Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1947 let's get married

Ten days later, fan returned to Singapore. His father did not indulge him. He is going to come to Singapore. Because of his great work, he can't be allowed to stay at home every day.

He went back this time on the pretext that his kung fu was a little backward. He wanted his masters to guide him for another ten days to consolidate and deepen. His father is naturally suspicious, but his son is so old and has his own opinions, which he didn't break. "

... You followed Miss Yan. How are you now?" The night before he left, his father asked suddenly.

Fan Yongzhi was surprised.

"You think I'm deaf?" Mr. Fan gave him a white look. How can he escape his father's ear when he does so obviously? His father had heard about it for a long time, and had investigated Yan's family.

The business of the Yan family has been on the right path in recent years, and in the current world, money is the king's way. How does the money come from the Yan family come. As a famous Nanyang family, Miss Yan is beautiful and innocent. There is nothing wrong with this marriage. Mr. Fan would like to let his son go to Singapore, although he is not sure.

Fan Yongzhi bowed his head: "not so much. Anyway, I can't get married. What else can I do? " Fan

the old man was shocked: "what do you say, you are not married, who will inherit the family business? Who will continue the incense? " For the first time, he heard his son say that. "

I don't want to harm people." Fan Yongzhi said, "how my mother and sister died? You are the most clear and unavoidable. Our women are cursed! " Fan

the old man's face was livid: "you're nonsense, you're not filial! Where did you hear that? You... You, get out of here! "

Because of his words, touched the bottom of his father 's heart, Fan Yongzhi was expelled from his home overnight. He was ready to go back to Singapore, packed his bags and left London the next day. When he came back, he asked Li Hui what had happened recently. Li

Hui knows the key point of his young master's inquiry: "Miss Yan has called you three times to call back as soon as you come back." Fan

Yongzhi hum.

Li Hui added, "do you want me to call you?" "

No, there's no need to tell her." Fan Yongzhi road. However, after

he asked about the banking business and avoided it.

Fan Yongzhi is very busy for the next few days.

Yan Qi did not find it.

Many things in the school, after Yan Qi returned to work, he became more conscientious and got along well with the students. They even invited her to a private party. Yan Qi had a great time.

Until Anne calls her. "

.... I have one month to go before the wedding. You haven't replied to the invitation yet. Are you coming alone or with a boyfriend? " Anne asked her.

Yan Qi forgot about it.

"What's the difference?" she asked

"Of course there is a difference. You are the main table seat. I'd like to think about leaving you a few places. " Annie's voice is hateful. I can't squeeze her through the phone line. Yan

Qixiao: "I'll go with Mr. Fan. You'll leave me two places." Ann

Ni met fan Yongzhi and thought it was very suitable for Yan Qi. She asked quietly, "did he propose?" "

not yet."

"Why don't you force him? He's so good. You'll have to watch him. Don't be robbed. " Anne whispered.

Yan Qi did not care: "snatched me to snatch back, the fan adult is so good, someone snatches is human nature!"

"Then you hint at him!" Anne was in a hurry.

Yan Qi is not in a hurry. Fan

adults are ice and snow beauties. We should coax them carefully and melt them slowly. You can't be impatient. It takes time to be impatient. "

you don't understand. Mr. Fan is not like Mr. Qin. It doesn't work." Yan Qi Dao.

Annie: "...

she has no energy:" call you again, I am the dog! " In the evening, Chen Annie called again and asked Yan Qi for the phone number of several other friends. She accidentally lost it. The face is laughing and the stomach aches. Today, Yan Qi misses fan Yongzhi very much, and suddenly wants to know if he has returned to Singapore. Miss Yan's thoughts are quite jumping off. At ten o'clock in the evening, a normal person would make a phone call, but she slipped out of the corner door of the West Building quietly and drove to fan Yongzhi's apartment by herself. Yong Zhi just took a bath. When he saw her coming, his face moved, and all the joys and sorrows were suppressed. He was very plain: "come?"

"Mr. Fan, you have returned to Singapore!" Yan Qi was overjoyed. "When did he come back?" "

the day before yesterday." Fan Yongzhi took a glass of ice water for her, and then turned the fan to her side. "What's the rush? Look at your sweat. " Yan's car was parked outside the apartment building, and she trotted over. She smiled and wiped her sweat.

Young is good, even if the whole body is warm, there is a warm smell, not the smell of greasy sweat.

"Next month is Annie's wedding. Would you like to accompany me to the wedding?" Yan Qi said, while blowing her hair and drinking water

"Well." Fan Yongzhi road. There is no suspense about this.

Yan Qi suddenly thought of Annie's other words. At the moment, her mind suddenly became hot and she took off her mouth and said, "Annie is going to get married, Mr. Fan. Why don't we get married, too?"

Lord fan has always been responsive to her needs. No, he was silent this time. His face was almost twisted, his hands tightly clenched and his eyes lowered.

The atmosphere was awkward for a moment.

Yan Qi laughs: "I'm kidding. I'm not so casually married. If you want to pursue me first, I need to pretend to be Joe. "

Fan Yongzhi looks up at her.

The mood in his eyes is very complex. Yan Qi does not know what he means for a while. When

is normal, she can't understand people's thoughts. "

sorry." He said, "did I bother you?"

"Excuse me?" Yan Qi was surprised. "I came to your house. If you want to disturb me, I will also disturb you. What nonsense do you say, Mr. Fan?"

Fan Yongzhi sighed softly. He was holding a glass of water in a daze, but he was a little stiff.

One part of his thought is very rational, the other part is very naive. Otherwise, he would not allow himself to come to Singapore.

Here he is. What can he do?

It's just a matter of seeing more and seeing more. It's a little consolation to be alone for the rest of my life. He took so many pictures of her, only worried about the fading of her memory in the future, and nothing remained.

Yan Qi sat for a moment, ready to leave.

Fan Yongzhi sent her to the gate of the apartment.

She was a little silent, and she walked very fast, and arrived at the gate in a moment.

Fan Yongzhi stood in the dark, upright and indifferent. Yan looked back at him suddenly before he got on the train.

She thought that her master fan was not a layman. She was too abrupt today. Her heart is still full of hope. Young girl, who never knew what hardship was, smiled and waved to him: "goodbye to Mr. Fan, have dinner together at the weekend!" She drove away.

Fan Yongzhi stood in place and did not move for a long time.

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