Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1892 chicken, fly and dog

Chen sushang and Yan Kai came back to Si's home, just in time for dinner.

Kanghan is in a good mood. She has dinner with all the members of the Department.

Chen sushang was silent.

After dinner, Yan Kai leaves and Chen sushang delivers him to the gate.

Yan Kai was a little grumpy: "you used to follow me every day. Now that you are OK, you have to separate."

Chen sushang smiled: "it's only a moment. You can come tomorrow morning. Otherwise, you can tell your aunt to stay in the guest room directly? "

Yan Kai thought about it. His aunt would agree, but his uncle would not connive him so much.

My uncle not only disagreed, but also made fun of him.

"Forget it." Yan Kai lamented.

Chen sushang quickly stood on tiptoe and pecked at his lips while others were unprepared.

This time, Yan Kai's heart was in full bloom, and there was no emotion.

He reached for Chen Su Shang's hair and left happily.

He is like a man who has been ignorant for half his life. Suddenly he finds his paradise. A little kiss can iron his body and mind.

Chen sushang folded and came back to see her aunt sitting in the living room, with two cups of tea at hand.

This is waiting for her.

Chen sushang went over.

“…… What's the matter with you when you eat? " Gu Qingzhou beckoned his niece to sit down. "You tell my aunt that if she can help you, she will handle it for you as much as possible."

Chen sushang thought of Yan Kai and said that her aunt was very keen and could not hide any secrets from her. Ordinary people had no way to live in front of her, which made her laugh.

Her aunt is really good.

After a pause, she said, "Chen Ding sent his aunt to ask for peace. I refused. That man is a mad dog. I'm afraid that he will do something, such as digging my mother's grave. "

Gu Qingzhou's face slightly changed.

Chen sushang added: "Auntie, I want to send my mother back to Nanjing. I have an agreement with Yan Kai. Just, after I get married... "

Gu Qingzhou pondered for a moment.

"China has just been liberated and the situation is a little tense. You should have realized it when you went to Guangxi." Gu Qingzhou road.

Chen sushang nodded: "after we arrived in Guangzhou, we still went to Hong Kong by black fishing boat. It's really inconvenient. "

"If you get a coffin from Singapore and enter the customs, you must open it for inspection. What's more, it's not that you can get through the customs without any hindrance. I don't know how many tests there are along the way. " Gu Qingzhou said, "in this way, Mrs. Chen has no dignity at all."

Chen sushang's lips are a little white.

She just picked up her mother and ignored it.

"There is cremation in Singapore." Gu Qingzhou added, "turning people into ashes can be carried easily. If you don't have this taboo, take out Mrs. Chen's coffin at a good time... "

Chen sushang hesitated.

It was her mother. She couldn't bear to turn her into ashes. With that coffin, my mother seems to be here forever. And the ashes, far less than the weight of the coffin.

"I think about it." Chen sushang said.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

At the same time, Gu Qingzhou said, "I'll let the adjutants of my family go to the cemetery to watch for a few nights. If Chen Ding really has this idea, I will not spare him. "

Chen sushang said yes.

She thought about it all night.

The next morning, she wants to tell Gu Qingzhou about the result of her consideration. Gu Qingzhou first tells her that she caught several people last night.

"They are going to dig Mrs. Chen's grave, which has been closed by the police department." Gu Qingzhou said, "Su Shang, you are very smart. Fortunately, you feel it in advance."

Chen Su was furious.

She wanted to rush to Chen's house and beat Chen Ding to death with a charm. Her fingers were clenched to stifle her anger.

Si Xingfu beside looked at Gu Qingzhou with a smile.

He thought of Gu Qingzhou's appearance when he was young, and he was so smart.

Of course, now we can't say that Gu Qingzhou is smart. She is mature and steady. We can only say that she is wise and transparent.

"Auntie, I've thought about it. When my master comes back from Kuala Lumpur, let him choose a day to remove my mother's coffin. I can take her ashes back to Nanjing and choose a tomb to bury her. " Chen Su business road.

The Taoist priest is tired of playing in Singapore. He went to Kuala Lumpur a few days ago. He has no leisure at all.

Gu Qingzhou says OK.

Chen sushang added: "those who are locked up should be calculated according to the law. Don't embarrass them. I'm going to the Chen family. "

"Let the adjutant accompany you." Gu Qingzhou road.

Chen Su Shang shook his head and said, "I will not suffer losses, aunt. I will see Chen Ding myself."

Si Xingfu found that this seemingly inconspicuous little girl was very brave when she was fierce. No wonder Yan Kai was fascinated by her.

Most of the girls around Yan Kai are ugly and shameless, and most of them are sumanlo's charming young lady. It's rare for them to be so brave, dignified and gentle.

"Take care of yourself." Gu Qingzhou did not continue to block.

Chen sushang nodded.

She turned and went out.

Chen Ding changed his house.

He had brought a lot of diamonds to Singapore, but he did sell them and got a huge fortune.

Chen sushang and the Yan Family divorced, and he took the initiative to return the house given by the Yan family to him.

It was not because he was sensible, but because he had already despised the poor house. He wanted a villa and villa near the sea, and he could afford it. He found an excuse to change the house.

His new house is on the outskirts of the city, close to Ruan's.

When they arrived at Chen's house, Chen Su Shang knocked on the door directly.

"Tell Chen ding that I'm here." Chen Su Shang glanced at the servant coldly.

The servant felt that the lawsuit on the young lady's face was like a fault seeker. He did not dare to neglect it. He hurried to inform Chen Ding.

Chen Ding was also annoyed at the arrest of the person he sent. Suddenly, Chen Su Shang came to visit, and he was happy again. His hands folded his hair.

"Invite him in." Chen Dingdao.

Chen sushang stepped into the new courtyard of Chen's family and looked at the luxurious buildings here, without touching.

She made her way to the living room.

Chen Ding stands up.

Chen Sushang came to him and waved his hand suddenly.

Chen Ding's eyes are dazed.

Soon he began to scream and wave.

The servants gaped at the change. After a few seconds, the young and powerful servant came forward and pressed Chen Ding.

But Chen Ding was in agony and trembled with fear. His mind was not clear. He kept shouting: "go away, go away..."

He saw the fiercest fear in his heart.

Chen sushang wants to deal with ordinary people. It's really simple. Any charm, involving the evil spirit between heaven and earth into the brain, will make people have hallucinations.

This is the legendary "ghost".

Others of Chen's family were also shocked.

Brother and sister Chen Haoyue and their mother hurriedly arrived. Chen Yu, who had grinned at Chen sushang before, now knew that she was the niece of the Secretary's family and shrank at the sight of her.

Nine Madame Pingle also came.

"What's the matter?" Chen Haoyue's mother cried first.

Chen Ding is still shouting: "there are ghosts..."

When they heard him say that in the blue sky, they were all in a cold sweat.

Chen Haoyue, in particular, looked around her nervously.

Chen Yu thought that he had been calculated by Chen Su Shang before, and he was afraid.

On the contrary, Mrs. nine is happy. She can't bear to jump to the house full of chickens, flies and dogs. She is deeply tired and disgusted.

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