Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1987 when do you get married?

Kang Qinxin had dinner in Xinquan villa, and ye Xiu sent a car to take her back. Before she left, she was reluctant to give up. "Why don't you call your mother and stay in the villa for a few days?"

Kang Qinxin stood in front of the steps with his back to the moonlight and shook his head. "No, you haven't come back in a few days. You can go back to the old house and see your grandparents!"

When ye Xiu saw that she had reminded herself, she smiled and asked, "what about you? Are you going to visit the old house with me?"

"Next week, my mother will take my sister back to the old house to have a blind date, and take me to the house. I won't go there today."

When she mentioned this, she was distressed, "what do you think mother is doing? Elder sister hasn't forgotten her brother-in-law in these years. How can she be willing to meet someone?"

"Even if I can't forget it, I haven't had many years. Your sister should look forward. Not to mention your mother, the old man is thinking about your sister's life. " Ye Xiu looked at her and said something.

How can Kang Qinxin not hear the meaning of the words? Fortunately, he said: "in fact, it's OK. If you have elder sister in the front, mom won't stare at me."

"Then you're not looking for a boyfriend?"

Kang Qinxin didn't want to talk about this topic, but lost his words: "you still say, my uncle, he doesn't care about me and my sister. The first thing to worry about is when you will start a family. When will you find me an aunt

As soon as he spoke, he was knocked on the forehead. Kangqin's heart "ouch" raised his hand, covered and stared at him. "What can I do to beat me?"

Ye Xiu can't laugh or cry. She continues to make gestures to frighten her

"I'm serious. You said that you are a generation older than us. Why can't I ask my aunt? Do you think Kang Shuhong and my sister-in-law have been married for several years? Are you ashamed? "

Kangqin's heart fell and he quickly stepped down the steps. He cunningly walked to the door of the car and said, "I won't say it. My uncle is turning over again. I'm going back to the manor. Have a rest earlier!"


Just about to get into the car, I heard a call again.

Kang Qinxin turns around, and ye Xiu takes the gift box that she left in her study from her descendants, and hands it over to her, "you have lost your gift."

"Yes, I do. Thank you, uncle." Kang Qinxin takes the answer.

Ye Xiu nodded, waiting for the door to close, adding: "remember to wear."

Kangqin heart across the car said: "I know!"

She didn't go home for dinner as expected. When she wanted to enter the house, she met Kang Yingmao in the nearby small building. Kang Qin stopped to say hello.

Kang Yingmao and she briefly talked about the follow-up in the bank, and said that her father had sent someone to settle accounts and had rescue measures, so there was no impact, so she didn't have to worry about it.

"Well, it's hard for Yingmao."

Kang Yingmao seems to have something else to say. When her eyes fell on the gift bag in her hands, she stopped and didn't know what she was thinking.

Kangqinxin said: "my uncle is back in the city."

"It was my uncle who came back. No wonder the second young lady came back so late."

"Yeah, things in the gambling house shouldn't be serious. Last night, you stopped Jiang Yongwang at a loss."

Kang Yingmao was a little embarrassed. "Second miss, please don't be polite. This is what we should do."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Kangqin's heart entered the gate.

Kang Huarou sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for her

"Well, sister, I didn't come back for dinner." Kangqin sits next to her.

"I'll reflect, I'm sensible." Kang Huarou quipped, "but there's a reason. It's normal that my uncle leaves you for dinner later."

"Elder sister, it's better not to blame me."

Kang Huarou saw her such happy expression, knowing that ye Xiu's previous worry was nothing, and she was also happy for her sister. At a glimpse of the bag containing the present, she said clearly, "it's from my uncle again?"

"Yes, it's a bracelet."

"Uncle a will bring you gifts every time he goes abroad. It's just that you can't go far. If you come here, you'll bring you something. " Kang Hua said with a soft smile.

Kangqin opens her heart and shows her, "sister, you know, I don't have much research on these. I don't like wearing them at ordinary times. I think it's suitable for my sister."

Kang Huarou closed it for her and pushed it back: "uncle bought it for you, even if you don't like it, you can't send it to me, otherwise, will you live up to his love for you?"

"What's the matter? We're sisters. You're also my uncle's niece. He won't mind."

Kang Huarou shook her head and insisted that she take it back. She asked the situation of Yexiu, Kangqin thought to herself and asked some questions about the situation in the orphanage? In fact, my uncle seems to have planned to open a Jishan school. If Dean Ruan can't accept it, I will urge him to hurry up. "

"Ruan's school is a natural one. I was wondering if there would be any shortcomings in it. I didn't expect it to be complete. All the children in the orphanage will be able to go to school."

"Yes, my aunt won't have to worry about it."

"Yes, Dean Ruan is an excellent person. He also teaches his students to practice Kung Fu and self-defense. I see that the children there are very cultured."

"That's good, and my sister has a worry."

Kang Qinxin was happy for her. He took a Jie's hand and said, "it's late. Let's go upstairs. You don't have to wait for me next time, sister."

"Well, I'll sit here and embroider. I'm not waiting for you."

Kang Qinxin looked at the embroidery frame beside his eyes and muttered, "my sister still likes these old things best. Embroidery and cheongsam are still the same when I go abroad."

"I'm used to it. I can't change it." Kang Hua smiles softly.

Kangqin thought: "it's very good, and I don't need to change it. I think elder sister is very like a lady coming out of an ancient painting. She is dignified and virtuous. No wonder mother always says that."

"I think it's better for you to see the world like this."

The two sisters stood up laughing and joking. Kang Huarou saw that the lace on her skirt was broken. He was surprised and said, "where are you hooked? How can a good skirt break in half a day? "

Kang Qinxin didn't notice. He thought, "maybe it was the kid in the hospital."

See its don't understand, then continue way: "it is to go to Pei's hospital to see Guo Nan, met the daughter of Miss Si's eldest daughter." "Oh, that's no surprise. It's no surprise that Miss Si works in the hospital and her children are there." Kang Huarou said, and then asked, "this young lady is the apple of the eye of the Sima and Zhang families. I saw her once before at a banquet.

the little girl was born very similar to Sima, very beautiful."

"It's very elegant and very irritating." Thinking of what happened earlier, Kangqin smiled bitterly.

Kang Huarou said, "it's not only the Pearl in your hand, but also normal to be spoiled, just like you are yourself." A smile is hard to hide.

Kangqin heart and she went upstairs to retort: "then I'm much better than that child's temper!" Just on the second floor, I was about to go back to my room when I heard the sound of dropping cups on the third floor. Two people are surprised, clear eye to eye, afraid to disturb parents, hurriedly run up to stop.

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