Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1907 is mostly successful

Chen sushang and Yuan Xueyao lived in Yuan's house for more than a month.

They didn't communicate with the outside world, and they didn't receive any news from the Taoist priest.

At midnight, when he dreamt back, Chen Su Shang wanted Yan Kai very much.

I don't know how upset he is at the moment.

Thinking of his willingness to bring her to Xiangxi and his willingness to support master's plan, Chen Su Shang became very hot.

Yan Kai is not a saint. He can do this for Chen sushang. He really thinks for her.

When spring flowers bloom, Chen sushang picked several peach flowers in the courtyard and put them in the vase.

At this time, the news came from sumalo.

Recently, Su manluo's mind is always changing, sometimes she wants to go back, sometimes she refuses to go, and is capricious.

In this way, Yuan Xueling's attention was focused on her for half of the time, suspecting that she was acting like a fool.

I don't think so. This time, Su manluo committed suicide.

Chen sushang asked yuan Xueyao to have a look.

Yuan Xueyao opened the sky's eye, only looked at it and knew what was going on. He came back directly.

"She's pregnant, too." Yuan Xueyao said, "I am pregnant with the children of yuan family."

Chen sushang: "..."

Her mood can't be described in words for a moment. She was in a daze for a moment, trying to find an idea. However, all over the world, her thoughts were like a mess. She couldn't catch one end at all, and couldn't make out half of it.

"Yuan family Will you let her go? " Asked Chen sushang.

Yuan Xueyao nodded: "yes. However, the child will be born. "

The great warlock family won't let children go out.

Sumanlo is neither a wife nor a concubine. She can go, but she has to wait for the baby to be born.

She was trapped in the yuan family.

Her previous hesitation made her lose the chance to leave. Now it's too late to say anything.

She must have known, so she killed herself in despair and cut her wrist.

"Whatever she wants." Yuan Xueyao whispered, "let's ask her out tonight."


These days, according to the eight characters of Yuan Xueling's birthday, yuan Xueyao has deduced the most suitable "Duwei" for burying magic tools. It is not the absolute position, but the position deduced by him and Yuan Xueling themselves.

That's not far from sumalo's yard.

Late in the evening, Chen sushang delivered a letter to Su manluo, asking her to come to the small pavilion at the back of the yard.

Here comes sumalo.

As soon as she met, she saw Chen Su Shang Weilong's little belly. She was so angry that she couldn't tear it. "It's all your fault. I can't leave now."

Miss Su can never change her temper. It's unbearable.

Chen Su Shang glanced at her: "is it really my fault? Don't think about what you've done? "

Su manluo collapses: "if it wasn't for you and Yan Kai to get married, or for the Secretary's family to give you face, how could I fall to this point?"

Chen sushang felt that it was hopeless for a man to fall into black and white to such an extent.

When they quarreled, yuan Xueyao stood not far away, not close.

Chen sushang refused to let it go: "how did you get to this point? Isn't it because you're cheap? "

This stabbed sumanlo.

Su manluo is in a bad mood. She cut her wrists again in the morning. She is weak. When people are weak, their self-control is even worse. She was furious, and Chen Su Shang scolded.

The two men argued like this.

At this point, at the end of the path, two people came.

Chen sushang pretends not to see it, but still quarrels with Su manluo.

When the two men approached, Chen Su Shang suddenly took out a short dagger: "you have the ability, then you kill me!"

Su man Luo whole person is surprised, looking at the dagger in her hand, slightly shudder back two steps.

She didn't really want to die.

For example, Huai and Yuan Xueling stepped into the pavilion. Yuan Xueling, in particular, looked at the direction of yuan Xueyao.

Yuan Xueling has a cool attitude: "what are you doing in the middle of the night? Don't you know that my little yard is in front of you? "

In addition to living in the main courtyard, she also has a clean small courtyard, which she lived in when she was a girl. She gave Ruhuai a place to live in that yard, and she would come to live in it by chance.

Yuan Xueyao knew that she was coming tonight, so he made a special appointment with Su manluo.

He let Chen sushang enrage Su manluo. Unexpectedly, Su manluo was so easily enraged because she was out of control because of pregnancy.

"Let me go, you little witch!" Su manluo immediately scolds yuan Xueling, "you yuan family people, dirty mind, sooner or later you will be hit by the sky!"

Such as Huai block in front of Yuan Xueling, face anger: "shut up, you dare to disrespect the master?"

"I've been hurt like this by you. Who else should I respect? I'm the head of the family. I'll do justice and kill that cheap man! " Sumalo was furious.

Ruhuai slapped her hard.

Su manluo is just like the old hatred and new hatred. He can't fight with Ruhuai, but he sees the dagger in Chen sushang's hand.

Her action, never so fast, snatched the dagger in Chen sushang's hand and stabbed it towards Ruhuai.

If Huai is faster than her, she will turn around to avoid. She doesn't want Chen sushang standing behind her and waving a charm.

Yuan Xueling had no foresight for her move, so she watched as Ruhuai's speed slowed down and was shocked to attack Su manluo.

Su manluo's anger attacked his heart. His furious heart almost destroyed everything. He stabbed a knife into Ruhuai's heart.

"Ruhuai!" At this time, Yuan Xueling realized later that he had added a charm and slapped Su manluo out.

Chen sushang catches Su manluo.

She put down sumanlo and hurried to see Ruhuai: "what's the matter?"

Yuan Xueling hugs Ruhuai. She is so hypocritical and her eyes are red. However, Chen sushang rushes to pull out the dagger on Ruhuai's chest. The dagger just glides along the back of Yuan Xueling's hand and rubs her oily skin and produces a few drops of blood.

Chen sushang is at a loss with a dagger.

Yuan Xueling waved to hit her: "who asked you to draw a dagger?"

If Huai falls to the ground, he can't speak. I don't know if he is scared or hurt too much.

Even, she may think of the original Hu Junyuan, but also died in her hands.

Yuan Xueyao stopped yuan Xueling and looked at him with blood all over his eyes: "go to the hospital, some people can help."

Yuan Xueling wakes up like a dream and shouts loudly.

Yuan's family began to be disordered again this night, and they carried Ruhuai into the carriage and went to the town's health center.

At this moment, another carriage, yuan Xueyao, Chen sushang and Su manluo, came out of the yuan family.

Because Su manluo fell into Chen sushang's arms, the old wound on her hand was broken, and she had to go to the clinic to sew it.

The yuan family released.

Chen sushang carefully collected the dagger with a few drops of Yuan Xueling's blood. Although it was mixed with the blood of Miao girl, Yuan Xueling's was still there.

This opportunity is really God's help.

Otherwise, it's hard to get yuan Xueling's blood.

On the way, Yuan Xueling suddenly recovered from the shock of Ruhuai's blood, and realized something wrong.

She hurriedly stopped the car. "You take her over and give me a horse."

She hurried home.

Back at Yuan's house, when he asked yuan Xueyao about his whereabouts, he knew that they had also left. Yuan Xueling suddenly had a cold war.

She seemed to realize something and rushed to the small yard.

Before she got to the pavilion, she felt something was involved in her, as if she wanted to peel off a layer of skin. She fell to the ground in agony, but her fingers tried to draw spells on the ground.

She suffered from the pain of heart breaking and lung breaking, while biting her teeth to draw a charm: "it's not so easy to let me die!"

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