Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 197 jacket off

When Sima arrived at Gu's house, all the people were still downstairs. They had to sit rationally for a while after eating, and then went upstairs.

"Have you eaten, young commander?" The third aunt is too hospitable and wants to make a face for Gu Qingzhou, so as not to make Sima think that the family members are rude.

Simmer nodded.

He couldn't speak. Gu Guizhang didn't really know that, so the rest of the family didn't know either.

Sima is speechless, proud and arrogant.

"Let's go." Gu Qingzhou said to Sima, "my father is still resting, and he will come to talk later."

Sima nodded.

The two of them went out, and Gu Xiang said coldly behind him, "look at that young commander, treat Gu Qingzhou as a maid!"

She felt that Sima looked down upon her family and her boat.

Third aunt and fourth aunt are too difficult to refute, because simu looks like that.

It's too cold to say a word. I really don't pay attention to my family.

There are many arguments, Gu Qingzhou doesn't know.

Smoothie has another house in the city.

His pavilion is well decorated. There are three floors of small building with milky white outer wall, tall courtyard wall, and big iron door with twigs covered with vines. At this time, there are no leaves, only dark brown vines.

The boys in charge of the family all have other houses, which is not to blame. Their home is the governor's office, which is the important military and political area of Yuecheng, with many inconveniences.

The house looks good outside, but there is no good inside. There is no decoration at all.

There are two benches in the living room.

It's no exaggeration. There are only two benches in the empty room.

Gu Qingzhou stupefied: "this is your other library?"

Sima nodded.

He understood the doubts of Gu Qingzhou, so he led the way ahead and took Gu Qingzhou to the second floor.

The second floor is also simple. There's a reception hall.

The reception hall of SIMU is more simple than the other hall of Qisi Xingfu. Wooden chairs are placed on the left and right, and the tea table of boxwood is in the middle.

This is an ancient living room, with no trace of half Westernization.

Sima wrote on the table: "feeling the pulse?"

He asked if he would start pulse taking now.

He is too lazy to use a pen. He writes directly on the desk.

Gu Qingzhou said: "last time, your disease will not change in a short time. I can tell you the diagnosis result directly."

Simmer nodded.

After clearing his throat, Gu Qingzhou began to argue: "general aphasia is related to lung and kidney. In ancient medical records, it was said that "the lung is the door of sound, and the Qi is the root of sound". The solid gold does not sound, and the broken gold is silent.

The lungs and kidneys will move Qi up to the throat, agitate the vocal cords and make a sound. I heard that when you were in Germany, you changed several hospitals and saw numerous famous doctors. They all said that your vocal cords were normal, right? "

Sima nodded.

This is the truth. The old lady told Gu about the boat.

"Then, we can be sure that you can't speak. The problem is not the vocal cords, but the lungs and kidneys in the body. Do you agree with my diagnosis?" Gu asked again.

Simmer nodded again.

For this analysis, simmer agreed because he was sure the vocal cords were intact.

"Since it is the cause of lung and kidney qi, there is a difference between deficiency and demonstration." Gu Qingzhou said again.

This time she didn't wait for Sima to interrupt, and continued, "I'll talk about the evidence first."

She really ruled it out.

She said that empirical evidence means that the disease is a deficiency.

In his heart, Sima understood and listened to her analysis quietly.

"Feishi" refers to the stagnation of lung qi, cold Qi, epiglottis and adverse opening and closing. Therefore, it is unable to make a sound. This is the hoarseness caused by empirical evidence. However, in this case, there will be wind cold phlegm syndrome. If you don't have these, it's certainly not empirical. " Gu added, "however, when treating such diseases with traditional Chinese medicine, it is easy to consider them with empirical evidence."

Simu understood.

No wonder I've seen traditional Chinese medicine before, but it's not cured. It turns out that it's an empirical study.

"My personal diagnosis is that your hoarseness is a deficiency. Your pulse sinks late and weak. It's lung dryness and kidney deficiency. I think you were so stimulated that you couldn't breathe.

People who are greatly frightened will lose their breath for a short time. However, you had the problems of deficiency of Qi and weakness of kidney in those years. If you didn't come up with one breath, the atmosphere would have been damaged and sank immediately.

Once the atmosphere sinks, it can't reach the throat and agitate the vocal cords. It's not a mental illness, it's just a depression.

The atmosphere sinks and gradually forms a barrier and chest. The atmosphere can no longer be lifted up to the throat, so the air is short and the vocal cords cannot be agitated. " Gu Qingzhou road.

This is her diagnosis.

She is confident in her diagnosis.

After that, Gu Qingzhou looks at Sima and waits for his response.

If he believes that, Gu Qingzhou can give him a remedy.

"Do you believe my diagnosis?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Simmer was still on the table, writing with his fingers: believe.

After reading it, Gu said, "since you believe it, I'll give you a prescription."

Because of the diagnosis, Gu Qingzhou prepared a pen and paper in her handbag. She took it out and wrote a prescription.

"One or two raw arrow Qi, four angelica, two Cimicifuga." Gu wrote it and handed it to simu.

