Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1898 yuan Xueyao is gone

Chen sushang and Yan Kai spent a month in Taiyuan.

They went to worship Chen Su Shang's biological father, er Bao, and ate various kinds of food. They also sent telegrams to their aunts and aunts in Singapore and asked her mother what she wanted.

They received a call back.

Gu Qingzhou asked the two of them to take a look at the house they used to live in with Si Xingfu, take some photos, and take them back to them in the future; Kang Han wanted to see the old house and miss chili oil very much.

They took pictures everywhere and ran out of film.

"Is that it?" Chen sushang and Yan Kai stand in front of a ruins, a little unsure.

Taiyuan has experienced artillery fire.

Gu Qingzhou's old house, along with the whole street, was destroyed by bombs. The pace of post-war reconstruction, has not entered here, can only see the ruins.

Chen sushang still took some photos.

They went to see the Kang family.

The Kang family seems to have been taken back by the government and turned into a theatre, which has not been completed yet, so it will not be allowed to enter. At the gate of the governor's mansion, there is a sign of the Calligraphy Association, which has also become a government institution, so it is easy to not enter.

Yan Kai couldn't find his aunt and uncle's Taiyuan at all.

"Twenty years after all." Yan Kai said, "it's also right to change old looks for new ones."

"Yes." Chen sushang said with a smile.

They took some pictures at the gate and then went to other places.

On the 18th of the lunar month in the old calendar, they had a good time. When they were going to go back to Singapore, Chen sushang tested the sky at night and suddenly found out something.

She didn't know if she should talk to Yan Kaiti.

She hesitated.

Yan Kai is packing up and contacting the landlord to return the house first.

Seeing that Chen sushang was a little distracted, Yan Kai asked her, "what's the matter with you?"

"If I mention yuan Xueyao, do you think I'm disappointed?" Chen sushang asked directly.

Yan Kai smiled and said, "how can it be disappointing? He is also our friend. He saved you before. "

Chen Su Shang breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this way, when I measured the sky at night, I found that yuan Xueyao's image disappeared. A person's eight characters can correspond to a destination. Once the aspect disappears, it means that he... " Chen Su Shang said this, pausing for a few seconds.

Yan Kai was a little nervous by her.

Chen Su Shang's eyebrows are tightly frowned: "it means that he may be unconscious or dead. In short, it is not a lucky thing."

Yan Kai's heart thumped.

Chen Su Shang said, and then said: "there is another situation, that is, he has deceived the heaven. For example, Shifu and I, we have eight characters of birth, which can't be seen by any powerful magician. I was born. My master, Mr. Ning, helped him with his work. "

Yan Kai was relieved again.

"Maybe he's just fooling the sky?" Yan Kai comforted her, "don't worry."

Chen sushang didn't want to worry either.

Maybe because he knew that yuan Xueyao would be in danger when he went back, so he found that his destination was missing. Chen sushang's first thing was to worry.

She thought of this and said to Yan Kai, "I want to count the plum blossom skills and see where my master is going."

The number of plum blossom skills is specially used to find people, but it needs to be very accurate.

Using this to find the Taoist priest, the possibility of finding out is very small, so we can only guess the general situation.

"Well, look for it." Yan Kai Dao.

As expected, Chen sushang began to look for it.

After a rehearsal, she found that her master had a 40% chance of going to Xiangxi.

What's the news about yuan Xueyao's appearance?

Chen sushang was confused for a moment.

Yan Kai said, "let's go to Xiangxi. It was originally agreed that we would travel around the country and go through all the cities in the country. Just play. "

Chen Su Shang regretted saying that.

She mentioned that according to Yan Kai's considerate character, she would accompany her, even if he was not comfortable.

Yuan Xueyao is his powerful rival in love. He is not conceited enough to ignore him. Besides, in the period after his divorce from Chen sushang, yuan Xueyao was always taking care of Chen sushang, which could not be erased.

But this is a trip after he and Chen Su Shang got married. They should be the only ones.

"No, we'll go back to Singapore as planned." Chen sushang reassured himself, "last time we met yuan Xueyao, he said that he hid in Xikang, and the technique has made great progress. Maybe he thought of a way to cover up the chance and deal with his little sister?"

Yan Kai said, "go and have a look, or you will always be worried about this matter."

He is sincere.

"I......" Chen sushang is a little hard to say.

She didn't know what to say.

Of course, she was worried. In case yuan Xueyao died in his younger sister's hands last time, Chen Su would feel guilty. She would feel that she and her master had calculated him.

However, as a husband, Yan Kai does not want to hear his wife's concern for her former pursuer, just as Chen Su Shang does not want Yan Kai to care about Su manluo's life and death.

Su manluo also ran away from home, also because of the rumors about Yan Kai's affairs. If Yan Kai feels guilty about looking for it, what does Chen Su chamber of Commerce think?

She is reluctant to let her husband down.

"I don't care about it. Let's go back to Singapore." Chen Su agreed on a resolution.

Her master may have gone.

Since there is her master, then she can't help much. That's all right.

Yan Kai took her hand.

He couldn't help laughing: "Ali, I know your mind. When we get married, neither of us should be suspicious. I trust you. "

Chen Su Shang also smiled.

"Let's go to Xiangxi." Yan Kai said, "I worry about this and that all day long. I can't live well in Singapore. If something happens to yuan Xueyao, our danger may be increased by 10%

He is very real.

Chen sushang looks at him.

When he looked back at her, his eyes were extremely firm: "let's go and have a look. By the way, ask yuan Xueyao how can the Hu family never find us. More people, more ways. "

Chen sushang was completely moved by him.

They entrusted people to transport their purchases to Guangzhou, and then they asked Huo ye to pick them up in Guangzhou and send them to Singapore.

They both went to Hunan in light clothes.

These days in Taiyuan, because of the letter of introduction from Chen's family, they bought a household registration of Taiyuan government and renewed the marriage certificate of Taiyuan government.

With these two features, their actions are more convenient. Almost no one checks them when they take the train. After all, they look like two ordinary little couples.

Chen sushang was a little nervous when the train entered Hunan.

In case of a real accident of yuan Xueyao, does she want to see the girl named yuan Xueling?

It's a little girl, but she should be about the same age as Chen sushang. Will she treat Chen sushang as an intruder?

"Ah Li, it's OK." Yan Kai shook her hand. "You are a magician. What are you afraid of?"

He said this sentence close to Chen Su Shang's ear. Chen Su Shang was tickled by his breath, and he just laughed.

When getting off the train, Chen Su Shang breathed the cold air and the peculiar smell of sulfur in the air at the end of the year, which was left by the artillery battle.

"Today is December 27." Chen sushang said to Yan Kai, "the new year is coming."

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