Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1989 old cheongsam

The quarrel between Kang Shuhong and his wife upset Kang Qin, and her later words made her think whether she was really too strong, so Kang Shuhong always felt that she was a threat.

I don't know from when, the elder brother who cared for her in the past has become always aimed at her. He likes to press himself in front of his parents.

In fact, she didn't do anything. She didn't speak ill of him or take credit for him.

Kangqinxin university is majoring in finance. It's normal for her to be interested in business and economy. But in order to avoid suspicion, she didn't even go to the bank post arranged by her father, but lived a leisurely life at home.

She just felt bored and ran around with her brother-in-law, but she didn't interfere with the interests of the family. Why did Kang Shuhong worry about her so much?

She turned over in bed, a little fidgety.

What elder sister said may be reasonable, or it may be that her tone to Kang Shuhong is too straightforward at ordinary times, hurting his dignity?

Kang Qin felt that he should be more restrained in the future, so as to avoid always fighting at home, which worried his parents and even his sister-in-law.

So the next day, Kang Qinxin really controlled his temper to Kang Shuhong. He didn't urge him to go to work, but he didn't speak.

Ye Wu asked Ye Xiu, "you went to your uncle last night. Is he OK?"

"It's all right, mom. Don't worry."

"Before he came to the manor, he said that he had been away for a long time. It would take about half a month. I didn't expect that he would come back in a few days. Isn't there anything at home?"

"No, didn't you talk to grandpa on the phone the other day? Grandpa is also healthy. The little uncle came back early, probably because the business affairs had been handled in advance. "

Ye Wu was reassured, "that's good. Your grandfather is inconvenient to move. He had a disease before. I always think about it."

Kang Qinxin smiled: "Mom will go back to see Grandpa ahead of time, anyway, the traffic is very convenient now."

"Leaf Charm thought, said:" or next week to go

Thinking of Kang Huarou's blind date and looking at her eldest daughter, seeing that she was still wearing the old cheongsam, she said, "ah Rou, how do you always wear these clothes over and over? When mom and you went to the department store before, you didn't wear the clothes you dare to buy?"

"Mom, I think those skirts are more suitable for my heart."

"You know it hurts your sister, and I haven't seen her go through it a few times." He said and looked at Kang Qin's heart. "Mind, tell me what kind of dress you are. Isn't yesterday's dress pretty?"

Kang Qin felt innocent. "Mom, yesterday when I went out, you went for a walk. When did you see my dress?"

"I didn't see it, but I saw it when Alan went to your room to clean up his dirty clothes in the morning. You can't always put the things that your elder sister gave you.

Young girls should still dress up as playful ladies. Tomorrow I'll take your sisters to the party more often and feel the fashion of those famous ladies. "

The two sisters look at each other, but they are helpless in their eyes.

But Kang Qin was smart and knew how to bring disaster to the East. She didn't want to continue to be scolded. She quickly turned to the topic: "by the way, whose son is grandma introducing to sister a this time?"

Speaking of this topic, ye Wu was really excited. She looked at Kang Huarou seriously and explained, "ah Rou, this time is a good family. Zhao's son, director of the Transportation Bureau of this city, called Xing Zhi. Like us, his ancestors are from Shanxi."

"Or the villagers?" "I think it won't be many years since I moved to Singapore, so I'm going to be the director of the Transport Bureau."? That's quite capable. "

"Yes, the Zhao family used to be a small business family in Shanxi Province, not famous. But after coming to Singapore, it has developed into a promising family in just over ten years.

Zhao Xingzhi, the third son of his family, has five out of 20 this year. Your grandmother said that he was very handsome and polite. "

Kangqin heart immediately said: "then how can I be younger than sister a

Next to Jiang Yulan, she said with a smile, "as the saying goes, when a woman is three years old, she holds gold bricks. I think this young master Zhao is very good."

Kang Huarou did not make a sound.

Kangqin felt that there was no basis for this, but it was not easy to pour cold water.

Age or second, the key is to be responsible. Although she knows that sister a still cares about her dead ex brother-in-law, it's three years since she kept the festival. She also hopes that sister a can have a good home.

"Let's have a look at people first. My elder sister is so good. If she has no ability, she is not worthy to be my brother-in-law." She raised her voice and said like this, thinking that if sister a was still careless then she would make people leave as usual.

Ye Wu seems to know what she wants to do and warns, "mind, you are not allowed to make trouble."

"How can I? Grandma and mom have agreed on a good choice. Even if I test it, I can't embarrass him."

Ye Wu warns again and again: "I can't spare you for the good things that delay your sister."

Kangqin's heart muffled "Oh".

Kang Huarou got up, "I'll go upstairs first, as my mother has arranged."

Ye Wu nodded and asked her, "ah Rou, if you can't get used to dress, how many cheongsam can mom ask the tailor to make for you? You haven't had a new dress in a long time. "

Kang Huarou turned around and said, "my daughter still feels comfortable in her old clothes."

"Leaf charming heart has understanding," that first such, after a while say again

"Thank you mom."

Kangqin is willing to ease the atmosphere, deliberately holding her mother's arm and shaking it, she says: "Mom, what tailor? If elder sister doesn't want it, you can ask someone to help me and my sister-in-law to do some body work. "

"It's OK to give magnolia, you?" Ye Wu looked up and down at her daughter. "Mom can't imagine you in cheongsam."

Kang Qin's heart is a little lost. "You are too eccentric."

Next to Jiang Yulan, she said with a smile, "actually, the second sister is tall and thin. It's very suitable to wear Qipao."

Ye Wu nodded: "OK, mom calls for people to come. You, when you have time, try to persuade ah Rou not to think about the old things all the time. Everyone should look ahead. She is still young and can't always live in the shadow of the past. "

"Elder sister is such a smart person. The truth is clear. Don't rush your mother too hard." Kang Qinxin speaks for her sister.

Ye Wu looked at her and said, "Cheng, if any of your sisters has become a family, mom's anxious heart will let go first. By the way, what do you think of the son of the Shen family that mom mentioned to you before? "

"Mom!" Kang Qinxin hurriedly got up. "I'm not as talkative as elder sister. It's impossible for me to meet someone I haven't met before. You'd better spend your time on elder sister. I'm going out."

Ye Wu asked urgently, "where are you going?" She replied casually, "go to my uncle."

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