Changqing Taoist priest has always been optimistic.

He told yuan Xueyao and Chen sushang: "the array of Hujia mountain range has been broken and the Qi transport is over. Hua Yuan is sure to succeed. Many times luck is so important, just like Ali did last time. "

Chen sushang also intends to refute.

Can hear him say so, she thought of her last time, really took the shit luck, all kinds of good things hit her, she can so smoothly, not only transferred the curse on her body, but also destroyed the pulse protection array of Hu family.

"Maybe..." Chen Su Shang sighed.

The Taoist said: "everyone has his own life. Hua Yuan has a good life. If she dies in Hu's house, she will die. Sooner or later, she will have such a life."

Chen sushang: "...

I can't believe it. I was really told right by Shifu.

Ordinary people also say that a person is unlucky to the extreme, drinking cold water is stuffed with teeth.

For the warlock family, the same is true.

The Hu family has been disrespectful to the heaven for many years. They think they can deceive the heaven, but they have already accumulated a great disaster.

Chen sushang got it, so did Hua Yuan.

When the four Taoist priests left the Hu family, they were sure that the Hu family could not catch up with them, so they began to divide the army into two parts.

When Chen sushang and Hua Yuan returned to the city, yuan Xueyao and the Taoist priest found a secluded mountain range to enter. To remove the curse, we need not only the protection of the array of the Hu family, but also the strength of the mountains.

"You go first, the farther you go, the better. You'd better go to Singapore as soon as possible." The Taoist priest urged them, "once Xueyao and I are safe, I will send you a telegram and join you in Singapore."

Chen sushang nodded.

What she can do, has done, the rest does not need her. However, she seems to have killed the master of the Hu family. The Hu family will not let Hua Yuan go or her.

She needs to go quickly.

They are not only two people, but also Yan Kai and Xia Nanlin.

"Master, you will be safe!" Chen Su business road.

After that, she broke her finger and drew a charm on a piece of Rune paper.

She gave it to the Taoist priest.

Anyway, I hope it can help.

The Taoist priest accepted it.

When Chen sushang turned to mount the horse, yuan Xueyao came over.

He has not been very close to Chen Su Shang, because he has a magic spell on him. At the moment, he suddenly hugged her from behind.

"Goodbye, Ali." He bowed his head and kissed her hair, then put her on the back of the horse.

He turned around and walked away quickly. He did not continue to say goodbye to Chen sushang.

The Taoist priest overtook yuan Xueyao.

Chen sushang and Hua Yuan did not delay any more. They rode back to the hotel in the city.

Yan Kai is uneasy these days because he has seen the Miao girl wandering downstairs for several times. He didn't dare to go downstairs. He even worried that the young girl would rush up.

However, the Miao girl was very afraid of Yan Kai, but did not know that Yan Kai had no ability. It was the jade plate on his body that played a role.

She needs to know sooner or later.

After her confirmation, Yan Kai and Xia Nanlin will probably die.

He is so anxious, but Xia Nanlin is still ignorant. He doesn't eat much food, just smokes. Yan Kai can only bear the heavy smoke in the room.

He dare not let Xia Nanlin alone.

After a few days' hard work, Yan Kai felt as if he had spent several years, and every second was suffering.

Until someone knocks.

He is very alert.

The gun he bought last time was given to Chen sushang, but after Chen sushang was caught by the Hu family, the gun was gone. This time, Chen sushang set out and Yan Kai gave her his gun.

Now, with no gun in his hand, he was very nervous.


"Yan Kai, it's me. Hua Yuan and I are back." Chen sushang's voice rang out of the door.

Xia Nanlin, who always seemed unable to listen to the outside world, suddenly stood up.

Fearing fraud, Yan Kai carefully opened the door.

When the door is opened, the smell in the room is not only pungent, but also spicy.

Chen sushang forced a few fans: "you are in the room..."

before she finished, she was held by Yan Kai.

Hua Yuan stands behind the two of them and sees Xia Nanlin across the two people holding each other in front of her.

Xia Nanlin did not shave for several days, and his face was haggard. He seemed to be ten years old.

Hua Yuan's tears welled up.

Xia Nanlin was stunned for several seconds. His arm crossed Yan Kai and Chen sushang, and extended to Hua Yuan.

Hua Yuan holds his hand.

Four people, so that each other seize what they want.

Chen sushang soon woke up and asked Yan Kai to pack up. She went to the Taoist priest's room and Yuan Xueyao's room and packed up their bags.

Four people settled their room, took the tram to the railway station and bought the latest train.

This train goes to Guiyang.

The journey went smoothly. The Hu family didn't catch up with them, and the Miao daughter, such as Huai, didn't have a trace.

When they arrived in Guiyang, they found a restaurant near the station, ate and bathed, and then made a late night train to Guangzhou.

After arriving in Guangzhou, they went to Hong Kong to look for fishermen.

Yan Kai's heart was raised for several days, at this time, it was released.

They went straight to the hows.

"You escape?" He Wei looked at them in such a mess, a little distressed, and a little curious, "what is this to do?"

"It's a long story, aunt. Do you have anything to eat? " Yan Kai asked.

He Wei asked the kitchen to cook chicken soup noodles for them.

None of the four people was polite. They all ate two bowls of noodles.

He Wei arranged for them to rest in the guest room upstairs.

When Huo Yue came back in the evening, Yan Kai told Huo Yue all about his experience in this period.

"Uncle Huo, please arrange a flight for me. I'll go back to Singapore as soon as possible. I can't give you any trouble." Yan Kai Dao.

Huo Yue nodded: "the plane is ready. It will take off in two hours."

Yan Kai thanks again.

Chen sushang took a bath, changed into the dress He Wei prepared for her, washed away all the dust, and finally had a bit of human appearance.

"Mrs. Huo..."

"don't call me that. Call me aunt, too." He smiled and said, "your aunt is my sister, we should be one family."

Chen sushang was a little bit uninteresting. He called "Auntie" in a low voice, and then said, "we have to go now, auntie. Come again next time."

He Wei did not leave them in vain.

On the plane, four people tightly hold the heart, finally put it down.

Especially the kite.

She didn't sleep very much. Now she relaxed completely and slept all the way to Singapore.

When the plane landed, the captain found that all the passengers were sleeping soundly. He hesitated and didn't disturb them. He went down first.

When Yan Kai woke up, someone was talking below.

He looked out. It was already night outside. They should have arrived in Singapore at noon, and looked at their watches again. It was over nine o'clock in the evening.

His cousin, Si quefang, came to meet him with Yan Qi and Yan Xun. He was talking to the captain below.

Yan Kai saw that Chen sushang and others were still sleeping.

He didn't disturb them either. He got off the plane himself.

Yan Qi and Yan Bi were so excited that they all rushed to him: "brother."

Yan Kai laughs: "I didn't bring you a gift, why should I be so enthusiastic?"

Yan Qi held him and smiled: "don't be modest, brother. You brought your sister-in-law back. Isn't that a gift?" Yan Kai: "..."

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