Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1927 daochang'san family

Yan Qi, holding the child, like a thief, slipped behind a man. Yan

Kay saw her first: "why?"

As soon as the guests in front of him looked back, they also saw Yan Qi and immediately smiled: "chess."

"Brother Shangkuan!" Yan Qi couldn't help laughing. "When did you come back? Don't tell me

This is Xie Shangkuan, the eldest son of Yan Luoshui and Xie shunmin. When Yan Qi went to London, Xie Shangkuan took good care of her. He was a considerate and gentle big brother. "

I arrived yesterday. I was so busy that I didn't have time. I think I can see it today. It's easy. " Thank you.

Then, he reached out again, "is this a natural inheritance?"

"Yes," said Yan Xie

Shang Kwan took the child over, and said to Yan Kai, "it looks just like you!"

Yan Kai said with a smile, "my son is not as good as I am."

Several people were amused by him.

Yan Qi said that her brother, deshe, turned back to her sister-in-law and heard that she had to fight.

Gu Qingzhou's two sons also arrived. Young people get together, talking and laughing. After

, it's time to grasp the week.

The child catches Zhou, Chen Su Shang is nervous to death. She was afraid that her son would catch the Golden Compass her master put in.

Yan Kai said to her in a low voice, "it's just a matter of luck. It's impossible to predict the future. Relax. What's wrong with being a warlock? I see it's good. " Chen shook his head and smiled: "no, I don't like it."

When the child grabbed the week, Yan Ziqing carried his grandson by himself.

On a large table, there are all kinds of things, ink, paper and inkstone, gold, silver and jewelry.

My grandfather, Si Xingfu, had a fancy and put a small toy gun in. Gu

Canoe: "... Yan

Tian Cheng is very curious about these things. He is not afraid of people, not crying, eyes staring at the table full of new things. When he started to grasp the week, he looked around, then climbed forward and caught the golden compass that his mother had specially placed on the periphery. Yan was very happy: "this kid chose a gold dollar specially, and he will be in charge of the money in the future." "

what is this?" Yan Ziqing and others are curious.

Chen sushang: "..." said

with a proud face.

Later, all the people knew that Yan Tiancheng had a golden compass at his one-year banquet. "

it's gold anyway! It's very good. At first glance, it's wealth and wealth. " He said. I think it's good to go on a boat. Yan

all the people in the family have not experienced the storm with Chen sushang, do not know the risks of the warlocks, and feel that there is nothing bad about the warlocks.

Only Yan Kai comforted Chen sushang: "seize the week, a thing, don't take it to heart."

"Well, it shouldn't be put on." Chen sushang said. Yan can see that her sister-in-law is unhappy, but she doesn't know why she is unhappy.

The Taoist priest was very satisfied.

He specially chatted with Chen sushang. One is about his future education, the other is about his arrangement. After this end, he plans to go back to Hong Kong. "

you've been in Hong Kong recently. What's going on there that's holding you back?" Asked Chen sushang. "No," said Tao. The house we used to rent, the owner's family doesn't plan to return to Hong Kong in the near future, and needs a lot of money, so he sold it to me. "

Chen sushang was shocked and sad: "did you buy a house? Do you still have money to use? " The master knew what the apprentice wanted to say and joked: "no, there is a little grandma's bearing. Ask me if I have any money to spend. I'm really rich! " Chen

Su Shang: "... Then

came and told Yan Kai about it. "

... After the Taoist temple accident, he never wanted to settle down. The last thing I can bear is that our family gets together and he wanders around alone.

I still thought that he could not live through the troubles in his heart. I didn't think that he actually bought the house and planned to settle down in Hong Kong. " Chen sushang said while wiping tears. Yan

Kay gently held her hand: "isn't this a good thing? Anyway, it's OK. We'll take Shifu back tomorrow and stay there for half a month. "

Chen Su Shang's eyes brightened: "really?" "

of course, it's true. Anyway, we have nothing serious to do." Yan Kai said with a smile.

Chen sushang is very happy.

The two of them really started to clean up. Chen

Su Shang also made a phone call to master: "tomorrow we will send you back. I also want to go there to stay. Now that house can be regarded as my own family. " The way is not good, but the heart is soft.

After more than 30 years of wandering, we have a terminal, which will not be too far away from the apprentices, nor too close, hindering them. It's very good. Tao

think of Yan Tiancheng again. A Li is not ambitious and has limited talent. Maybe Yan Tiancheng will inherit his mantle and carry forward his technique?

"OK." The Taoist said, "but one thing, if you meet Mr. Luo, don't talk nonsense."

Chen sushang: "... She met Mr. Luo once. At the beginning, yuan Xueyao was framed by Su manluo, or Mr. Luo helped, which saved her from prison.

"Is Mr. Luo always there?"

"Not often." The Taoist priest said, "I will come to sit down occasionally." Chen said it was OK. After Ann arranged, Yan Kai called his uncle and asked for a route. When he finished his phone call, Yan Qi was still in charge.

Xie Shangkuan goes to play at Si's house. Yan Qi is very concerned about ling'er and Ning'an, who are far away in England. If you want to ask him more, you have to stick to him.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that Yan Qi and Xie Shangkuan left the company's home. Thanks

Shangkuan's parents are also in Singapore. They live with their grandparents, five uncles and aunts. The family is very busy. It's a little bit far back.

Yan Qi didn't know how to look at people's faces. He had to take him to have a night snack: "there is a family of porridge that is very good to drink."

Xie Shangkuan couldn't, so she had to go and have porridge with her.

He is a steady man. He always wanted to ask Yan Qi, but he refrained from asking. When they sat down in the dining room and served rice porridge, he hesitated and said, "have you seen fan Yongzhi?"

"Yes!" Yan Qi said with a smile, "I brought him a lot of delicious food." Thanks for his relaxed voice, he said: "where does he live? When he arrived in Singapore, he didn't write to me. I still want to come back and ask. "

"I know. When we have porridge, go to his side and sit down. " Said Yan chess.

Xie Shangkuan looked at his watch and waited for them to finish their porridge, afraid it would be eleven o'clock. It's very impolite to walk around with Yan Qi in the middle of the night. People in the Yan family are worried. "

... Tomorrow, it's too late today." Xie Shangkuan said.

Yan Qili said: "it's OK. Mr. Fan lives alone and doesn't disturb him for many nights. What's more, he works in his own bank. He's ok if he doesn't work tomorrow. He doesn't care if he goes to bed later. " Thanks

Shang Kuan: "...

he often forgets what Si Ningan said to him. Ning An has mentioned to them: "you don't need to beat around the bush when you talk to your chess sister, or she won't understand."

At first, Xie Shangkuan and his colleagues didn't understand Yan Qi. They thought that it was not good to understand her because she was Chinese.

Later, I understood the painstakingness of snin'an. "

chess is too late. If you don't go home, your parents should worry." "We'll see fan Yongzhi tomorrow," Xie said

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