Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1848 will definitely pursue you

Yan Kai wants to invite Chen sushang to sit in his room, but the lower class rooms of the inn are not equipped with electric lights or fans.

It's a bit stuffy in the room. It's still smelly.

After thinking about it, he suggested going out with her.

"... how did you get to Jingliang?" Chen sushang asked him first.

Yan Kai also wants to ask this question.

"Qiao Si's sister married here. He said that her sister died, but she died in a strange way. I want to come and have a look. But as soon as he left for several months, there was no news. I don't have much to do. I'll come to him. "

By the way, I'm looking forward to meeting you in Guangxi...

this words turned around the tip of the tongue, he swallowed.

Then he asked rationally, "what about you? How are you alone, Taoist priest? "

He only asked Chang, not yuan Xueyao.

If you don't mention him, think he doesn't exist.

"Master went to Vietnam." Chen sushang said truthfully, "I went to Jingliang to find him. There's something to do by the way. "

"The French have not withdrawn, Vietnam is very dangerous." Yan Kaili said, "how can you go alone? If you really want to go, I'll go with you. "

Chen sushang smiled: "I have something to do by the way. When Shifu left, I made an appointment with him. If I can't find him, I'll meet him in Jingliang. I may not be able to pass. "

Yan Kai slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

At the end of a conversation, both of them hesitated about what to say on the next topic, so they kept silent for a full minute.

"Where do you live at night?" Yan Kai asked her again, "this inn is dirty."

"I have a place to live." Chen sushang said with a smile.

Yan Kai said: "can you take me with you? This inn is too bad for me to live in for a moment. "

Chen sushang was silent.

Yan Kai's probe failed.

The two of them are divorced. At the time of divorce, Chen sushang clearly told him that she wanted to be with yuan Xueyao. Maybe she needed to avoid suspicion.

"... I'm familiar with this place. I'll ask my acquaintances tomorrow to lend you a house to live in." Chen Su Shang took a long time to answer.

Yan Kai got up the head, but he was not good at fighting, so he had to smile bitterly.

He talked about Singapore again: "how long have you not been back to Singapore? Will your mother miss you? "

"Come out and never go back. When I came out, I told her to go for 16 months. She agreed. " Chen Su said, "Auntie and yuzao both said that her health has improved a lot. It's OK."

Sixteen months...

why sixteen months?

She seems to have something that is hard to talk about. Yan Kai is eager to ask, but she doesn't know what's wrong with her. She can't even find the place to ask.

He wants to smoke again, but a pack of cigarettes in his pocket has already bottomed out.

The little stones on the side of the road were kicked away by him, rolling far away, making a crisp sound in the quiet and warm night.

"How are you lately?"

"I went to Nanjing."

Both of them, after a brief silence, suddenly spoke at the same time.

Chen sushang was shocked: "did you go to Nanjing?"

Yan Kai smiled: "yes, I went to Nanjing. When I was in Manila, I was very unhappy and wanted to go out for a walk. I also know your relative, your cousin. "

"Which cousin?"

"They call him Pinggang or something..."

Chen sushang smiles: "that's my fourth cousin. He used to have a good relationship with my second brother and took good care of me. What did he tell you? " "Say you're good enough to help your mother keep the house." Yan Kai said, "I also went to see your school. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the gunfire. During the war, a bomb happened to fall on your school. It has not been repaired yet. In a few years' time, the economy will ease a little bit and the place will be used. "

Chen sushang squeezed his fingers silently.

Her heart, like someone opened a blood hole, gurgling blood to the outside, she hurt a little too much to kick.

She failed him in the divorce, and he could stay in Singapore, or Manila, and lead a life full of money.

"If only I had been born in Nanjing, I would have pursued you when I was studying." Yan Kai said again.

Chen sushang was very hard to hold back her tears. She pretended to be indifferent: "at that time, there was my second brother. You dare to be courteous. My second brother will beat you."

Yan Kai laughed.

Chen Su Shang lifted his hair and said, "besides, there are many beauties in Jinling. Where can you see me?"

"Yes!" In Yan Kai's voice, there was more sadness, "I'm not a fool, I know it's good or bad. Ali, if you... "

" it's late. " Chen Su Shang interrupted him, "go back to rest first."

"I'll see you!"

"No, there are bandits here. I'll worry about what you meet in the street later." Chen sushang said, "go back."

Yan Kai: "...

she will worry about him!

He couldn't help being a little happy and smiling; at the same time, he thought their relationship was very interesting. She robbed him of what he wanted to say.

"But I'll worry about you, too." Yan Kai said, "or you can send me first, I will send you again, and then you can send me again."

Chen sushang also realized the fun of the current situation and couldn't help laughing.

The night wind messed up her hair. She dialed it at will and then said, "I think there are rooms in the inn. I'll stay there too. I'll wait until tomorrow morning."

Yan Kai is very happy.

He was busy, fetching water for Chen sushang, wiping the things that could be wiped in the whole room, and taking out the two shirts in his suitcase to pad her.

He was so attentive that Chen sushang could not help himself and stood beside him in silence.

Busy, Yan Kai said: "you go to bed early."

Chen Su is good at business.

The two said good night.

Yan Kai came to the door and stopped again: "Ali, if you want to go, tell me, don't sneak away."

Chen sushang smiled: "OK."

Yan Kai touched the back of her head and felt that she was not like him at all.

This evening, Yan Kai didn't fall asleep because a mouse climbed over his feet and took away his sleepiness.

He should have asked Yuan Xueyao.

Maybe ask her tomorrow. It wasn't forced, he agreed to divorce and gave her the choice.

He just wanted a chance.

The next day, just after dawn, Yan Kai woke up and went to fetch water in the backyard.

Chen sushang also got up.

The woman upstairs came down and went to the door of Chen sushang's room. She whispered something to Chen sushang in local language.

Chen sushang let her in.

The two of them chatted for a moment in the room.

Yan Kai didn't hear a word. She was a little curious about the identity of the young woman and worried that she would harm Chen sushang.

Yesterday, they only cared about themselves. Yan Kai forgot to ask who the woman was.

About twenty minutes later, Chen sushang came out.

She simply combed and washed, and said to Yan Kai, "I will go out with Hua Yuan later."

"I'll go, too." Yan Kaili said.

Hua Yuan looks at Yan Kai and says, "take him. He's a big man. He's safer to carry. "

Chen sushang estimated today's events, afraid there was no danger, and agreed to let Yan Kai follow them. Yan Kai didn't know what to do.

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