Young General's Escaping Wife

210: love is a disease

Wan min is mad with rage.

Watching Gu Qingzhou go away, Wan min immediately chased him up and took Gu's arm.

Gu Qingzhou sees the gold watch on WAN min's hand.

This kind of gold watch, which was sent to Gu Qingzhou by Si Xingfu, was transported from Switzerland to Hong Kong. It was sold exclusively by the British watch shop, but not by Yue Cheng.

"Take care of the boat, you can't go too far!" Wan min's face was livid. He took Gu's arm and didn't start. "What did you say?"

Gu Qingzhou's eyes are quiet, like the sea under the moon, without half a wave.

However, the tranquility is profound and vast, and it can swallow everything by accident.

"Wan min, you are rich." Gu chuckled, "I see your sister. No one has such a valuable watch like you."

Wan min is shocked. He can't help but let go of Gu Qingzhou and hide his wrist behind him.

"What are you talking about? This is a very ordinary gold watch." Wan min lowered his voice.

Sure enough, her watch doesn't come the right way.

Gu Qingzhou smiled: "Oh, I'm wrong." Then she turned and left.

This time, Wan min did not catch up.

Gu Qingzhou talks with Mrs. Chen San and WAN min outside the tennis court. Yan Luoshui also sees them.

When he went back, Yan Luoshui pinched the waist of the boat and said, "no more selling, please tell me something!"

What's up?

This can't tell Yan Luoshui.

If Gu Qingzhou really runs, he will certainly annoy all the people who know him. Yan Luoshui is one of them.

Knowing her escape plan may bring disaster to Yan Luoshui. It's inhumane for him to go crazy.

He told all his secrets to Gu Qingzhou, which was his greatest trust. Once this trust is broken, being betrayed will make Sixing crazy.

If you want to escape from the manager's hand, you should plan carefully, be sure of nothing, not let out any information, and not tell the second person, including her best friend.

This is the only protection Gu can give his friends.

Gu Qingzhou will not tell Luoshui that she is deliberately approaching the Chen family.

She thought that Luoshui should not have guessed that she would run, so she would not think deeply.

Gu Qingzhou only said that it was an accident to meet Mrs. Chen San. After all, Wan min was standing beside Mrs. Chen San at that time. Gu Qingzhou couldn't have noticed.

"Wan min seems to be very fond of Mrs. Chen." Gu Qingzhou road.

Yan Luoshui said: "that Chen family, especially proud. No way, the military government dare not touch them. There are Englishmen behind their house, and no one wants to make friends with them. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"I just passed by and saw that Mrs. Chen's daughter was very beautiful, so I took another look. It is at this point that I can see that she is suffering from a bad disease. " Gu said.

"Ah?" Yan Luoshui was not surprised by Gu Qingzhou's medical skills, but by Chen's illness.

Gu Qingzhou's medical skills are superb. As the old saying goes, "looking and knowing is called the God, hearing and knowing is called the holy, asking and knowing is called the work, and knowing is called the skill".

According to this statement, Gu Qingzhou can "look at its shape and know its disease" in many times, and can really afford the title of "miracle doctor".

Yan Luoshui has no doubt that Gu Qingzhou can see the cause of her illness by observing a person's face. She just marvels that Miss Chen looks very healthy. How can she get ill?

"I've seen her. Her name is Sang Sang. She's a beautiful girl. What's wrong with her?" Yan Luoshui asked.

Chen Sangsang doesn't look lively, beautiful and quiet. He's very likable.

Maybe the world likes girls to be quiet and introverted!

"She doesn't have hair." Gu Qingzhou said, "it should be said that after she lost her hair a year ago, she will never grow again."

Yan Luoshui is more shocked.

In retrospect, Chen Sang Sang always wore a hat and would not take it off when eating.

Under the hat, there are some soft hair.

Now, I'm afraid it's a wig.

"What kind of disease is it?" Yan Luoshui asked.

Gu Qingzhou said: "hair loss is generally related to blood essence. Each person's condition is different, and the cause of hair loss is totally different. I haven't felt the pulse for Chen Sangsang yet. It's not good to be specific. Look at her face, it should be that the muscular membrane is not solid, and the pores on her head are not naturally expanded, which can not nourish the hair roots. "

She saw Chen Sangsang's problem, and at the same time understood that Chen Sangsang would not like to wear a hat for years.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou came to Sangsang and asked her quietly, "Sangsang, do you want your mother to agree to you take off your hat?"

This sentence, all of a sudden into the heart of Chen Sangsang.

No one else knew Chen Sang Sang Sang's purpose of wearing a hat, but thought it was to look good.

It's not surprising that Chen Sang Sang often gets angry about it.

Gu Qingzhou's words immediately caught Chen Sangsang's heart. She was surprised to see her.

"Let's go and say, shall we? I'll teach you a way. Your mother won't force you to wear a hat again. " Gu Qingzhou said that at that time.

Chen Sang Sang immediately followed her.

They are nearby, Gu Qingzhou says some symptoms, such as Chen Sangsang's scalp will be itchy at night, and so on, and they are trusted by Chen Sangsang.

