Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1971 opening of sparrow boat

The rain is rippling day by day, and there is no time for sunny days. The water, like pearls, falls down the trunk of crape myrtle beside the road, splashing and falling again and again.

Kang Qinxin, standing at the entrance of Yonghua lane, once again raised his hand to look at his watch, showing his impatience.

She finally put off elder sister looking for a chance to go out, and ran into the ghost weather. Guo Nan didn't know what he was doing, but he made her wait so long.

I was lining up. I heard the sound of hurried footsteps from the deep lane. Kangqin turns her head and really comes to meet her, but not Guonan. The two guys who often followed Guo Nan arrived, immediately took the umbrella in Kang Qinxin's hand, and said with a smile, "Miss Biao is here without saying hello in advance. Director Guo is not here today. Call the little one to send you back first. The car is waiting outside the alley."

"Don't take these words to perfunctory me. You two follow Guo Nan closely. Can he be here now? The fifth day of every month is the day when the gambling house checks the accounts. If my uncle is not here, he will definitely come. "

Kang Qin's heart words fell down and directly raised his feet. The man hurried to catch up with him and said with embarrassment: "Miss table, it's no better than downtown. The old lane is not peaceful. I won't let you come here."

"My uncle used not to let me, but now I'm not alone? Before he left, he only said that the Ye family's business was arranged by me, but he didn't name me to say that I was not allowed to cross the gambling house. Would you please lead the way? "

Kang Qinxin didn't like to come to Yonghua lane.

Located in the north corner of the city, it is mainly inhabited by Chinese people who make a living and work. Many taverns and shops in it are similar to those in the old days in China. It is the first place for people who came to Singapore after escaping with their families.

Because it is far away from the urban area and mixed with fish and dragons, the Department of Chinese people's protection has little control and is very suitable for some business exchanges and negotiations.

Her Uncle Ye Xiu has set up a gambling house in it, which is profitable, but she is not allowed to come.

Kang Qinxin is in a rush these two days. He wants to check it through Ye Xiu's imperial order. When he mentioned it to Guo Nan earlier, he was opposed by Guo Nan. However, how can he stop her, Miss Kang er?

After scolding the man, Kang Qin felt that their looks were wrong again. He stopped and frowned and asked, "no, Guo Nan has something to hide from me. Something happened in the gambling house?"

"No, Miss watch would better go back first." Man's words twinkled.

Kang Qinxin used to walk with Ye Xiu. He was familiar with all the people around him. Just because he didn't put on airs doesn't mean he could let his servants lie. She said sternly, "it's not a day or two for you to follow Guo nan to work beside my uncle. You should know my temperament. What's wrong with the gambling house? I can't go in? Today I came here specially. I would be very unhappy if I turned back in vain.

”The two fellows looked at each other, knowing that Miss Kang ER was not only the daughter of Kang's enterprise, but also the niece most loved by her master's son. They exchanged their eyes and immediately answered truthfully: "Miss watch, it's not that your subordinates won't let you in, it's really that today's

gambling house is in trouble. Director Guo is worried that you will be wronged in the past."

At this point, he paused a little, hesitated and added: "at about 20:00, our gambling house is surrounded by people, saying that the people to be arrested have slipped into our Ye's gambling house, and now they are being checked."

Kang Qin's heart was appalled and his face was inconceivable. He asked, "who is so reckless? Don't you know who the gambling house is?"

She said as she quickened her steps, the raindrops outside her umbrella slanted in with the wind and floated on her face. "I don't know. He didn't take our name seriously. Now the front and back doors of the gambling house are surrounded by their people. If the insiders can't get out and the outsiders can't get in, they can't search the guests one by one. If someone doesn't see Miss watch in the neighborhood, the little ones don't know you're here. "

"Government or gang?"

Kang Qinxin is not out of the way. It's reasonable that the people in this area will not interfere with the security department, but ordinary gangs dare not easily offend the Ye family. It's amazing.

"Miss huibiao, not from the government, is wearing military uniforms."

It's no wonder people in the army can't fight easily.

But Kang chin was still unhappy. "They don't have a warrant, do they?"

"No, director Guo came forward to ask. You said that the gambling house let them make such a fuss, how to do business in the future? We can't explain it to you when you come back, but director Guo just said a few words, and then he was disarmed. "

Kang Qin frowned, looked at the man, and said in a bad voice, "now I know I'm in a hurry, but I was still in a hurry to stop me?"

"The guy's heart is empty:" the other side looks not small. Director Guo is afraid that you will suffer from a dispute in the past Kang Qinxin is not afraid of things. He walked faster when he heard about it. He saw the battle before he was near the gambling house. Except for the soldiers who surrounded the gambling house in three steps and one post, there were not even people around. They all hid their windows in their own room and took a few glances.

In front of the gambling house, under the huge umbrella, a man was sitting on an old-fashioned pear tree chair with his back to the street for tea, with two adjutants standing beside him.

On a rainy day, pucker your legs and hold tea to watch the activity. How comfortable is that posture?

Kangqin's heart leads the lips, but he doesn't think so.

Hearing the sound, one of the adjutants turned to look at her, and then bowed his head and said a few words.

The man beside looked at her and said, "Miss watch..."

Kang Qin said softly, "it's the soldier who is in charge of the family."

"You mean..." His eyes were wide open, and he murmured, "this offends the great man."

Kang Qinxin takes the umbrella and strides forward, heading for the seat. Unexpectedly, she is stopped before she gets close. She looks at the man's side face and says coldly, "the second junior secretary."

Hearing the call, sparrow boat had some accidents. Looking back, she was a beautiful and thin young woman.

He met this man.

He met her as soon as she returned to Singapore. It's totally different from the little bun in his memory. It's almost reborn. He found it uninteresting, and after two or three years there was no contact.

He took the tea cup, his voice was not salty and plain, and deliberately asked, "which family are you from?"


Kang Qinxin answered truthfully. She glanced sideways at the man holding her hand. Her eyes were clear. I know your master.

The other side clubbed.

"Kang's family," sparrow boat repeated, his voice still unable to rise, as if he had just recognized each other, "when things are over, you will withdraw, and you will not be delayed in doing business."

"It's been delayed now." Kang Qin's face was not worried. He said, "the Department of security issued a directive that private soldiers should not enter other places without official documents. Even the soldiers of the Department should not disobey the laws and regulations of the government."

Si quefang seems to have heard a great joke. Looking at her innocent face, she asks, "isn't miss Kang ready to fight a lawsuit with me? Miss Kang has been in the UK for too long, I don't know that she has the power to act for the government. " Kang Qin's heart was shocked.

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