Young General's Escaping Wife

1840 wine is tears of sorrow

Yan Kai and Chen Su Shang are sitting in the coffee shop.

Compared with a month ago, Yan Kai's mentality has changed a lot.

He has lost his composure.

He added three spoonfuls of sugar to his coffee, but it was still bitter, and he didn't feel it in his mouth or in his heart.

Chen sushang also held her coffee cup in silence.

It was Yan Kai who broke the silence first.

"Su Shang, tell me what you want to say. Don't make yourself too difficult." Yan Kai Dao.

Chen sushang took a sip of coffee to moisten his throat.

But her voice was still dry, and she took another two.

A large cup of coffee was poured down by her, she spoke with the mellow coffee.

"Last time we said I might come to Singapore." Chen sushang looked into Yan Kai's eyes, "I'm sorry, I made a wrong estimate at that time. Yan Kai, I can't come. "

Yan Kai's brain seems to have been hit by a heavy hammer. His brain is mixed into a ball, and his ears are buzzing.

He held the coffee cup to death, his fingers turning white.

"Why?" Yan Kai said, "if you like Hong Kong very much, I can go to Hong Kong..."

He said such a sentence, already with a bit of prayer.

Chen Su Shang's heart ached and there was a very clear bloodstain.

Her hands were shaking, probably because she drank coffee on an empty stomach, and her blood was moving a little faster; maybe because of her mood.

"Not for that reason, you know." Chen Su said, "since you don't understand, I can only say a little more clearly. Yan Kai, I think it's clear. I'm going to be with yuan Xueyao. "

Yan Kai understood her words.

Her voice is not heavy, but every word goes to his heart, like a small and fierce ant, gnawing at his heart.

He's a gentleman, so he should stand up and bless her as before.

He and Su manluo also had a break-up, at that time did not feel any pain taste, only when two people are angry. She made a lot of noise, and he was finally tired.

Several months after the break-up, Su manluo left Singapore. One day, he suddenly thought of her, and his heart hurt. At that time, he realized that he had lost her.

At that time, the feeling was dull and slow.

Not this time.

This time, Mingming didn't start. He didn't pursue her personally or kiss her.

Their relationship is strong and weak. A marriage certificate can be everlasting or just a piece of tissue paper.

Chen Sushan has nothing wrong with him.

Seriously speaking, in this relationship, his fault is more.

He also suggested that Chen sushang accept yuan Xueyao for fear that she would stick to herself.

However, retribution comes so fast, so unexpected!

"Why are you with him?" Yan Kai persuades him to leave, but he doesn't want to.

He made a meaningless struggle.

He asked this sentence, has not seen good or bad, and a bit of pestering annoying.

"He's fine." Chen Su said, "like me, he is a magician. He liked me the first time he saw me. He didn't like anyone else except me. Both of them are very important to me. "

This is aimed at Yan Kai.

Yan Kai doesn't need to be far fetched to be seated: he's not a magician, he once had sumalo.

As a result, he was disqualified.

"I'm sorry, Yan Kai." Chen Su said, "I came back this time to ask your grandfather to officially divorce us. I hope it doesn't bother you. "

Yan Kai looks up at her.

A ladle of cold water, drenched in his devastated heart, he hurt a thrill.

He might even cry at her.

He took back his sight, hurriedly and awkwardly stood up: "OK."

After that, he left quickly.

He's a big man. He can't cry in the coffee shop because he's getting up to catch up with the house.

But the feeling and the body are not separated, when the pain, tears have their own ideas, what can he do?

He drove the car out.

Yan Kai didn't know where he was driving. He only knew that the car was running fast, and his eyes were blurred.

Later, he stopped at the door of a pub.

He drank a lot of wine.

He was drowsy and had no thought at all. His brain seemed to be hollowed out.

He was slapped twice.

"How can he be like a dead pig?" He vaguely heard the voice of Si yuzao, "brother Jiu, you should carry him!"

"Where is a dead pig? Dead pigs are easy to carry. They are like mud. " He also heard his own sister Yan Qi's voice.

Then, Zhang Xinmei's voice came closer: "OK, you can criticize him when he wakes up."

After all, his body was in the air, and he vomited.

The voice of Si yuzao saying "disgusting" came from behind.

When Yan Kai woke up again, he was caught in the sun.

As soon as he opened his eyes, his eyes ached, his skull pricked like a needle, and his whole body and head seemed to be scattered.

"Brother Kay, are you awake?" Someone is in the room.

He tried to see the past, and saw Si yuzao and Si quefang. They each held a cup of coffee, chatting and looking at him.

Yan Kai tried to get up and sit down.

Sparrow boat threw his brother-in-law's cigarette box to Yan Kai.

Yan Kai took out one point and it took a long time to ease her headache.

The pain in his body was a little better. He immediately thought of Chen sushang, and his heart was suddenly filled with gloom. He wanted to get drunk again.

"Brother Kay, I'll bet elder sister that you must have been jilted by a girl before you drown your sorrows with wine." The sparrow boat smiled, "isn't it brother Kay? Admit it, or you'll pay me a thousand pounds. "

Yan Kai: "..."

Si's brother-in-law takes his pain as a pastime. He is the worst cousin, a group of bastards.

"Certainly not." Si yuzao said, "can brother Kai be bullied by girls? He's so powerful that even sumalo can hook up with him. "

After that, her eyes were hooked.

She was disgusting and took the opportunity to lose some money to her brother.

Yan Kai doesn't want to mix with them very much.

He put out his cigarette butts and planned to get up and go home. Anyway, the house of siyuzao and his apartment are only a few steps away.

"Brother Kay, what are you doing?" Asked Si yuzao.

"Go home!" Yan Kai has a headache.

"Are you stupid? This is your room. " Siyuzao laughs.

Yan Kai: "..."

In his rage, he first drove out siyuzao and siquefang.

Yan Kai took a cold bath, only to be sober.

He didn't satisfy the curiosity of his brothers and sisters and tell them what happened.

Anyway, we all need to know.

But these days.

Yan Kai was upset in his stomach. He asked the servant to cook some rice porridge for him, and the rice porridge was brought up.

Although Si yuzao is not reliable, he still orders everything that should be ordered.

When Yan Kai was drinking porridge, he thought of Chen sushang again. His appetite seemed to be blocked, so he could not put rice porridge in.

Just then, the phone rang.

Yan Kai asked the servant to pick it up, but when the servant came back, he was a little alarmed: "it's the old man's phone, young master."

After a pause, the servant added, "the old man looks very angry."

Yan Kai knew that Chen Su Shang had gone home.

She didn't wait a moment.

Yan Kai's chopsticks fell into the bowl. After a while, he said, "go to prepare the car and ask someone to drive for me."

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