Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1966 requirements before marriage

Xu Qizhen's phone, did not say clearly hung up.

Yan Ziqing didn't know what to do. He was so worried that he went back home in a hurry.

Once entering the front door of the living room of the main courtyard, I saw Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi sitting in the sofa. They were still holding hands. Yan Ziqing understood immediately.

"Father." Yan Qi stands up.

Yan Ziqing nodded to her, "wait a moment, I'll change my clothes."

Fan Yongzhi also stood up.

Yan Ziqing didn't want to talk to him, but he was worried about his daughter's face and nodded at him.

Xu Qizhen sat on the dressing chair in the room, with no idea.

Yan Ziqing came in and gently helped her on the shoulder: "how can I worry like this?"

She held Yan Ziqing's hand: "Ziqing, they are engaged. What should I do? That Mr. Fan, has he told Qiqi about it? Or does he think he can cheat everyone? "


"I'll wait for you to come back." Xu Qizhen said, "let's ask separately. I'll call the chess game away first. You can ask Mr. Fan alone. Otherwise, chess will be very sad. "

She was worried.

Yan Ziqing kissed her hair: "it's OK, I'm here."

His clothes were wet with perspiration. He changed a flowered shirt and went downstairs with Xu Qizhen.

Xu Qizhen's face relaxed a lot.

"Chess, come here. I have a few words for you." Xu Qizhen said to his daughter, "your father has a few words to ask Mr. Fan alone."

Fan Yongzhi releases Yan Qi's hand.

Yan Qi is holding on.

"Mummy, you say directly, don't let daddy bully master fan!" Yan Qi said, "I myself agreed to marry Mr. Fan. He didn't force me."

Xu Qizhen: "...

Yan Ziqing looked at his wife and said:" forget Qizhen. You can sit down, too. "

He lit a cigarette.

The house is filled with the fragrance of tobacco.

Fan Yongzhi is more upset.

"... if you want to marry my daughter, what do you have to tell us?" Yan Ziqing took two puffs of smoke and asked fan Yongzhi.

Fan Yongzhi nodded cautiously: "yes. I'd like to talk to you about my mother's condition. "

He started from the beginning.

He talked about how his mother got sick and what happened when she got sick, how the doctor diagnosed it and how to use the medicine; he talked about his mother and his sister and Al again.

"Al is still alive. I don't know how long he will live. I'm not going to have children at chess. But I will take care of her and serve her all the time. In the future, when I am old, I will also leave my last words. All my inheritance will be inherited by chess. " Fan Yongzhi road.

Yan Ziqing and Xu Qizhen were all shocked and looked at him.

Yan Ziqing, in particular, burns a large string of ashes from a cigarette in his hand.

Fan Yongzhi finished, looked at Yan Ziqing, and Yan Ziqing was excited.

When the ashes fell, he recovered his mind.

"It's impossible to inherit mental illness to chess head." Xu Qizhen said first, "why do you decide not to have children now?"

"The child suffered. It's very cruel to bring him to the world knowing that there is suffering. " Fan Yongzhi said, "besides, in the future, if the child has problems and suffers for a long time, the first one is the mother of the child."

Yan Zi counted and nodded, which was true.

Yan Qi said: "Mommy, I don't want to have children. It's very painful to have children. I would like to be with Mr. Fan. I don't regret it. "

Yan Ziqing is still silent.

Xu Qizhen looks at him, and he also looks back at Xu Qizhen. His eyes are hesitant.

Seeing this, Xu Qizhen said: "chess, you send Mr. Fan back first. It's a matter of great importance. We'll ask your grandfather. "

Yan Qi said yes.

She sent fan Yongzhi to the gate, stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the face: "see you tomorrow."

Fan Yongzhi refused to let go.

He understood that the Yan family were not satisfied with him. If he let Yan Qi go now, she might not be him.

His eyes were full of worries.

Yan Qi only when he is reluctant to himself, smile: "tomorrow I will go to you."

"Chess, if your parents don't agree with us..."

"then I will elope with you!" Yan Qi said with a smile, "flee to Scotland and plant vegetables there. Will your father help us? "

Fan Yongzhi: "...

he reached out and touched Yan Qi's hair. At the moment, he realized that he didn't have to worry at all.

Yan Qi is sincere to him.

Ten minutes after he left, Yan Kai went home by himself.

Because Xu Qizhen also called him.

The three of them went to grandfather's yard.

Xu Qizhen repeated fan Yongzhi's words.

The old man's face remained unchanged after listening.

"... I don't worry about children being childless." Yan Kai frowned. "I'm worried. Will fan Yongzhi be mentally ill in the future? Chess brain than normal people stupid, let her guard a neuropathy husband, is not harm her half life

"I'm so worried, too." Xu Qizhen said.

Yan Ziqing said, "there is no way to prevent this problem."

Old Yan listened in silence for a long time.

At his age, he has grown into a master and can see everything thoroughly.

He said lightly: "if you pick a person's flaws, no matter how good they are, they can also pick a lot of holes.". Chess and chess marry him, not you. She said it would be good. "

People: "...

Xu Qizhen:" Dad... "

" I know your mind. " Yanlao interrupts his daughter-in-law softly, "chess is not as smart as other children. You have the most intentions for her. You are eager for her perfect marriage. Qi Zhen, do you know what is the most precious and rare thing in marriage? "

Yan Kai was suddenly touched and said, "it's a happy relationship."

"Yes." Yan must have looked at his grandson. "What is more precious than this? Let them get married, that's what I said. "

The way of Yan Ziqing and Xu Qizhen is.

The next day, Yan Ziqing called fan Yongzhi.

"Yongzhi." He opened his mouth and called fan Yongzhi in this way, instead of Mr. Fan, "the engagement banquet is still to be set up. If you are free, please ask your father to come over and we will discuss a date. "

Fan Yongzhi's voice choked for a moment and hurriedly answered, "yes, thank you very much!"

He went back to London himself.

He told his father that he would marry Yan Qi if they didn't have children.

If in the future, his father will make it difficult for Yan Qi, then he wants to break away from his father. Fan family's industry, he does not want to inherit, he uses his own hands to support Yan Qi.

Mr. Fan couldn't take it for a moment.

However, my son is loose and willing to get married, which is a good thing. First marry your daughter-in-law into the door, and then slowly talk about the latter.

Besides, he is not very old now. If fan Yongzhi decides his mind, he can choose an heir from his nephew.

He also has the energy to train his nephew for more than ten years, so as not to lose all his family business.

"Marriage is a great joy. Don't say anything else." "Let's go," said Mr. Fan. "I'll meet my family. I'll marry Miss Yan earlier. You're relieved."

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