Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1885 who is the bride?

Yan Kai's face is very bad.

When he was about to say something, Chen Su Shang gently held his hand.

"Let's go." She approached him and whispered to him, "time is not long, why waste time with the unimportant?"

Yan Kai turns from anger to joy.

As expected, he didn't say anything. He passed by the group lightly, and didn't even have a look at Su manluo.

Su manluo's party was disappointed.

They are also prepared to see a good play. They don't want to finish the play in a cursory way, which will hang people's hearts high, but there is no following.

Everyone was disappointed.

And Su manluo, went to the bathroom. When she came out, her eyes were slightly red, and her face was damp, as if she had cried hard.

The man who adores her can't bear it.

Among her admirers, one of them is an editor of a small newspaper. She writes rich and colorful news and attracts people's attention. Even Si Xingfu has arranged it.

The law of England protects these tabloids. They are unscrupulous.

And Si Xingfu doesn't mind these things at all. He never retaliates or disturbs the market. Singapore's cultural prosperity can stimulate economic prosperity.

Only a prosperous economy can strengthen Singapore's strength and enable them to truly stand in the world.

That night, Su manluo had been sitting beside the editor in chief, occasionally showing some sadness.

She needs to take advantage of this person.

Sure enough, the man received Su manluo's encouragement and decided to sacrifice everything for her happiness, including his own love. He was almost moved by himself.

He wrote a lot of news.

The next day in the tabloid, there was a huge headline: "who is the bride?"

The following subtitle: "who is Yan Shaoji walking for?"

The content is that Yan Kai ran into Su manluo and Chen sushang was present. The atmosphere was awkward. At that time, Yan Kai did not dare to face Su manluo and fled.

The whole article is full of literary talent. It puts all the thoughts and expressions of men who trample on two boats on Yan Kai's body and writes vividly.

Yan Kai also saw it. He was a little annoyed.

Si yuzao's pit goods. Find this article alone and show it to Chen sushang.

Chen Su's business is full of joy.

Today, she plans to go to Yan's house with Yan Kai to see Yan Ziqing and Yan Lao. She is nervous. Suddenly, seeing this report, the whole person can't laugh and is in a relaxed mood.

"Is he so miserable?" Asked Si yuzao.

"Nine Chengdu is conjecture." Chen Su said, "but it's very interesting. My master used to say that the world is changing. I didn't expect to read about Yan Kai in the newspaper. It's fun. "

"If you are so optimistic, you will often read newspapers later. I read the tabloids every day, and I can find my dad's thousands of people in the tabloids. " Siyuzao also said with a smile, "like my mother, she is also very happy to see."

Chen sushang thought it was really interesting.

Yan Kai bought the gift and came to pick her up. She specifically mentioned it.

“…… I'll find the editor. " Yan Kai's expression was cold.

"Yuzao said that the newspaper often arranges uncle. He doesn't care about my uncle's status. Why do you want to find someone else? The law says that there is freedom of speech. " Chen sushang said with a smile.

Yan Kai is helpless: "looking at the heart of the devil."

"Then don't look at it. I'll tell you what's interesting." Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai said yes.

When they arrived at Yan's door, Yan Kai was more nervous than Chen sushang.

In case his father or grandfather gets angry, he should not only worry about Chen Su Shang's feelings, but also deal with them well, so as not to make things difficult to carry out later.

Chen Su's business is honest.

Xu Qizhen tells Yan Ziqing and Yan Lao about Chen sushang's visit. They are all waiting in the living room.

Chen sushang entered the door and called first.

Yan Kai put down the present and sat down in the sofa with each other.

“…… I haven't explained the plague in Hong Kong. Now I can say it After Chen sushang sat down, he said, "at that time, there was inner love."

Yan Ziqing and Yan Lao don't know what's inside, and they feel that she has no apology. They have some pimples in their hearts, but they don't answer.

Only Xu Qizhen: "what's the inside story?"

Chen Su Shang told Yan Ziqing and Yan Lao all kinds of things in Hong Kong at that time.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Hong Kong, as well as Yan Kai, have their lives in one mind.

Mr. Yan is well-informed. After Chen sushang asked for a divorce, he read Hong Kong newspapers and felt that the plague was coming and going more strangely.

And he's seen great warlocks.

Hearing Chen sushang's words, he was shocked and distressed: "why didn't you say it earlier? What a silly child. "

Yan Ziqing was also greatly shocked.

Like Yan, he knew that Chen sushang had not lied, and she really made a great sacrifice.

"You left for both Kay and us, and we owe you." Yan Zi is clear.

On the contrary, Xu Qizhen, who had always hoped Chen sushang would come back, could not argue the truth.

“…… I have always been in love with Yan Kai, because of the curse, I just left. Things haven't been solved, and I don't want to worry about Yan Kai's conscience all her life.

But I really blacked the Yan family. Now I want to come back. Please forgive me. I kowtow to you. " Chen Su business road.

Then she stood up.

All hands and feet should help her.

Yan Kai was quick in eyes and hands. She helped her first and didn't let her kneel down.

Mr. Yan also said: "nonsense, how can you kowtow to us when you have such a great kindness to our family and hundreds of thousands of people? It's a blessing for Yan Kai to marry a daughter-in-law like you. "

"You also called your father, who will be the Yan family later. Don't be such a liar. " Yan Ziqing also smiled, and then turned to see Xu Qizhen, "or, next month to do the wedding?"

"A Li is now the niece of the boat. The boat should be the elder. We need to talk to her about this." Xu Qizhen said with a smile, "ah Li, you and ah Kai don't need to worry. These things are for our elders. You two can play around and wait for the day to get married."

Chen Su's business way is.

When Yan Kai arrived at this time, he was completely relieved. He was worried about something bad.

The bad mood when I saw the newspaper in the morning was all gone.

The Yan family is laughing.

Sumanlo sat alone at home, looking at the newspaper and sneering.

The public opinion of the newspaper is biased towards her. Even if Yan Kai doesn't want to admit it, there is no way.

At the same time, Chen Haoyue and Chen Yu were in their mother's room. They were also gloating at the tabloids.

"How could that bitch want to go back to Yan's house?" Chen can't help being happy.

He and Chen Haoyue were a little discordant before, and now they are mended again.

When it comes to Chen Su Shang, both of them are very afraid, but also hate their teeth.

"She's a disgrace." Chen Haoyue said, "now the gossip, or who is the bride. What face does the bride have when she is confirmed to be sumanlo? Our family is also disgraced. We should let dad teach her a lesson. "

"Yes!" Let her get out of Singapore and don't make our family look bad. Who in the world mistakenly said that she would marry Yan Kai? It's nonsense. "

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