Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1896 Taoist perfunctory

In mid October, the weather in Singapore was still hot.

Yan Kai packed his bags and brought with him what he thought was convenient, as well as military food.

“…… Are you used to it? " He took out a package of military food to show Chen sushang.

Chen Su said: "the most important thing is to have a good stomach. However, we are going back to China, not to some wild places. We can't use this kind of military food, can we? Did the customs give it to us? "

"This is my uncle's recent research. The customs doesn't know what it is. We just say it's Singapore snacks." Yan Kai said, "take some, you can't be hungry."

Chen sushang is laughing.

In addition to military supplies, Yan Kai is thinking about how to carry weapons.

"Before, when I wanted to bring my mother's coffin, I had to go through regular channels. Now the three of us, as well as the urn of ashes, can we secretly take the black fishing boat? " Asked Chen sushang.

Yan Kai shook his head: "it's not only the customs to check, but also the train. What can I do if I can't bring the gun? "

He is not stable without a gun.

After all, he has no magic. If he meets a warlock, he can't protect Chen Su Shang.

When he was in distress, the Taoist priest came.

“…… I have friends who can transport everything you want to Nanjing. They have a way. " The Taoist said, "you don't have to take anything with you. When we get to Nanjing, your things will arrive.

When you arrive at home, you don't want to be checked. You can buy a car in Nanjing and drive around by yourself. It's just that it's not convenient to refuel. Everything else is OK. "

Many problems need to be overcome.

Chen sushang hesitated again and again: "ah Kai, let's send our mother back to be buried and go back to Singapore. When the domestic situation becomes more stable in the future, we will go back and have a look. "

Yan Kai couldn't bear it.

Chen added: "we can go to Europe for a holiday. It's said that Europe recovered well after the war. You can also go to the United States to have a look. "

Yan Kai smiled and said, "this is OK. If we go to England, it will be more convenient. Let my uncle go and ask for a route, and fly back and forth directly. "

That's how they agreed.

The Taoist priest felt that his apprentice was getting more and more fooled. He didn't know that he would be sold in the future.

I'm worried about him.

Although he said that, when Yan Kailin set out, he asked the Taoist priest to take his butt man to Nanjing.

The three of them first flew to Hong Kong, and then, with the help of Huo Yue, took a private route to Guangzhou. Then they bought a used old car in Guangzhou and drove to Nanjing.

Along the way, the three of them took turns driving.

The situation in China is a bit tense. It's very troublesome to eat and stay, and it's hard to get gas.

The colder it gets to the north.

By the time Chen sushang and others arrived in Nanjing, it was the end of November in the new calendar. Nanjing had a cold rain in late autumn, freezing all three of them into frigid birds.

"It's not easy." Chen sushang sighed.

After arriving in Nanjing, everything will be more convenient.

Chen sushang went directly to the old house.

People in the old house didn't know Chen Ding's statement of severance, because she went to the family tree of Chen family and still regarded her as the daughter of Chen family.

They have long heard of Mrs. Chen's death.

"There's a graveyard left for her." The patriarch said, "since I have sent it back, please let Mr. Fengshui have a look at it for a day and bury it."

Chen sushang nodded and said yes.

After returning, Chen sushang found that the prices in Nanjing were extremely high. Later, he learned that recently, there was a drought in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and there was no harvest in the fields in autumn. Grain prices rose, which affected other prices.

"When new food is planted next spring, it will be fine." The patriarch is optimistic.

"I hope so." Chen Su business road.

The Taoist priest calculated a day and set it on the 5th of December in the new calendar.

Chen sushang went to make a filial piety dress for her and Yan Kai, and then bought white cloth for the Taoist priest.

When Mrs. Chen was buried again, it was very grand and lively. All the relatives and nephews of the Chen family arrived.

Yan Kai once came here before. Chen's family guessed that he might be Chen sushang's boyfriend. Now they have confirmed this.

After the funeral, Chen's uncle invited Chen sushang to stay at home and warmly entertained her and Yan Kai.

"According to the custom, when the new uncle comes to our house, he will serve wine. There is no shortage of wine." The patriarch's wife said to Chen Su, "the people in the clan have this heart. Don't push it away."

Chen sushang looks back at Yan Kai, and smiles.

Yan Kai touched her nose and couldn't help laughing.

In this way, he and Chen Su Shang had dinner at Chen's house for half a month and got to know all the people of Chen's house.

During the war, Chen's family was the first group of people to flee to Chongqing, the capital of their company. In Chongqing, they also lived in luxury houses. When they were in short supply, they were starved a few times. When they were bombed, they were a little scared. Everything else was OK.

Ten thousand times luckier than ordinary people.

But the Taoist priest Changqing couldn't stand the sour smell of Chen's family. After living for a few days, he left for Shanghai.

He didn't let Chen sushang and Yan Kai follow him: "I'm going to meet my old friends. I'm going to have fun and have fun. You two play with you."

Changqing Taoist wants to accompany Chen sushang through the empty window period after Mrs. Chen's death. He doesn't intend to live long with his apprentice and his husband.

Seeing Chen Su Shang's biggest wish - to move Mrs. Chen back to Nanjing for burial - was successfully completed, and the Taoist priest slipped away with a little oil on the sole of his feet.

In order to mislead Chen sushang, he specially said to go to Shanghai for fear that they would go to him.

In fact, the Taoist priest didn't plan to go to the East.

He has his own plan.

"Master, where can I find you after you leave?" Chen sushang is aware of his thoughts and is very sad to hold his hand.

The Taoist priest had a headache and she said: "you really depend on me? I'm good to eat, drink and raise you. Am I responsible for visiting you every day when you get married? "

Chen sushang: "..."

Yan Kai grabbed Chen sushang's shoulder and said, "master, why don't we go to Shanghai with you?"

The Taoist priest is not polite: "no, I have so many mistresses. What's the matter with you two?"

"Will you go back to Singapore?" Yan Kai asked again.

The Taoist priest perfunctorized him: "yes."

"Then when you get to Shanghai, call us." Yan Kai said again.

The Taoist priest continued to say well, but he didn't take it seriously.

On the day of his departure, Chen sushang saw him off. She knew her master better than Yan Kai, and her voice held on to his sleeve: "every three years, she would go to Singapore to see me."

The Taoist priest was helpless: "OK..."

Chen Su Shang listened to his voice, and almost cried. He thumped on his shoulder and then hugged him.

At the moment, the Taoist priest felt a little sad about separation. He patted her on the back: "Dear apprentice, next time Shifu will visit you and bring you delicious food."

Chen sushang: "..."

She is no longer a little girl who wants to eat and drink. Shifu's method of coaxing people has not kept pace with the times at all. It is still ten years ago.

After the Taoist priest left, Chen sushang couldn't get up all day.

Yan Kai comforts her.

"I'm a bit of a pusher now." Chen Su Shang sighed, "I hope he can be around me all the time. Is that too much?"

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