Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1844 supporting

As soon as Si yuzao and Si Kaikai entered the door, they saw brother and sister Chen Yu.

At that time, in the restaurant, five minutes after Chen sushang left, Chen was awake.

He woke up and had no idea what he had done.

Chen did not want to call the police at first, but when they came out of the restaurant, they met a young man named Hong.

Mr. Hong's father, who was also born in the domestic army, later arrived in Singapore.

Chen Ding's abandonment of the city made the military teeth cold. Young master Hong often heard from his father that he was very disdainful of Chen Ding. When he saw Chen Yu, Chen Ding's son, he always sneered at him.

The Chen family is related to the Yan Family in marriage, but young master Hong dare not.

Now it's said that the girls of Chen's family have been driven out by Yan's family and divorced. Hong Shao sees Chen's brother and sister are in a mess again. He can't help saying a few words.

He likes Chen Haoyue a little, so he's a little more restrained.

"... since it's a victim, why don't you call the police?" Hong Shao asked with a smile.

Chen Yu and Chen Haoyue could not get down on their faces.

There were other people around.

Chen could not swallow this tone. He took Chen Haoyue to guard the Department and wanted to get justice.

Chen sushang has divorced Yan's family. She has no background in Singapore. Neither brother nor sister Chen knows what she is doing in Singapore.

After all, Chen sushang takes care of the relatives of the Secretary's family and even lives in the Secretary's family. Only those who should know will know. "... she is a witch doctor. She can kill people for fun!" Chen told the police, "she also used witchcraft to me. She used witchcraft to his wife all the time before, and she loved her so much. It's a pity that her witchcraft is bewildering and harmful, and her wife only left so early. "

The police took the record seriously and asked them to wait by first.

Chen Haoyue is a little uneasy.

She is different from Chen Yu. She also wants face and doesn't want to make things too big.

"Brother, is that ok?" Chen Haoyue asked him in a low voice, "don't we have a fight among the three of us when Chen sushang comes to the police station?"

"They'll lock her up and probably drive her out of Singapore!" Chen hazy complacent way, "she this kind of person, put before, want to kill a head!"

Which official can allow the existence of witchcraft?

Si Jia is the biggest warlord in Singapore, and they will be afraid.

Chen sushang never came back, and her mother was still buried in Singapore.

Chen Yu decides to dig up Mrs. Chen's grave and bring out the coffin for Chen Su Shang to see as soon as he is in prison.

She will be in agony!

Chen Ding won't be in charge of these things. He hates Mrs. Chen and Chen Su Shang.

Chen's cheeks were swollen like pig's head, and his eyes narrowed with pain. But when he thought of tormenting Chen sushang to death, he laughed happily and felt that the pain in his cheeks was much lighter.

Chen Haoyue is reassured by his brother.

Last time, Chen Haoyue met Yan Kai and Chen sushang in the restaurant. Chen sushang also called Chen Haoyue not to come to Taiwan. Chen Haoyue hated her as much as Chen Yu.

They had been waiting for about an hour when they saw a tall and handsome young man come in.

The young man's face is a little bit immature, but he is tall, cold, and as capable as a superior.

Chen Haoyue and Chen Ding don't know him. They all look at him.

Especially Chen Haoyue, his heart beating a little fast, reaching out to cover his finger mark still on his face.

Behind the young man is the eldest daughter, Si yuzao.

People in Singapore almost know Miss Si yuzao.

She is a famous doctor herself, often appears in the newspaper, and likes to eat, drink and play.

Chen Haoyue and Chen Yu have met her in various occasions. She is happy and wanton, and has no shelf.

"How is Miss Si coming?" Chen Haoyue lowered his voice.

Chen doesn't know. He plays drums in his heart.

Si yuzao went directly to the chief of the police station. They went to the chief's office.

The young man has been following Si yuzao.

Chen Haoyue thought, "is he the follower of the Secretary's family?"

Thinking of this, I suddenly lost interest. The beauty of Miss Chen's appearance is the second thing that can make her emotional. Power is the most important thing.

Si yuzao went in for a moment. The police came to invite Chen Yu and Chen Haoyue.

Chen Haoyue saw that the young man was sitting in the middle, and the police chief and miss Si yuzao were sitting beside him.

It's like a small court.

Chen Haoyue and Chen Yu were led by others and sat on the shorter chair opposite the three men.

"Ask the plaintiff to state the case again." The police reminded them.

Chen Yu and Chen Hao look at each other on the moon.

It's really a small temporary court.

Who is the young man sitting on the throne?

Chen Haoyue thinks that he is familiar, but he can't remember.

"No, not Chen sushang?" Chen is very surprised and stutters.

"No need to ask, you have to state first." Said Si yuzao.

Chen began to talk about how Chen Su Shang used witchcraft to harm him.

"Isn't it?" Si yuzao interrupted him, "I was in that restaurant at that time. I saw you shouting as soon as you entered the door. Miss Chen didn't say much from beginning to end. "

Chen Yu: "...

he is worried and thinks things are not right. He tries to point to his face:" look at me... "

" I see it. At that time, I saw that you beat yourself. You beat not only yourself, but your sister. " Siyuzao said again.

Chen Haoyue then understood that Miss Si came to support Chen sushang.

But how could it be?

The Secretary's family and Yan's family have a good personal relationship. The first lady and Yan Kaiqing are brothers and sisters. They have played together since childhood. The Yan family doesn't want Chen sushang. Why does Miss Si make the decision for Chen sushang?

Shouldn't it have fallen?

"No, it's not!" Chen suddenly stood up, very excited, "she used witchcraft, I didn't know anything at that time. If I knew, could I hit myself? "

"But you remember Menqing." Si yuzao continued to sneer, "what witchcraft, I think you have mental illness, can't control yourself for a while?"

Say, Si yuzao stood up, "you still come to frame Miss Chen? Chief, please send someone to investigate. Before finding out, put their brother and sister in prison for 24 hours. "

Chen Haoyue looks pale with fright.

Even though he was only put in prison, Chen Haoyue thought that he had been in prison.

Her father's status declined rapidly. Chen sushang's humble species was driven out by Yan family. Chen family lost their in laws with Yan family. Chen Haoyue's future was difficult.

If another one goes to jail, what will she do?

"It's my brother. He wants to harm Chen Su Shang himself. It has nothing to do with me. I can testify." Chen Haoyue said in a high voice.

Si yuzao's lips are slightly bent: "Miss Chen is very clear and righteous, and refuses to mix with thieves. It's very good. Ask her to testify. "

Chen is shocked and looks at his sister.

He responded and wanted to beat Chen Haoyue: "you dare to talk nonsense!"

Si yuzao immediately shouted: "hold him down, his mania will attack again. Later, when he has finished fighting his sister, he will fight himself and accuse us that all the people present are witches. "

Two police officers came in, cut Chen's hands and pressed him to the ground.

Chen Haoyue panicked.

"Sister, let's go." At last she heard the voice of the young people.

Elder sister...

he is the master of the Department!

Chen Haoyue finally remembered that she had seen Si Xingfu by chance. The young man's appearance is like the model of Si Xingfu. No wonder he looks so familiar.

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