I'll call you. "

"At the Huo's house." Gu Qingzhou road.

Chen Su said, "that's close. How about we go tomorrow? "

Gu Qingzhou says OK.

The Huos sent someone to pick them up.

When the car arrived at the half mountain mansion, Chen sushang and the Taoist priest were put down first, and then drove up.

Chen Su Shang returned to Chen's house, collapsed in the sofa first and refused to get up.

The Taoist asked her, "what did Mrs. Si tell you?"

Chen sushang is silent.

The Taoist priest gave her a push.

"Master, I think Mrs. Si knows my own parents..." Chen sushang turned to look at the Taoist priest, and suddenly remembered that Mrs. Si asked her to see the wife, and her husband died in the war of resistance.

Maybe she will never have the chance to see her own father.

They lost her. Does she have a chance to see her mother?

This is not a betrayal of Mrs. Chen.

When Mrs. Chen was alive, she also hoped to find her own parents.

I don't know each other. What's the matter with seeing each other?

"Is it?" The Taoist priest was a little surprised.

He is seldom surprised.

The Warlock can use the plum blossom technique to find the lost person or object. However, the premise is that you need to know the disgraceful birthday.

The Taoist priest Changqing has not seen Chen sushang's biological parents. He does not know their eight characters and cannot calculate their position.

In the past few years, he went to Guangxi many times, trying to find out about the past of Su Shang, but he didn't succeed.

I can't imagine that things are going so smoothly.

"I found it, isn't it good? You ask Mrs. Si to take you to meet them. " The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang lies still.

The Taoist priest looked at her and said, "don't you want to see me?"

"No, No." Chen Su said, "I don't know what it means to see you."

The Taoist priest poked her forehead: "are you confused? Yes, you have your own parents and family again. Mrs. Chen will be glad to know. If Mrs. Chen is still alive, you can be forgiven for hesitating like this. Now it's just stupid. "

Chen sushang: "..."

All her thoughts seemed to have changed with her master's shouting.

She looked at master anxiously.

The Taoist priest urged her again: "go quickly."

Chen sushang said, "I have agreed with Mrs. Si that I will go tomorrow."

"Why wait for tomorrow?" But the Taoist priest was more anxious than her. "Go today, hurry up!"

Chen sushang couldn't help calling the Huo family.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu didn't have a rest. After receiving the phone call, they immediately set out and arrived at the door of Chenzhai.

The Taoist priest came out and apologized to Gu Qingzhou: "she is confused. You should tell me about this first. I will advise her. It's a good thing to find it. My pear thought she had no father or mother since she was a child. "

Taoist priest doesn't resist. There is a lot less pressure on this matter.

Gu Qingzhou also invited the Taoist priest: "would you like to join us?"

The Taoist priest does not refuse falsely.

They also drove a car, followed Huo's car and went to a private hospital.

The hospital is invested and built by Americans, mostly for recuperation, with elegant and clean environment.

Gu Qingzhou is a regular customer. After registering, the nurse took them to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is a VIP area, with few rooms and exquisite furnishings. The air is also very fresh, and there is no unique medicine smell of the hospital.

Gu Qingzhou pushes open the door of a ward.

The nurse is feeding the patient with a warm attitude.

Lying in bed, the patient was haggard, with an oxygen tube in it, and it was hard to breathe.

Chen sushang's heart is stagnant.

Her mother, Mrs. Chen, is always ill, which makes her have a kind of natural sympathy for the sick.

"Sister." The woman on the sickbed cried out of weakness.

Her vision, one by one swept past, see Chen sushang, she suddenly struggled to sit up.

Her forehead blue tendons are out, desperately want to grasp something, the voice is sharp and weak: "a Li, a Li!"

Compared with when he was a child, Chen sushang just grew up, and the outline of his facial features was still clear.

Her little daughter, such eyes and eyebrows, day and night in her dream, countless times of description, can be sketched at random.

She coughed violently when she was excited.

The nurse rushed to help her, but she still reached out and wanted to hold on.

When she didn't catch Ali, she lost her.

Gu Qingzhou also helped her.

She coughs to be about to break the gas, the line of sight actually refuses to leave Chen Su Shang half inch.

Chen Su Shang was so sour that he stepped forward and took her hand.

The woman finally coughed up a mouthful of phlegm, and her mood was a little slow.

Her bony hands, like Mrs. Chen's, held Chen Su Shang's tightly.

"Han Han, don't worry." Gu Qingzhou soothes her with a soft voice. "Ali is back. She won't go."

"I'm not dreaming. Your hands are hot." Kang Han's tears kept pouring out, "My Li, you are back at last. I'm sorry mom didn't take care of you. I've been looking for you all these years. "

Chen sushang was killed by her, and her words were filled in her voice.

She couldn't help crying.

She remembers the sound.

The woman's voice is old and weak, but the tone of her voice and the base of her voice are still audible.

Chen Su business dream countless times, she and her parents happy scene, women are so gentle call her.

So this is her mother.

My mother has always been in Hong Kong.

And she has been in Hong Kong for a long time. Why did she miss it and never meet it?

"Han Han, let go of your hand. A Li won't go any more." Gu Qingzhou comforted her with a soft voice. "Don't get excited. The doctor said you can't get excited."

Kang Han hesitated and slowly let go of her hand.

She looked at Chen sushang and said, "ah Li, don't cry. Your father left, but your mother will take care of you. Tomorrow I will I'll be fine tomorrow, really! "

Chen sushang wants to turn around and go out.

Too much emotion washes her, she is at a loss. But she didn't dare to go.

In case of going out, is this another dream?

She had many dreams, some of them were real.

Her voice was choked and she still couldn't say anything.

At this time, the doctor came.

Kang Han listened to the doctor very much.

"Don't be too excited. Take a rest." The doctor said to Kang Han, "family members go out first."

"No, I can't go. Don't go, Ali!" Kang Han screamed again.

Gu assured her, "we're not going, we're just standing at the door."

The others retreated, and Gu led Chen sushang by the light boat and asked her to stand at the door.

Chen sushang is sure to stand.

Her tears are still running.

Gu Qingzhou gives her a pad.

She covered her eyes and asked for a long time, "she What's wrong with her? "

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