Xia Nanlin no longer talks.

He went back to Yan Kai's room. He could not leave the room behind. He could not help Hua Yuan.

Hua Yuan has discussed with the Taoist priest that she will go to the Hu family.

The Taoist priest agreed with her to go.

Chen sushang persuades her again and again that Hua Yuan can't listen to her. This time, she is really determined.

“…… Master, please advise her not to die. " Chen sushang is very sad.

The Taoist priest poked the apprentice's forehead: "are you stupid? You don't look good? That wench has a rich face in the evening. Her life may be harder than yours. "

Chen sushang: "..."

She did not pay attention to other people's faces for a long time, because for the magician, faces are useless.

Hua Yuan is not a great magician. Her fur is not as good as that of Chen Su Shang.

"But in case." Chen Su business road.

The Taoist priest rolled his white eyes: "when you walk outside, you may trip over a stone and die; when you eat, you may be stuck by a bone. If it happens every day, you are too worried. "

Chen sushang was completely speechless.

The Taoist priest bought the costumes, and he bought the head scarves of Miao men for himself and Yuan Xueyao. They wrapped up their white hair, shaved their eyebrows, and asked Chen Su to draw them with charcoal.

As long as it's not too close, it's enough to fake it.

They accompanied Hua Yuan to the town of Hu's family.

Before leaving, Hua Yuan went to see Xia Nanlin. Her face was pale, and her lips trembled a little: "Nanlin, let's do that. Follow Mr. Yan to Nanyang. Find a job and find a woman to start a family in the future. "

Xia Nanlin still doesn't look at her.

There is a kind of despair after the pain on his face: "I will collect the body for you. When I bury you, I'll go to Nanyang. From then on, I will not remember you. "

Hua Yuan's heart was pierced.

She bit her lips hard, but she didn't cry out, "I'm leaving."

She turned and walked away.

Xia Nanlin slowly turned his face and looked at her direction. His reason was already in rout.

He's going crazy, too.

Hua Yuan arrived downstairs. The Taoist priest and Yuan Xueyao waited for a long time.

They don't let Chen sushang go with them. They only let her stay in the hotel with Yan Kai and Xia Nanlin.

Yan Kai said, "let Ali follow. You have more people and more points. I gave the gun to Ali. "

The Taoist priest looked at him.

Yan Kai's expression was calm: "doesn't it mean that Ali's blood is very special and has a great effect on the array? Taoist priest, I hope you can succeed once. "

One success, all problems solved, and then everyone went home for a little time.

"Shifu, Xueyao, I won't hold you back." Chen Su Shang also pleaded.

The Taoist priest asked her to change her clothes and make some changes in her dress, but she could not pretend to be a Miao girl.

Chen soshang dressed himself as an ordinary peasant woman. She smeared her face with the dust on the ground, made herself dirty, and followed them away.

Yan Kai goes upstairs.

Xia Nanlin is still smoking in the room, silent and silent.

Yan Kai did not know how to comfort him, but asked, "do you want to go out for a walk?"

Xia Nanlin shakes his head.

He was speechless, and he did not know hunger, like a walking corpse.

“…… Shall we go first? I'll send you to Singapore and come back. " Yan Kai asked him.

Xia Nanlin shakes his head again.

This time, he finally said, "I will wait for pavilion to come back."

Yan Kai thought it was very sad.

In such despair, Xia Nanlin still keeps a hope.

“…… Tingting is very sad that the man died. " Xia Nanlin said again.

Yan Kai comforted him: "don't think too much."

"I didn't care. She had friendship and knew that man died for her." "She's not just revenging her parents," said Xia. The Hu family has destroyed many people, including Hu Junyuan. "

Yan Kai nods, thinking that Xia Nanlin is very reasonable, not a stubborn person, and very suitable to be a friend with Yan Kai.

When Xia Nanlin finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Yan Kai is worried about Chen sushang who is going with her, and she is not in the mood to talk to him again.

The Taoist priest and his party went to the small town and planned to go to Hu's house.

He went to inquire.

“…… What kind of cultural heritage does the Hu family have? The government wants to protect it, so it has pulled the line over there and won't let it go. " People on the street told the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest was surprised.

How many days is it?

He asked Chen sushang and others to find a place to settle down. He went to investigate the situation himself.

Two hours later, he returned to the hotel.

“…… The Hu family sent someone to talk with the government. Maybe they paid a huge amount of taxes, and the government recognized their identity, but the land had to be handed over to the public, and the household registration had to be renewed. " The Taoist priest said, "there are no more people there to watch. I heard that the Hu family is also preparing to move."

"Really?" Hua Yuan is in a hurry.

The Taoist priest said with a smile, "of course, it's just a matter of delay."

The mountains on the back of the Hu family stretch for a long time.

The mountain was destroyed. They went deep, chose a new place and set up a barrier.

They will not give up their home.

They didn't fight against the common customs, but adopted the way of showing their good will, which just shows that their hearts are firm.

They're procrastinating, they're preparing.

“…… We can't make it? " Hua Yuan asked again.

"You don't have to go there. Let's stay in the town for a few more days." The Taoist priest said.

Hua Yuan looked at them and was a little worried: "you are a stranger. People in the town can see it. Will you..."

"You don't see. Are the Inns full today?" The Taoist priest said, "many foreigners have heard the anecdotes of the Hu family and come here to catch up. We are not obvious here. The second is that the Hu family is too busy to send people here to guard us."

Hua Yuan takes a deep breath.

She misunderstood again.

This is the best time for her. She can't miss it.

"I'll be right away." Hua Yuan said, "you are waiting for me here. If I find something, I will come out immediately."

The Taoist priest nodded.

Hua Yuan agreed with them: "if I steal, I will choose to do it around 3:30 in the afternoon. You go there at half past three every day and wait for an hour. I will leave before I come out. I will come back another day. "

The Taoist priest said yes.

He told Hua Yuan a few more words.

Write down the flowers one by one.

After she left, the Taoist priest sighed and said about Hua Yuan: "this child is not sharp enough. If she can steal the array protection weapon of Hu family, she can only say that the Qi luck of Hu family has arrived. If she does not obey the heaven's law for hundreds of years, she will be backfired."

Chen sushang is silent.

Yuan Xueyao did not speak.

The Taoist priest's words were not praised. He was not embarrassed. He poured a glass of water and drank it.

Hua Yuan, however, rented an ox cart and went to Hu's house.

Seeing the villages and towns behind the trees, which used to be her home, Hua Yuan thought of the past and her parents, and immediately covered with water mist.

She blinked hard.

"Go tell the patriarch that I'm back." She stood in front of the Hu family's people on duty. "I have something to talk to the clan leader."

The people on duty were all from the town at the foot of the mountain. They happened to know her. After a few discussions, they turned around and went up the mountain.

A moment later, a young master of the Hu family brought a man to connect the kite to the mountain.

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