Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 208: the little girl

Gu Qingzhou follows Yan Luoshui to the banquet of Wan's family.

Wan family is a famous scholar. Today's military and political circles are all students of the Wan family. Their banquets are very lively.

The feast in the first month of Yuecheng is a continuation of the rules of the previous dynasty.

As early as the early Qing Dynasty, in the first month of each year, the Wangs took turns to hold a meeting to invite relatives and friends.

Now that the party has changed and the soup hasn't changed, it's still going to be busy in the first month.

There is no wife in charge of the family, and it is filial piety period, so there is no arrangement this year.

Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui go to Wan's house, but Huo Longjing doesn't go.

In Huo's words, "you must be holding the bad water in the boat. You don't know what to make trouble with. I don't believe you want to get rid of the trouble with Wanmin. I won't wade into the muddy water with you!"

Yan Luoshui agrees with Huo Fengjing's words, but she wants to know what Gu Qingzhou uses. She is very curious and follows.

Since we decided to make an engagement with Xie sanshao, Yan Luoshui is all lively and beautiful. If it had been, she would have avoided it as much as Huo.

Gu Qingzhou yelled: "I just want to make more friends. You are so suspicious of me!"

Huo Fengjing and Yan Luoshui don't believe it.

They know so much about taking care of light boats.

"What's wrong with her? Tell me later." Huo Fengjing faces Yanluo waterway.

Yan Luoshui tried to suppress the smile.

The banquet of Wanjia is like a cloud of friends. The cars of celebrities are all over the street. The sound of the piano is far from the flower hall. It seems that the veil is floating in the sky, decorating the bustling atmosphere.

Gu Qingzhou's experience is limited. Many celebrities at the banquet don't know Gu Qingzhou. Yan Luoshui whispers it to her.

Gu even saw mischu, the director of St. Mary's school.

Mister Zhu doesn't like his family's children. When Yan Luo water comes up to say hello, Gu Qingzhou stands behind Yan Luo water, half of his body dodges, trying not to get in the way of Mister Zhu's eyes.

Wan min came to receive them.

Seeing them, Wan Min has a face. One is the young grandma of the military government in the future, and the other is the daughter of the senior officials of the military government. Such friends add luster to Wan min's face.

However, Wan min still doesn't like to take care of the light boat. She is not very comfortable.

"Congratulations, Luoshui." Wan Min said with a smile, suppressing his dislike for Gu Qingzhou. He first exchanged greetings with Yan Luoshui, "I didn't expect you to be engaged!"

If Yan Luoshui does not invite Wan min, Wan min will be embarrassed. After all, the whole class has gone. Yan Luoshui's family is in a higher position. Students only laugh at Wan min.

Now that she has invited her, Wan Min has a pleasant face. She is only worried about taking care of the boat.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, Wan min's inner strength is broken. I hate to compete with Gu Qingzhou.

She is going to get along well with Gu Qingzhou, at least not to make trouble today. But when he got there, Wan min's temper was out of control. He had to stab the boat for a few times.

It's good to have a couple of cool words.

"We don't know about your engagement, canoe. I heard that the governor's office didn't give you a wedding banquet at all, is it true? Do you still keep the old rules and promise marriage verbally? " Wan min road.

This is with thorns. It is just that the governor's office did not respect and despise Gu Qingzhou as his daughter-in-law.

Gu Qingzhou has a purpose today. Wan min can't speak well, and she doesn't care.

Besides, if others don't say, will the governor's office look up to her?

It's just the truth. There's always talk.

"It's true. I think we are all sour and old-fashioned." Gu chuckled, trying to be friendly and asked Wan min, "are you engaged? You are so beautiful, you should be asked to marry a lot of people, right? "

She wanted to compliment Wan min.

Unexpectedly, this sentence did not know which one of Wan min's scales was touched. Wan min turned his face on the spot.

Wan min's face was purple, his lips were slightly trembling, and for a long time he gnawed his teeth and said, "when I am engaged, I will definitely stir Yuecheng, and all three fields of military and political science will arrive!"

Still stab Gu light boat, say Division home did not do a sensational engagement banquet for her.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't care. What does Wan min care about?

Another guest came over there, and WAN min walked away.

"What kind of nerves does she have?" Yan Luoshui is not happy. She is going to take a few words for Gu Qingzhou. Wan min is gone, leading to the counterattack of Yan Luoshui.

Wan min is such a nuisance!

"See, I said she didn't mean anything to you?" Yanluo waterway, "what are you going to do, boat?"

"I just want to make friends." Gu Qingzhou said, "I didn't even answer back when you saw how bad she said it."

Although he didn't answer back, Wan min was still half dead.

Yan Luoshui gently poked the forehead of Gu's Canoe: "you can do something wrong."

Then they met Li Hua, their classmate.

Li Hua is a very enthusiastic little girl, and she especially relies on Yan Luoshui and Gu Qingzhou. She always wants to squeeze into Yan Luoshui's group.

It's just that the girl is too simple. It's like a piece of white paper. The scene is totally different. Although Yan Luoshui and Gu Qingzhou like her, they can't make deep acquaintance with her.

Although people have no antennae, they have a very strange sense of whether they have the same aura and whether they can make deep acquaintance with each other can be clearly distinguished.

