Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1929 film is very important

When Yan Qi walked out of his brother's apartment building, the car stopped downstairs. Fan

Yongzhi's driver drives and Xie Shangkuan sits in the front passenger seat.

Yan Qi opened the door and saw fan Yongzhi sitting in the back, playing with a camera.

"... eh, do you want to take photos today?" "Yan Qi asked," I knew I was wearing a black skirt, and black made me slim

Xie Shangkuan looked back at her and said, "what do you want to look like?" In Xie Shangkuan's view, Yan Qi is very slim and slim. If you lose weight, you will become a skeleton elite.

"Slimmer!" Yan Qi said, "I'm mainly a little fatter."

Girls are always greedy and complacent about their bodies and looks. "

not fat." Fan Yongzhi Road on one side.

Xie Shangkuan couldn't help laughing.

"Really?" Yan Qi was very happy and came closer. "Then you can take a better picture of me later and give me some photos, OK?" "

line." Fan Yongzhi said.

The three of them have been shopping all morning, and they have finished all the places arranged by Yan Qi. After shopping, they go to lunch. He spent two hours in the restaurant. It was just three o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was too hot outside, so they were reluctant to go out. "

there are horse races today." Yan Qi suggested, "otherwise, let's go to gamble? Whoever wins the money will treat. "

Thanks for listening, not very interested. It's a bit boring to bet on horses. He doesn't know a lot about horses. It's all luck. "

Yongzhi, what do you think?" Xie Shangkuan refused Yan Qi directly, so he had to ask fan Yongzhi.

Fan Yongzhi is playing with the camera. He took a lot of photos in the morning. He has used up a roll of film. He replaced it with a new one and took down the used film and carefully put it away.

After a long time, he replied, "it's not so much fun. It's better to go to an ordinary casino."

Yan Qi didn't want to go to the casino very much.

Half of the casinos in Singapore are owned by her family. Her father would not be happy to know that she had gone. What's more, the people in the casino see that it's her. They will let her win and make her happy. It's really boring.

"... do you really want to bet?" Fan Yongzhi was unhappy when he saw her and asked her.

Yan Qi shook his head: "I just feel bored. I go out to play with my sister and they buy clothes and eat. The time flies quickly. Who knows it's different to play with your boys. " Fan

Yong's way: "are there any fighters?"

Yan Qi's eyes brightened.

Fight field exists all the time, but it is not as good as betting on horses. The government forbids it, so there is only underground fight field.

The gang of dandies Yan Qi used to mix with know everything about fun. She immediately called Annie and asked where there was an underground fight ground. Ann knows exactly one. Her fiance took her to see her before.

"... most of the underground fight fields are run by guilds. Don't get caught by your family." Anne reminded her. Yan

chess: "..." Yan

the forces in the dark are stronger than those in the face. Once the gang intervenes, the Yan Family mostly agrees. Yan

once the chess player is ruthless, he will be scolded when he goes back. "

there is an underground fight field." When Yan Qi came back, he said to Xie Shangkuan and fan Yongzhi, "but it's the kind of point to point, not human life. Do you think it's a little boring?" Thanks

Shangkuan couldn't help laughing: "do you think our entertainment is bloody? I don't like to watch too fierce fight games. I can't watch those that end with life. " Fan said nothing. Yan

Qi got the address and the qualification to pass. Three people drove there.

The fight hall is located in an alley in the old street, near the fish market. The air is full of fishy and putrid smell. Don't talk about Yan Qi. The two men couldn't stand it. They covered their mouths and noses. Bo is in the basement of a shabby bookstore. The air in the lower room is very hot. The air when the door is opened is almost suffocating.

Yan Qi almost choked: "Annie is willing to come to this place for men!"

Xie Shangkuan: "..."

Miss Yan only cares about her friends, but forgets why she came from herself, not for men.

After that, Xie Shangkuan looked at fan Yongzhi.

Fan Yongzhi is playing with his camera. There are no seats at all in the next fight field. There are only stands higher than the competition platform. Everyone is crowded together. There is a young master who pretends to be forced. He has a bodyguard around him. The bodyguard separates the people around him a little and leaves a little larger space alone. That's all.

Xie Shangkuan and fan Yongzhi are surrounded by Yan Qi from left to right for fear that she will be squeezed. At this moment, Xie Shangkuan regrets. It is the parents of Yan's family who know that they bring Yan Qi to the underground fight field, and they are expected to be very angry, although it was proposed by Yan Qi.

"If you feel suffocated, let's go." Xie Shangkuan said loudly to Yan. "No, it's about to start!"

At this time, there were two big thugs coming towards them. For

Fang, he is not much like a Chinese, but a Malay.

If one of them doesn't speak, he will grab fan Yongzhi's camera. "

no photography!" He said it in poor English.

Fan Yongzhi pressed his hand: "don't move. I didn't take a picture. The lid didn't open." The

people want to fight hard.

Fan Yongzhi frowned and was unhappy at the bottom of his eyes.

Although the inside of the camera is a new film, he just snapped a picture of Yan Qi's side face when he was at the gate. The picture was very good. He didn't want to break it. When you see his resistance, you have to push him.

The thug was a head taller than fan Yongzhi, and fan Yongzhi himself was quite tall. The player is not only tall, his arm is thicker than Yan Qi's thigh.

He thought he could easily lift fan Yongzhi up. Who knows one of fan Yong's wrong steps to avoid and pushes the thug at the same time. Hit

and hit it so far that it hit seven or eight guests. The field was in a mess. "Don't be angry, Mr. Fan!" Yan Qi hurriedly comforted fan Yongzhi, but shouted to another fighter, "when we came in, no one was sure to take the camera. At that time, our camera was also in hand, and we didn't hide it. You don't remind me. Now you're looking for trouble. Did you mean it? "

"No cameras!" Another man rushed to fan Yongzhi and wanted to knock him out.

Those who dare to fight underground have their own ways and are very domineering. He is not allowed to take it. Yan

is in a hurry. Fan

Yongzhi immediately protected her behind her, pushed her to Xie Shangkuan's arms, and then shot face-to-face. One arm blocked the attack of the hitter, and the other hand surprised and hit the opponent's face door. Yes,

Fang was hit by him, and his eyes were full of Venus, and his nose blood and tears were running. Seeing this, the guests were afraid of getting burned and retreating. However, other fighters in the fight field poured in one after another, about a dozen strong men surrounded fan Yongzhi.

Yan Qi cried out: "stop, my grandfather is Yan Shuli! If anyone of you dare to do it, I will let you live beyond today! " The hands were stunned. The field was calm for a while.

A steward came out, looked at Yan Qi, and then looked at fan Yongzhi: "maybe it's a misunderstanding today. This gentleman, your camera has to be handed in. The photos of the fight field can't be published. If you don't want to pay, it's hard to get out of here. " "

I will not pay." Fan Yongzhi's speech is very plain, but his position is very clear. Yan

almost died in chess.

To be honest, she doesn't think it's a big day to take any meaningful photos today. As for her and Xie Shangkuan, the scene is not memorable. What is Mr. Fan doing more?

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