Sima looked at it and nodded.

In fact, he didn't understand whether the specific medication was right or wrong, mild or dangerous.

Since he didn't understand, he didn't want to ask more questions. He gave them all to Gu Qingzhou.

"Take the medicine according to the prescription, once a day, seven days in a row." Gu Qingzhou added, "because you are sinking into the atmosphere, you need to use external force. I want to give you acupuncture for half an hour every day."

Simmer looked at her puzzled.

"Acupuncture, don't you understand?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Sima nodded just now, which means he understood. He was just a little surprised.

Gu Qingzhou said: "since you understand, then give the prescription to the adjutant, let the adjutant go to get the medicine, and buy a small medicine stove by the way, and fry it here. I don't think you really want to let your family know."

Simmer nodded a little.

He didn't really want his parents to know. They know. Hope. If hope fails, Sima will feel sorry for them.

At that time, simu will not only bear his disappointment, but also bear guilt.

"Acupuncture starts today." Gu Qingzhou said, "the atmosphere sinks in your chest. You take off your clothes and use a needle in your chest."

Sima frowned heavily.

It seems that he can't let it go.

Gu Qingzhou said, "it's OK. Doctors have no gender. If you don't mind the needle, the medicine may not work that well. "

She added, "you've been suffering from this disease for five years. If you had been treated at that time, you could only use medicine. Now you can't. without the help of acupuncture, it's difficult to recover. Think about it."

Si Mu is a little embarrassed by Gu Qingzhou. I think that an old man cares what?

Gu Qingzhou looks at the room. There is a simple bed in the room, with clean bedding and fireplace, but the fireplace has never been burned.

Considering that the needle can't be covered after application, Gu Qingzhou thought it would be cold in Sima, and she said, "can you burn the fireplace first?"

Simu nodded, then pointed to himself, then pointed to her, which means that I can't speak, what do you want, you can command yourself.

Gu understood. Go downstairs first.

There are about ten adjutants here.

Gu Qingzhou's orders, they listened respectfully, immediately to do, without half hesitation.

Half a day's work, seven days of medicine all bought back, also bought a small medicine stove.

Upstairs in the fireplace, there are also smoke-free Silver Charcoal.

Gu Qingzhou cooks medicine, puts the medicine stove in place, waits for it to cook slowly, oneself went upstairs.

Simmer sat on the chair, his expression quiet.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou go upstairs, the two suddenly look at each other.

"I'll take the medicine in an hour." Gu said first, "don't delay your time. I'll give you acupuncture first."

After that, she added, "I'll burn the fireplace for about ten minutes. It's warm in the room, and then I'll start acupuncture. What do you think?"

Simmer agrees.

Since seeing that Gu Qingzhou saved a child who had been pretending to die for a long time, Sima believed in her medical skills.

He has no objection to how to diagnose, how to use needles, and what prescriptions to prescribe.

Gu lit the match.

In the fireplace, the silver and charcoal will fill the room with warm water in a short time, for example, it's a lot warmer.

Seeing this, Gu took out the silver needle from his schoolbag and said to Sima, "lie on the bed and take off your coat."

It's a little different in simmer's mind when his coat is off.

He was twenty years old and had been suffering from aphasia for five years. He had never undressed before his illness.

No matter how high or cold you are, the first time you encounter this kind of thing, you have some obstacles in your heart.

Knowing that it was a cure, Sima kept circling in his mind: "this is my fiancee, not an ordinary doctor."

It is self deception to say that there is no gender. In addition, the other side is his fiancee, and Sima always feels a little ambiguous about undressing.

He doesn't like it. He doesn't want to have an affair with a girl he doesn't like.

Sima is a little embarrassed.

When Gu Qingzhou looked back, he saw Sima standing by the bed, frowning deeply, as if he was in a dilemma.

"It's OK." Gu Qingzhou comforted him, "no pain."

It's not a matter of whether it hurts or not!

This embarrassment was quickly restrained by reason. Sima's face was expressionless and his eyes were as quiet as the ancient well. He took off his coat and showed his strong chest.

Sima has been studying in the military academy, but he has also worked hard. He is not a weak young man.

Every curve of his body is full of power.

"Lie down!" Gu Qingzhou saw him take off his coat and stand on the edge of the bed with hands down. Her face was indifferent and cold. She was puzzled.

He told me to lie down. Didn't he hear that?

A visit to the bed.

He lay steadily in a pile of soft brocade quilts, his body sinking down inexplicably, his back was a little stiff, and he was also tense.

It may be cold in the room.

Gu Qingzhou took out the silver needle and treated it with the method of flat filling and flat discharging.

Her fingers are fine and white, her nails are pink and have a light pearly color. The silver needle was pinched in her hand and fell on her fingernails.

Before she knew it, she had pierced several silver needles into simmer's chest.

"Stop for half an hour." Gu Qingzhou said, "then lie down first. Don't move. I'll go down and see if the medicine is ready."

When she went out, simacai felt that he could breathe. The room was too stuffy.


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