Young General's Escaping Wife

1925 Octopus noodle soup

Fan Yongzhi eats the biscuits made by Yan Qi and invites him to eat. To

what to eat, it's hard for Mr. Fan. After all, he wants to eat everything.

"... or my mom's restaurant?" Yan Qi suggested. "


They went to the biggest Jingsu restaurant, but it was full. They had to wait. Yan didn't want to delay her mother's business, so she didn't cut in the line, sighed and asked Mr. Fan, "what else would you like to eat?"

"Seafood." Yan

chess: "...

he must be intentional. Last time I went to eat seafood, I didn't ask him to wait for a weekend. He has been wronged so far. "

I can't eat seafood recently. One of them is going to be hospitalized accidentally." Yan Qi said, "go and eat the steak, will you?"

"OK." "

finish eating and go to the cinema?" Yan Qi asked again.


Two people found a western restaurant nearby. They didn't need to line up. They found a place near the window. They could see the beach in the distance.

Yan Qi ordered two steaks and asked the waiter to serve some wine. Fan

adults are waiting to serve in silence.

Yan Qi told him about the past, mainly about those common friends, such as Xie's brothers. While

talking a little more before dinner, when the dishes come up, Mr. Fan basically ignores Yan Qi. Two

people are chatting. Yan Qiyu glances at Zhou Jin again. Zhou

Jin had a bruise on his forehead after he was beaten last time. I don't know why, but it hasn't gone down yet.

He described it and said that his female partner was teased by a drunk. He bravely went out of the way and got hit or something.

However, we all know that young master Zhou was severely beaten and left in front of Yan's house. "

Oh, it's him again." Yan Qi covers his forehead with his hand and tries to hide himself. "It's haunting."

Singapore is not big, but it has a population of more than a million. There are many tall buildings and walls built between people. Between relatives and friends, if there is no important thing, it's only on New Year's day. It's probably the idle dandies they meet. Big

families have time, and the ability of consumption is similar. It's easy to meet in the same shop.

"Who?" Fan Yongzhi asked.

Yan Qi points to his left front.

Fan Yongzhi turned his face to see, and then his expression remained the same: "I don't know." "

is my pursuer. If it had not been for him, I would not have been crammed into school by my father. " Yan Qi said, "what a nuisance." Fan's brow slightly frowned.

Yan Qi thought he was not happy with his rude words and explained with a smile: "I'm sorry I said dirty words."

Fan Yongzhi shook his head and said nothing.

The waiter brought the dish.

Yan Qi glances at it secretly and finds that Zhou Jin has a close conversation with his friends. It seems that he is discussing something important. He doesn't look left and right. He is relieved.

"... eat quickly. We're going to see a movie. When I get to the cinema, I'll buy you soda. " Yan Qi Dao.

Fan Yongzhi eats slowly, ignoring Yan Qi's urging.

At the end of their dinner, Zhou Jin looked this way. First, he saw Yan Qi, and then he saw her date with a man. The mood of Zhou

Jin is very bad. He wanted to stand up and his friend held him down.

"Forget it." My friend whispered, "I don't need to fight with her. The Yan family is not a small family. I really can't afford to marry such a delicate girl. She doesn't deserve you. "

This friend is very tactful in persuading people. Zhou was appeased by a few words from him, and didn't find fault again.

He took a sip of the wine and said, "I just can't swallow it."

"In the future, who knows the future? Maybe I can breathe a lot. You are a wise man, and a wise man will not suffer from the loss before his eyes. " Said the friend. In the words of his friends, Zhou became a noble man who endured humiliation and became angry immediately.

The two of them are talking about investing in the film company, which is very hot. This friend is eager to set up Zhou Jin's money, so he is also a good talker. Zhou saw fan Yongzhi again later.

From his side, we can only see the back of fan Yongzhi. He felt that this man was familiar with his eyes. It seemed that he had met somewhere, but he was not sure. When

however, he has met too many people, and there are too many people who are familiar with each other. It's difficult to get a clue from the confused thoughts. After thinking for a few seconds, he gave up.

Later, Zhou Jin and his friend finished their dinner. They planned to go to the dance hall for a drink. When they went out, they met Yan Qi and her boyfriend. Zhou

looked at the way the man walked, and suddenly remembered that he had been beaten that night. Didn't he be hit by such a man?

He was on the alert. Zhou

Jin is a playboy without brains. He immediately moves forward and stops Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi: "stop."

Then he looked at fan Yongzhi with all his strength.

Fan Yongzhi looks shy and white. Those who fight Zhou Jin that night use their fists. That fist can generate wind almost. It's not what Fan Yongzhi's thin white face can do.

Zhou Jin's doubts were dispelled.

"Why?" Yan Qi stops in front of fan Yongzhi. "Zhou Jin, are you right with me? The past is not to blame. Last time I accidentally bumped into your girlfriend, I lost money, but you found a newspaper to insult me. Later, you ran to my door and fell in injustice! You said, are you still a person? "

Zhou Jin: "..." Yan

said the chess, but his anger did not disappear: "go away, or I will ask my brother to beat you! Don't think I'm afraid of the reputation of bullying people! "

Zhou Jin: "...

it turns out that Yan's family and Yan Qi don't have the same understanding with him, because they are afraid that others will think their family" bully the small by the big "and" rely on the strong to bully the weak ". In Yan's family and Yan Qi's eyes, Zhou Jin's bullshit is not.

Zhou Jin clenched his fist. He

the friend held him, mediated in the middle, and said some nice words to Yan Qi to let her go first. Yan

the chess took fan Yong to go first.

She walked out of the distance, got on the car, and patted her chest gently: "did I just stop him?" "


"Am I good?" "


Mr. Fan's speech is simple, and Yan Qi is used to it. He doesn't think that he is perfunctory. He is very happy.

They both went to the cinema. She bought a lot of snacks and two bottles of soda for Mr. Fan. Please accept all adult's photos.

Two people ate a "night snack" in the cinema. They didn't see much of the movie. They didn't understand what they did. Later, Yan Qi took a nap. After sleeping for a while, Yan Qi is full of energy when he goes out of the cinema. "

go for porridge?" Yan Qi looked at his watch. It was more than 10 o'clock at night. Now when he went home at 12 o'clock, it was "late home". There was little difference.

"What porridge?" Fan Yongzhi asked. "

there are all kinds of porridge. I know a shop. I'll take you there. In addition to porridge, there are fish soup noodles, which are very delicious. " Yan Qi Dao. Fan

Yongzhi suddenly froze. Fan Yongzhi, who has no resistance to

delicious food, refused Yan Qi. "

tired, go home." He said. Yan

chess: "..." it's unusual for fan adults to say that they are tired in front of

delicious food. Yan Qi looks at him for a few times. He doesn't see anything from his calm face, so he has to stop.

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