Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1980 response

Kang Qinxin's grandfather, ye Laozi, was once the governor of Shanxi Province. He was a prominent party. Later, he led his troops to join the Anti Japanese War and shed blood for the nation, which was praised and respected by the world.

Even though they have moved abroad now, they still have a high prestige and popular feeling in the Chinese community. The private soldiers in his mansion also have a lot of weight in Nanyang.

Although the relationship between Si Jia and the government is excellent, ye Jia has gradually developed into an industrial giant in Kuala Lumpur over the years. With the former coal and iron business in Shanxi Province, ye Jia has expanded the military and provided weapons and equipment for the government.

Therefore, the confrontation between the private soldiers of the two governments is more tense than subtle. No one wants to have a real conflict, but they do not want to show weakness.

Lu Yu is led by Kang Qinxin. When he enters the room, he calls "Miss Biao" and stands beside him.

The sparrow boat looks at the eyes of Kangqin heart. It's a little dangerous. It's more like a warning.

Kang Qinxin understood that he was waiting for the answers to the previous questions, and that there was a saying of "robbing people". She could not allow Guo nan to fall into the hands of the Secretary's family and be tortured, which was a great insult to the Ye family.

She is waiting for Kang Yingmao to bring Jiang Yongwang here. She is not suitable to talk because she is not here.

So, with the chair that ye Jiabing brought, she sat down in no hurry.

The tea in the porcelain cup tastes too strong. As soon as she raised it, she put it back. She frowned slightly.

Lu Yu rebuked the soldier who was carrying the tea and apologized to Kang Qinxin: "the people in the restaurant are all locked up. My people are all rough people. I don't know Miss Biao's taste. Don't worry. I'll let someone make a cup of coffee."

"Well, I'm not thirsty either."

Lu Yu, however, attached great importance to it. He thought that the big masters were not refined. He had to call people to buy them at the entrance of the alley. He was very serious: "I said that if you see him, you must not be ignored."

Kang Qin's heart glanced at the sparrow boat where the dove occupied the magpie's nest. He still had tea, water and snacks at hand, so he didn't stop it.

Kang Shuhong couldn't help but blush and murmur, "my uncle just likes my second sister. When did you treat me like this?"

Sparrow boat's eyes swept among several people, as if they felt quite interesting, bending their lips.

I've heard some stories about how ye's young family doted on her niece before. I thought the girl who was being held up was either weak or arrogant. I didn't think she would be able to cope.

The coffee was delivered very quickly, and the unique fragrance made Kangqin's heart mention a God. He looked back at the sparrow boat opposite his eyes, and ordered people to buy another cup: "two young people are still running around so late. They have to work hard to clean up the gambling house for my little uncle. They always have to treat him well."

"Thank you very much, Miss Kang," she said with a smile

Seeing that he was in a fair mood, Kangqin didn't seem to be irritated by Ye family's private soldiers. Although he was a bit frustrated, he took the opportunity to say: "two little things, I have explained to you what happened in the gambling house. If you have any questions in the future, you can pass them on to the people in the museum.

Both the Kang family and the Ye family will try their best to cooperate. I wonder if Guo Nan can be released now?

You see, the affairs in the museum are very complicated and heavy. I can't take full care of them. "

When she landed behind, there was another private soldier of Ye's family outside. She was a little more confident than before.

"Ben Shao didn't think Miss Kang would miss it.

Since Mr. Ye can give you the Ye family's business, there must be something remarkable about Miss Kang.

Mr. Kang, are you right? "

The sparrow boat looks at Kang Shuhong with a smile.

Kang Shuhong had been concerned about Kangqin's love, and his jealousy was revived. However, he thought that he had to rely on Kangqin's heart to protect himself, and he didn't want to talk.

Kang Qin said: "two little misunderstandings. I didn't believe that I had the ability to take care of the restaurant when my uncle gave it to me.

No matter how capable a girl's family can be, no matter how much mischievous I am, he thinks it's harmless.

For example, when I don't know who I've offended, will others really have to contend with a little girl of mine? "

She looked at the sparrow boat with a smile, and said again with half truth and half falseness: "it seems that such a famous person as Er Shao, no matter in the political and military circles or in the business circles, has a prominent position, and naturally will not embarrass me a girl, right?"

Maybe her eyes were too serious and hot, or the words were too comfortable to listen to. The sparrow boat waved and said, "he Zhen, let the people go."

Song Hezhen went in response.

Kang Qin's heart string was finally loose. He called Lu Yu to ask people to take care of him.

As it happens, ye Jiabing brings Kang Yingmao in. Kang Qinxin gets up and asks, "is it locked?"

Kang Yingmao was sweating, gasping and nodding: "Miss, Jiang Yongwang really wanted to leave on a cruise ship. I took someone to stop him at the wharf, and now he is outside..." "That's good. Bring people in and give them to the second young man."

Kang Yingmao just looked at the man at his desk and went out to yell.

"Second sister, does boss Jiang really have a problem?" Kang Shuhong asked

Kang Qinxin did not return to him, and said to Kang Yingmao, "you accompany him back to the manor first."

Kang Yingmao was worried and a little confused, but he didn't ask back. "I know. Miss, don't worry."

Kangqin thought that he would send kangshuhong back earlier, so as to save the company from fighting back, but he didn't expect the man to change his face.

Seeing that they were about to leave, the sparrow boat said in a deep voice, "slow down."

The soldiers in charge of the family immediately stopped them.

Kang Shuhong's face is white. He dare not look back at sparrow boat.

Kang Qin turned to the past and said, "two little things, Jiang Yongwang has brought them."

"How can I know if you, the Kang family, abandoned the military commander and deliberately sent a scapegoat?"

The eyes of the sparrow boat are like eagles, which change the genial smile just now.

Kang Qin felt helpless: "it's no fun to say that."

"Qingli, take Mr. Kang to rest."

Seeing Kang Qin's face suddenly changed and he was eager to open his mouth, Si que Fang said: "don't worry, I'm not interested in the reputation and future of your Kang family. When my people ask Jiang Yongwang and confirm that Mr. Kang is really innocent, I will naturally speak up and let you go."

At the right time, the Ye family carried Guo Nan, who had just been released, past. Kang Shuhong was afraid not to go with the assistant of the Si family. He grabbed Kang Qinxin's arm and said, "second sister, you can't ignore me!"

When Kang Qinxin heard that song he was actually asking someone to accompany Guo nan to see a doctor, he must have been seriously injured. He looked up at Kang Shuhong and thought about discussing with Si quefang: "two little doubt that I cheated you to save my brother, so he wanted to torture Jiang Yongwang first to prove whether what I said earlier was true?

The separation of the two is that your adjutant can take him away and let Lu Yu follow. No torture is allowed. "

The sparrow boat looked at the expressionless Lu Yu and nodded acquiescently.

Kang Shuhong grasped her more tightly. "Second sister, do you want to kill me by the hand of the Secretary's family?

You are pushing me to the fire pit... " "Shut up!"

Kang Qin's heart and words were sharp, and he glared at him severely.

If it wasn't for Kang Shuhong's stupidity to be trapped by others, there wouldn't be so many things now! Lu Yu refused to leave. He was embarrassed and said to Kangqin, "Miss table, my order is to let my subordinates protect your safety."

"And follow my orders."

Kang Qin looked at him intently, and said earnestly, "go, Lu adjutant, I will be fine."

w. 4m.

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