Later, Chen Sangsang invited Mrs. Chen San to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou's words were not believed by Mrs. Chen at first: "how old are you? How do you know medicine? "

Mrs. Chen San suspected that Gu Qingzhou was not a diagnosis, but a set of Sangsang's words.

Gu explained to her again and again.

Finally, Mrs. Chen is skeptical.

Gu Qingzhou said to Mrs. Chen San, "you have two addresses. Send someone to ask if there is a Miss Gu who has gone to treat them, and you will know my medical skills."

She cured the master of Zhao family and saved the master of Li family.

These two medical cases may be legendary.

Mrs. Chen San sent someone to inquire about it. Maybe her trust in taking care of the light boat will increase.

"Diseases on the head are not like other aspects of the body that can be covered. Chen Sangsang is so beautiful. Can't he wear a hat all his life? Always have to face.

Mrs. Chen San is worried about it. I'm afraid she will come to see me even if she has five points of trust. If I can cure Sang Sang, I'll be good. " Gu Qingzhou told Yan Luoshui this way.

Yan Luoshui nodded, thinking deeply.

"No matter how noble a person is, there is pain that others cannot imagine." Yan Luoshui was suddenly moved.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Everyone has their own pain, maybe outsiders will never know. How brilliant a person is, how strong the shadow behind him is.

"If I don't meet you, what about mulberry?" Yan Luoshui said again, "light boat, you need to understand that the miracle doctor in the world is more difficult than the ghost!"

Gu Qingzhou couldn't help laughing.

What's the metaphor?

Yan Luoshui was very serious and said, "I'm serious. I had a deep understanding of my mother's illness in those two years. Ordinary patients will never appreciate doctors or even blame them for making money. Only when there are difficult and miscellaneous diseases, failure in seeking medical treatment and loss of hope, can we know how precious a doctor is!

At that time, we all felt that things could not be changed and everything was hopeless. "

Speaking of this, Yan Luoshui is grateful to Gu Qingzhou.

She knew what it meant, and said to Gu, "light boat, you must cure mulberry. I know the pain. If you cure Sang Sang, you will reap great merit and Buddha will bless you. "

Gu Qingzhou's heart is moving.

Maybe she really needs to accumulate good luck so that she can escape.

"Well, I will!" Gu agreed with Yan Luoshui.

There was silence in the car.

Yan Luoshui's mood fluctuated. Thinking of Mrs. Yan's illness, she could not help but clench her hand again.

These hands save the Yan Family!

If there is no Muma, Yan's family will be really scattered. No one can replace the mother's adhesion to the family.

"... canoe, I know you can't understand why I have to marry Xie San." Yan Luoshui suddenly opens her mouth.

She never talked with Gu Qingzhou about this matter, for fear of hearing Gu Qingzhou's objection.

"I've loved him since I was a kid, canoe. It's like a disease. Xie San is my medicine, which others can't solve. I think I'm unlucky. People I like don't like me. But think about it. Whose life has not suffered? " Yanluo waterway.

After a meal, Yan Luoshui said, "boat, maybe I will be well in the future, and I will regret today's rashness and impulse. But I can't let myself stay ill all the time.

Canoe, you are the best doctor I have ever seen. You tell me that it will be better in the future, right? "

Gu Qingzhou is in a trance.

Yan Luoshui pinched it very hard, and Gu's hand hurt a little.

"It will be OK, Luoshui!" For the first time, Gu Qingzhou sincerely blessed her, "many people don't know who they love and what kind of future they want, but you know!

Everyone's marriage is difficult. It's not easy. Now that you have chosen, go ahead boldly. My adoptive father and my mother, as well as my five brothers and my friend, are behind you! "

Yan Luoshui leaned over and hugged the light boat.

She was a little emotional.

Gu Qingzhou thought that when she was at Wan's house, Yan Luoshui must have heard something, otherwise she would not be so emotional.

Gu Qingzhou patted her on the back and whispered, "Luoshui, it will be OK!"

Gu Qingzhou returned to the Gu mansion, thinking of Chen Sangsang's illness and Yan Luoshui's marriage.

"Am I ill, too?" Gu Qingzhou thought with horror.

For whom is she ill?

Do you know how to do it?

Gu Qingzhou suddenly pulled the quilt and covered her head. She would never get sick first!

Si Xingfu is not ill in her. Why should she be ill in him?


On the ninth day of the first month, Mrs. Chen San went to the Gu mansion in person and invited Gu Qingzhou to the Chen family for dinner.

"Miss Gu, have you really saved the dead?" Mrs. Chen San's loneliness and pride are gone.

She looked at the boat with hope and disbelief.

Gu asked her to ask Li and Zhao. Mrs. Chen went.

Especially the Li family.

Li's servants were very excited. They told us vividly that young master Li was out of breath at that time, and then woke up crying...

Li's bereavement. Relatives and friends all know that Li Minority really came back from the dead. This is not a fraud.

When Mrs. Chen heard those words, she was still confused and couldn't believe it!

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