Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1894 remarriage wedding

The news that Chen Ding's family has moved out of Singapore and Su manluo has run away from home has not been blocked.

Because they all had something to do with Chen sushang, and the heat of public opinion did not dissipate, this matter was taken out to ridicule.

It's just that Chen Ding and Su manluo are shameless and run away.

Because of the quarrel between Su manluo and Chen Ding, Chen Suo Shang became a star in Singapore, even more popular than the most popular movie stars.

Her wedding was of particular interest to the press, which followed her all the way.

In a flash, it's the eighth day of October.

On Chen's wedding day, relatives and friends arrived early.

Yan Kai changed his bridegroom's dress, stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself, remembering his dream: if we get married again, we must marry a woman we love deeply.

The ideal has come true, and this person is the same as the one who made him sigh at the beginning.

Yan Kai couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, he was inexplicably nervous. This time, don't make mistakes.

Yan Qi, with two younger sisters and cousin Si Ning'an, pushed to the door and saw her big brother giggling. They were all overjoyed.

Several people laughed so much that they startled Yan Kai.

Yan Kai opens the door.

He was wearing a dark dress and a shirt of the same color. The stiff suit set him off to be very tall and handsome.

"What to do?" He frowned at his annoying children. "Don't you go to a restaurant?"

"Not yet." Yan Qi said, "let's go to see you first, and then we'll go to see sister-in-law."

"Go ahead, there's nothing beautiful here." Yan Kai said.

Yan Qi chuckles: "brother, are you nervous?"

Yan Kai knocks a shudder on her forehead: "want to see my bustle? Do you have a conscience when your brother is usually good to eat and drink? "

Yan Qi covers his forehead and feels that the man who is currently married is unreasonable.

She turned and took the hands of her two sisters and called out to her superior, Ning'an.

Si Ning'an is a few steps behind.

"Brother Kay, the watch my brother gave you." Si Ning'an handed a small box to Yan Kai. "He said it was a new wedding gift for you alone. My sister-in-law also gave it to my sister-in-law. They were a couple."

Yan Kai picked it up.

It's the latest watch from our company. It's made of platinum and exquisite workmanship.

This is a limited edition for lovers. It's not available in the whole Asia. Mr. Sikai specially went to Europe to buy it a few days ago.

Because Yan Kai and Chen sushang read magazines at the company's home and said that the watches were good-looking and suitable for both of them. As a result, Singapore's watch shops were out of stock.

At that time, Sikai was also there.

He has always been silent, only extended his head and swept his eyes, but he remembered it.

"Thank you for driving." Yan Kai took the gift from her cousin and buttoned it on her wrist.

The watch is cool, the pointer is moving nimbly, and the light is shining, which is very eye-catching.

Si Ning'an finished delivering the gift and turned away with a smile.

Yan Kai looked at the wristwatch and thought that every time she went out, she would bring gifts to her younger brothers and sisters. Unexpectedly, she finally saw the return ceremony, which was also very rare.

This watch relieved his anxiety.

Yan Kai also remembered many sweet times, especially in Guangxi. The only thing left is their mutual trust.

Yan Kai is waiting. The waiting time was so slow that he paced in place.

Zhang Xinmei comes to see him.

He also brought his little daughter, Zhang xuanjiao.

"Nice watch." He said.

Yan Kai picked it up and showed it to him: "Kaichang sent it."

"He has a heart." Zhang Xinmei said, "last time, he went to buy xuanjiao a beautiful hair band. This uncle should be competent."

Then he asked Yan Kai, "if you are nervous, I will go out with you for a drink."

Yan Kai shook his head and said, "in the afternoon, I will go to the Department's house to take Ali to the hotel. I can't drink."

The servant said that there were delicious snacks and cheated Zhang xuanjiao away.

Zhang Xinmei sat down and chatted with him: "you can ask me anything you want to ask. I don't mind telling you the secret of marriage, how to make my wife happy. "

Yan Kai's head is as big as a fight: "how can you learn from Yu Zao?"

Zhang Xinmei asked, "what's wrong with learning?"

After that, he looked at Yan Kai in surprise.

He just wanted to tell Yan Kai when a woman would go crazy, how to coax her, how to deal with trivial matters and so on, but Yan Kai clearly misunderstood the word "happiness".

He doesn't know how to frown.

Zhang Xinmei always thinks highly of herself. She won't play this kind of dirty joke with her brother-in-law.

Yan Kai also remembered.

Zhang Xinmei laughed hard and asked him in a low voice, "your first time?"

If it wasn't the first time, how could it be mistaken for someone else to teach experience? Maybe he doesn't understand. He's upset at the moment, right?

Yan Kai: "..."

He wished he could turn his face and leave, but this is his home, and he has nowhere to go.

He coughed awkwardly: "what happened the first time? I have a proper style of work and a clean mind. "

Zhang Xinmei could not help but laugh again.

Yan Kai drove him away.

But it was Yan Lao, who sent people to call Yan Kai and told him a lot.

Yan Kai spent time with his grandfather and then went to pick up Chen Su Shang.

All the way, he remembered the ambiguity in his Xinmei words, and his face was slightly hot.

When he received Chen sushang, Chen sushang came out of the Secretary's house and was supported by the bridesmaid. His head was covered with white gauze, so he could only see her eyebrows and eyes.

She gave Yankai a big smile.

Yan Kai's anxiety all day is like the heat in midsummer, washed clean by an autumn rain, and there is no left.

He took Chen sushang to the wedding car.

The car went to the appointed banquet hall.

When we arrived at the hotel, Chen sushang went upstairs first and waited for the auspicious time. Yan Kai was downstairs to greet the guests.

The guests were two-thirds more than when he was last married. Most of them came from the relationship between the Department and his family. They came to Cheer Chen sushang up.

Kang Han, accompanied by Gu Qingzhou and Si yuzao, sits at the first table. Today, she put on a little light makeup and a little powder. She looks much better.

At the auspicious time, Chen sushang went downstairs with the help of the bridesmaid and reached the rostrum.

Like last time, they finished the wedding ceremony. There was no change in the ceremony. Neither the Yan family nor the Si family seemed to know that this was the second marriage, and everything was done in the form of a grand wedding.

Etiquette is done, Yan Kai kisses the bride.

He took Chen sushang's hand and sweated a little.

The wedding party didn't end until 11 p.m.

Yan Kai and Chen Su Shang are surrounded by people and return to their new house, which is Yan Kai's small apartment.

Under the leadership of Si yuzao, the children of Si's family planned to make troubles in the cave, but they were all suppressed by Gu Qingzhou.

The new house soon quieted down.

Gu Qingzhou and Xu Qizhen sent the guests away and told the servants to leave. Only Chen sushang and Yan Kai were left in the new house.

Yan Kai finally put down her heart and raised it again.

"Today, it's lively and smooth, isn't it?" Chen sushang spoke first.

Yan Kai wanted to answer something, but after a circle of tongue wandering, she still couldn't find the right word, and she didn't want to find it. He took Chen sushang by the shoulder and kissed her.

What happened the first time? He was confident that he could do it well and would not lose face.

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