Li Hua doesn't care. She is still warm and lively.

"Luoshui, boat, just now we saw that some of them were playing tennis in the backyard. I heard that they still gambled to win or lose! Let's go and have a look. I want to win it, too. " Li Hua can't sit down.

Li Hua's tennis is very good.

Yan Luoshui saw all the elders in the room and said, "OK, go and have a look."

Gu Qingzhou glanced around and didn't find his goal. He also planned to go out to have a look.

Far away, Gu Qingzhou saw Wan min.

Wan min is standing in front of the flower bed, smiling and talking to a woman. Next to her, there is a seven or eight year old girl, lying on the edge of the flower bed, picking the plum blossom inside.

Gu Qingzhou's attention falls on the woman beside Wan min.

The woman is about thirty-eight years old. She is wearing a dark brown short fur. The fur of mink is bright and glossy. It can swing out a black circle.

This marten is very expensive.

Women's demeanor is graceful, and their eyebrows and eyes are not gentle enough. Some of them are quiet and have little attack power, but they always make people dare not get close.

"... if Sang Sang likes plum blossom, I will ask someone to pick some vases and send them to her later." Wan min's words and expressions are particularly flattering to this woman.

The little girl who is playing plum blossom is called Sang Sang.

Chen Sangsang, the youngest daughter in the third room of Chen's family, is very popular with her parents and grandparents. All of them are regarded as the Pearl in their eyes.

Women's tone is very lazy, light said: "don't bother."

Who doesn't have plum blossom?

"I heard that you are going to Hong Kong again in the new year, Mrs. three?" Wan min asked again.

The woman is calm and her voice is always warm and fiery: "mmm."

This woman is the third wife of the Chen family.

The old master of the Chen family died young. The second master was a concubine born by his aunt. The whole power of the Chen family fell to the young third master.

The third master, who has just turned 40, has built up a huge family business and is closely related to the British government, with outstanding ability.

Mrs. Chen San's surname is Pang. In fact, she is a mixed race child and has her mother's surname. Her mother was Chinese, and her father, a counsellor at the British Consulate, later returned home to seek employment in the government.

With this relationship, the Chen family's ship has the foundation.

However, Mrs. Chen San was born with delicate eyebrows. Apart from her high nose, there is no doubt that other Chinese people and her mother's genes are relatively strong if they don't know her details and can't see her mixed race at all.

Wan Min wants to ingratiate himself with Mrs. Chen San, who is the main mother of the Chen family. The third wife has a lot of nephews. At the age of marriage...

"the third wife." Gu Qingzhou's footsteps were light, and his voice came softly.

Wan min was slightly surprised and said to himself, "Gu Qingzhou also knows the Chen family?"

Mrs. Chen San's eyes were deep and shrewd, and she nodded at Gu Qingzhou slightly, then she turned her eyes to the distance. She didn't even ask for the name of Gu Qingzhou, which was very cold.

The lady is haughty.

Wan min couldn't help laughing.

"Hello, Mrs. three. My name is Gu. It's the Yamen of the customs..." Gu Qingzhou wants to introduce himself.

"Miss Gu, would you like to go somewhere else? I have a word with Miss Wan here. " Said Mrs. Chen.

She was very rude.

Mrs. Chen San was so serious that ordinary people dare not approach her.

She said again that people with a little bit of self-respect should leave without hesitation.

It may be that there are Englishmen backing up the mountain. Mrs. Chen always thinks that she is superior to others, and seldom pays attention to the famous lady in Yuecheng.

"Sorry to bother you." Gu Qingzhou's smile was peaceful and soft, without any embarrassment because of Mrs. Chen San's words.

She saw Chen Sangsang picking flowers beside her. Gu Qingzhou squatted beside her and whispered, "your name is Sangsang, isn't it?"

Chen Sangsang is eight years old. She is a lovely little girl. She has no distinction between good and evil. Her round eyes, like the inky gemstone, have a clear light.

"Samson, come here." Gu Qingzhou whispered a few words in Sang Sang's ear.

Sang Sang blinked and looked at her.

Gu Qingzhou went to the side, Chen Sang Sang actually followed her.

Wan min was stunned.

Chen Sangsang is so smart. Like her mother, she is a proud little bitch. She never takes others seriously. How can she take care of the boat and run with her?

"Alas?" Wan min is surprised and reminds Mrs. Chen San.

Mrs. Chen San's delicate brow was slightly frowned.

This is the Wan family. Mrs. Chen is not afraid of being abducted. Besides, they are always in the sight of Mrs. Chen.

Mrs. Chen is a little surprised. Sang Sang is autistic and seldom willing to take care of others.

Gu Qingzhou squatted down, there was not a minute ahead, and Sang Sang followed her.

What's going on?

"What are you doing, Gu Qingzhou?" Wan min was shocked, angry and jealous, and wanted to catch up.

Wan min teased Sang Sang for a long time. Sang Sang was pinching plum blossom all the time. She was ignored.

How to take care of the light boat and follow mulberry? What's the reason?

Lost to Gu Qingzhou, Wan min can't stand it. She wants to run and drag Sang Sang back, but feels her arm is tight.

Mrs. Chen took her.

"Miss Wan, don't worry. Go ahead and do it. " Chen San said coldly.

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