Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1998 good driving skills

Song Hezhen remembers Lu Yu and ye family's gambling house, but he will not have a good impression on those who don't have his family's second best. At this time, seeing that he wanted to follow, I could not help but remind him in a cold voice: "Miss Kang, you are the only one invited."

Kang Qinxin didn't answer in the opposite way: "the song adjutant should think clearly, two young really stressed not to let Lu Yu follow?"

Where can Si que Fang remember the name of Ye's adjutant? Of course, it has not been stated clearly.

In the face of questioning, song Hezhen did not counsele him. He looked at the front and said seriously, "Miss Kang is the rare one. How can you allow other idle people to follow you?"

This is not a good thing to hear. Lu Yu's face does not change. He says frankly, "you and I are all people who are ordered to do things. It's time to understand each other.

The adjutant of Song Dynasty is devoted to the consideration of the second secretary. I am also under the orders of our master. He asked me to protect Miss Biao today, so I can't leave. If the adjutant of song thinks it's inappropriate to follow you, your car can go ahead. "

Song Hezhen could not have expected that this was also a good talker. After listening to it, he thought for a while, but he didn't understand it. He was very honest and asked, "do you mean to agree not to follow?"

Kangqin's heart is smiling. He feels a little naive.

As expected, Lu Yu immediately shook his head. "The Deputy song misunderstood. I mean, it's the power of the Secretary's family to keep me from following. It's my ability to keep up."

Kang Qinxin smiles a lot. She knows that Lu Yu is not so good at talking.

song and Zhen's expression of frustration and silence, very much like Tucao Lu encountered the former winding around the words, it is meaningless.

And for this kind of people who do not follow the two little instructions, they want to teach them a lesson. But this is at the foot of Nanshan, which was bought by Ye's family.

The surrounding area did not know how many ye family's thugs had been put on, so he took two soldiers with him. No matter how good he was, he could not be good enough to start.

So he had to ignore Lu Yu and open the back door for Kang Qinxin in the first two steps, "Miss Kang, please." He sat on the copilot and commanded the driver to say, "drive!"

Lu Yu drives Ye's car and follows.

Kang Qinxin is half leaning on the back seat. He laughingly watches song Hezhen's various behaviors such as commanding the driver to speed up the turn and so on, which are quite funny.

Song Hezhen saw Lu Yu's car easily kept a distance of about ten meters. He was upset. He asked the driver to lean by the side of the road and change seats.

His driving skills are not bad. However, Kang Qin, who has practiced Kung Fu, can't hold her center of gravity any longer. She managed to maintain her sitting posture and joked: "Song adjutant's playing heart is still alive. Is it the same in the army of the Secretary's family at ordinary times?"

Wen Yan, song Hezhen's steering wheel movement was slightly sluggish, the speed slowed down, and he saw that his own private car in the rear-view mirror had been thrown out of sight, but Lu Yu's car followed steadily just as before, so he had to give up.

"Miss Kang laughed."

Song Hezhen accepted the tail with his life, but he didn't know what it was like in his heart. "Mr. Ye has a lot of talents. Lu's driving skills are good."

Kang Qinxin deliberately said: "the song adjutant actually wants to boast about himself, right?"

Song Hezhen was embarrassed and said stiffly, "No."

Although he really boasted of his excellent driving skills, Lu Yu was able to control the speed and distance so well, and his technology was superior to him.

"In fact, two little people like that, how can they care about whether I have people around me? You don't like Lu's adjutant. You have a problem with my little uncle, don't you? "

"What did miss Kang say? As a soldier, I followed the second child all day. I didn't negotiate with many famous and rich people in the city. How could I dislike Mr. Ye?" Song and the words are light.

"It's because you are with ER Shao all day that you are dissatisfied with my little uncle. If the second major general of your family leaves his business card, he is waiting for news.

My little uncle is the most direct person. If he doesn't want to do something, he won't sell face. Even if you wait for three or five years, he won't change his original intention. "

Song Hezhen looks angry, but he is not easy to argue with women. In fact, he doesn't know how to argue. Kang Qinxin continued: "don't blame me for speaking frankly. My little uncle has never been a magnanimous person. The second young man first smashed his gambling house, then beat his people, and now he has his nephew. This Liangzi has been married for a long time. It's impossible to ask him for help."

"Is it impossible for Miss Kang to appear?"

Why do you think I will come out and help a man who tied up my brother to persuade my uncle Then he said to himself, "the Secretary's name is outside, so he won't do anything about it?"

Song Hezhen quickly explained, "don't worry about Miss Kang. We won't threaten you with Mr. Kang."

"I think so."

The car gradually drove to the vicinity of the Dongni River, and then drove into the Boulevard. The soldiers with guns were standing in the gap on the road. They were powerful and straight. It can be seen that the guard here was very strict. Kang Qinxin remembers that the house of Si's family is not far from the municipal government. It is said that famous domestic landscape architects are invited to design it in person, with unique craftsmanship and ancient style. And looking at the garden house here, she said, "this is the private house of the second minority."

The tone is firm.

Song Hezhen answered "yes".

Kang Qinxin glances at the soldiers on the roadside, suddenly remembers Lu Yu and turns to find someone.

As expected, Ye's car was stopped not far away. Lu Yuzheng got out of the car and circled with them. Both sides raised their guns respectively, and the scene was tense.

Song Hezhen's tone was quite satisfied: "this place is not at the foot of the south mountain. Even if Lu adjutant followed here, he could not enter. But don't worry, Miss Kang. You are the guest of two young people. We won't be embarrassed by your people. "

"Let me talk to Lu Yu."

"When it comes to the villa doorman, Miss Kang can make a phone call to appease the landing adjutant."

Kangqin has a dignified face. No wonder he didn't insist on blocking it earlier. It turned out that there was a checkpoint here.

She also thought it was strange. She didn't expect that the sparrow boat would meet her in the private house. She thought it would be an office or a venue.

In fact, the second mansion always has some friendship. Kang Qinxin is not nervous. The shrewdness of Si quefang does not know that Kang Shuhong has nothing to do with morphine. It is mostly useful to catch him.

She pretended to be self-confident and called outside at the guard's office, calling Lu to be calm.

When Lu is in trouble, he can only wait outside the forest road.

The French villa on the third floor is simple and bright. She followed song Hezhen up the revolving stairs and went to the study on the second floor to listen to him.

"Come in!" said the honest male voice of the sparrow boat

Song Hezhen gently twisted the door handle and said respectfully, "two little girls, Miss Kang is here."

There are two young officers standing in the study of the sparrow boat. They seem to be discussing things. One of them, Kang Qinxin, is Qingli, who was also seen in the gambling house last time.

When she came in, several people were silent.

Sparrow boat waved to each other, and they saluted. Kangqin heart walked forward slowly and said with a smile, "two little things, don't be hurt."

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