The day after Chen sushang and the Taoist priest left, Hua Yuan was restless.

Yan Kai doesn't know how to eat. There's no shop here. He can't even buy a stuttering. He also hopes Huayuan can cook several meals.

He was also worried about Joe IV.

Yan Kai went to the only post office in the county and sent a telegram to Manila asking if Qiao Si had gone back.

Three days later, there was a call back.

Qiao Si had news. He had already left Jingliang and planned to return to Manila from Guangzhou. However, he was put into the public security bureau because of a misunderstanding in Guangzhou.

Although he is Chinese in appearance and speaks Chinese, he has no household registration and can't prove it. Shortly after the liberation of the whole country, we should be careful everywhere to guard against spies.

He was kept as a spy for more than a month.

Later, after a long review, it was determined that Joe IV was just passing by and there was no big problem, so he was released.

He is on the boat back to Singapore.

"No wonder there has been no news of him." Yan Kai breathed a sigh of relief.

Joe four is his confidant and his old friend for many years. He is worried about his accident.

As long as it's OK, everything else is easy to say. It is precisely because of Qiao Si that Yan Kaiqian went all the way to Jingliang and met Chen sushang.

It's a bad thing.

Yan Kai is in a stable mood, but Hua Yuan is not. She can't settle down. It's hard for her to sit up these days.

"Mr. Yan, let's go together!" Hua Yuan is worried. "I dream of Xia Nanlin every night. I'm afraid that something has happened to him. No matter what he is, I will see him with my own eyes. "

Yan Kai is calmer than her: "I don't know the technique, and your technique is very common. When we go, we will really delay Ali and Taoist priest. When they asked us to stay, you also agreed. Why did you suddenly change your mind? "

"I can't help it. I'd rather die at Hu's than wait here alone." Hua Yuan bites her fingers hard.

She is so anxious that she is going to bite her fingers.

"Don't you worry about Miss Chen?" Hua Yuan bewitched him again. "Hu family is a warlock's nest. Can she really leave all over? If she is in danger, you can sacrifice yourself to save her. Don't you want to? "

Yan Kai is very concerned about Chen sushang and is upset about it.

Hua Yuan, like a ghost, keeps muttering in her ear and wants to catch up with Chen sushang with Yan Kai.

Yan Kai's willpower gradually disintegrated.

On the day Chen sushang and the Taoist priest arrived in the town, Yan Kai and Hua Yuan set out.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yan. We didn't do anything wrong." Hua Yuan frowns at him and comforts him.

Yan Kai finally nodded, "you are right."

They didn't need to escort the hostages, so they made a horse by themselves and drove to Hu's house day and night.

Chen sushang, lying alone in the narrow cave, thought that this place has a door, and the cave is so small. What was it used to do?

She kept her strength and lay still.

The temperature in the cave is good. Chen sushang is tired after driving for days and falls asleep unconsciously.

She is very sleepy and forgets things recently. The curse of heaven will slowly suck her up and make her grow nothing around.

When she opened her eyes, she found it dark outside.

Chen sushang was shocked. It was so late.

She carefully climbed out and saw the torch lit on the altar. It seemed that the person on duty was changing shifts.

She waited in silence and took off her shoes.

The altar of Hu family was intruded last time. It's Hu Lingsheng's wife. Now it's more than ten years.

The old generation still remember, but the young people have not taken it seriously. They have never seen anyone break into the altar, so they are usually on duty.

After they lit the torches, they shouted to have dinner first and then left together.

The second shift hasn't come yet.

This is more relaxed than Chen Su Shang expected.

When they turned around and walked away, Chen sushang immediately crept to the altar.

The steps of the altar are far from the height of her dream.

When she climbed the platform carefully, the people on duty were not far away. She could stand on it to see them and go down noisily.

A group of careless young people.

The altar was so high that the people below could not see her. Chen sushang approached the sacrifice.

She saw him by candlelight.

His whole body was burnt black, and the lines of his skin were strange, like a layer of snake skin, which was different from her dream. But the closed eyes and mouth are still as she imagined.

Chen sushang reached out and touched his cheek.

She didn't feel afraid.

At the moment of touching, Chen sushang wanted to cry a little. Suddenly, the sadness seemed to hide in her memory.

She did not dare to delay, but hurriedly restrained herself. According to her master's instructions, she drew a matrix on the altar.

The array chart was given by Mr. Ning. It's very complicated to draw. Fortunately, Chen sushang is skilled in drawing and memorizes the whole array chart.

About half an hour later, she finally finished painting.

Another group of people at that time had come up along the mountain road, talking and laughing.

Chen sushang said to the sacrifice, "I'm sorry to borrow you. I'll read you the mantra of death after I go back, although it may not be useful."

Then, according to the master's instructions, she placed the sacrifice in the middle palace of the array.

She cut her hand and blood gushed out.

She dripped them into the sacrifice and then into the array.

Blood flow continued, Chen Su Shang began to feel dizzy.

When the middle palace is filled with her blood, she uses Rune paper to urge the array.

When the array moved, the torch on the whole altar suddenly jumped high, and the fire wrapped the steps.

Chen Su Shang's eyes widened with consternation.

"How can I get there? How can I find Xia Nanlin?" Chen sushang was shocked.

Her master didn't tell her that.

Sure enough, master is unreliable.

She sat down in a hurry, chanted spells quickly to strengthen the formation, and no longer cared if anyone came.

She heard the voices of several men on duty, as well as the crackling and burning of torches.

But soon her consciousness entered another void.

Everything in front of us becomes more dim.

Mingming is surrounded by torches, but Chen sushang feels cold.

"Brother, I'll give you a hug." She heard the childish voice of the little girl.

A boy was carefully placed in her arms by a woman.

The boy may have just cried. His eyes are full of tears. He looks at her curiously.

"Mom, I want a brother like that." She turned her face and saw Kang Han.

At that time, Kang Han was very young, gentle and beautiful, and sat down with dignity.

Another beautiful young woman also sat beside.

"You can think of your brother as your own." Kang Han tells her with a smile.

Chen Su Shang's eyes turned back to the child, and he chuckled, "brother."

The child held her finger in one hand.

Chen sushang felt a strength and pushed her suddenly.

She woke up.

All the torches on the altar were extinguished, only the child in the middle of the array, whose skin had recovered pale color and faded the black and snake skin like lines, looked like a normal child who had died for a long time.

Under his eyes, there were dark marks, like his tears.

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