Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2143 break your life

Kang Shuhong listened to his mother's words. Although he didn't listen to them, he was also taught on the surface.

Some people said that he didn't continue to arrange, but before leaving, he added: "Mom, forgive me, if he wants to make things like this again, my sister-in-law will not be able to bear to leave sooner or later."

Who knows that Kang Shuhong didn't reflect on the meal, and replied: "she dare to leave?

Our Kang family is kind to her mother's family. Besides, she is a little grandma at home every day. Where else is there such a comfortable day when she leaves?

What's more, where can I go? "

"You don't think you are right. There are so many roads in the world. My sister-in-law is willing to stay because of the kindness of my parents. Do you think it's because of you?

I tell you, no matter how tolerant and virtuous people are, they will run out of patience. When she is extremely disappointed with you, you can't come back. "

Kang Qinxin told him seriously, "so I advise you to be kind to your sister-in-law. Don't regret that your wife and children left at last."

"Mom, look at her cursing me! Do you have a sister like this? "

Kang Shuhong was in a hurry.

"If I can't speak well, I need to see what you have done."

"What did I do to make you so indomitable? My parents are still there. I can't come to you to teach me any more mistakes.

However, it's just a play outside. Why don't I think about yourself before I say that a big girl who hasn't married is hanging out with those men all day long. Can I control the gossip outside? "

Kang Qinxin didn't bother to argue with him again. When he came to the door, he turned around and said, "just now I said it's serious to give you a vacation. You don't need to go to Kaitai. I'll say hello to Yuan fan and ask someone to take over your work."

"Kangqin heart, you are too deceiving!"

Kang Shuhong is in a hurry, and immediately chases out.

They were standing at the gate. He asked, "why did you remove me?"

"It hasn't been revoked, but it's almost there."

"Dad asked me to be the vice president of Kaitai. Do you have any idea to go to dad?

Don't deceive people too much. The position of general manager of Guangyuan has been given to you. Am I in the way of Kaitai? "

"How can you get rid of the good atmosphere of the bank?

I'll talk to dad about it. "

When talking, the driver has come to the car, Kang Qinxin goes to the door.

Kang Shuhong pulls the door and refuses to let her go on, "you make it clear.

Kang Qinxin, you are ambitious enough. You want to swallow two big banks by yourself? "

"I don't mean that."

"I don't know what you mean. If you don't let me go to the bank, it's cutting off my way and planning for your own self-interest.

You don't need to pretend to be a dutiful daughter in front of your parents. I know your selfishness very well! "

Kang Shuhong widened his eyes and threatened: "the bank is mine. If you really want to rob me, don't blame me for being rude!"

"If I really want to rob, have you robbed me?"

Kang Qin sneered, holding his arms and said, "back ten thousand steps, with your ability, even if the bank is handed over to you, can you keep it?"

"You look down on me!"

"How many pounds do you have? Who is not clear at home?

If you want people to look high, you have to be promising. "

The two brothers and sisters confront each other. It's not easy for ye Wu to stand under the steps.

She has not yet figured out how to resolve this contradiction. She must be angry first.

Just when ye Wuhen couldn't beat them both, Kang Yu came back.

It's said that his daughter asked his son to take a vacation at home. Kang Yu was puzzled, but he didn't question Kang Qinxin in the courtyard, so he just let them go into the study with him.

He is not in good health. Kangqin is not willing to disturb his father.

Kang Shuhong was also interested in this, knowing that she would not make a small report.

But now, everything has been told to my father. He is a little guilty.

"That Chen," Kang Yu some can not remember the name, Kang Qin heart hurriedly reminded: "Dad, is Chen lily."

"Send her away."

This, Kang Yu is to Kang Shuhong said, concise and comprehensive.

"Dad, she is willing to stay in Singapore, and her son is not easy to interfere with other people's freedom..." Kang Shuhong's voice became lighter and lighter, and finally he changed his voice under his father's gaze: "my son will persuade her."

"It's not persuasion, it's necessary to send her away. She just approached you on purpose. You suffered a loss. Don't you understand?"

Kang Yu's tone was stern.

Kang Shuhong did not dare to fight for it. He thought carefully and promised on the surface.

When Kangqin saw it, he said, "remember to send someone away. I'll let someone stare at her. If you dare to take it back quietly, don't blame me for exposing you."

Kang Shuhong looks at her eyes, but in front of Kang Yu, he dare not argue any more.

"Dad, then you can't just let her quit my job like this?

You give her too much power! "

He murmured his dissatisfaction.

"I gave you that kind of power, but what did you do?

How many bank crises did your sister solve? What did you do? "

Kang Yu said with a straight face, "Qin Xin, go to the bank first. Shuhong's business will be done as you say."

"Thank you, Dad."

In Kang Shuhong's long intonation and discontented call, Kang Qinxin opens the door and leaves.

After she left, Kang Shuhong asked what she thought: "Dad, are you really going to give her the whole bank?

Now, she's trying to get rid of her dissidents. First, she's driving me out of Guangyuan, and then she's driving all my former confidants away. Now even Kaitai doesn't let me stay. How can my son face the employees in the bank? "


If you don't think about your mistakes, do you think the bank can go back? "

This, let Kang Shuhong shocked, he incredibly asked again: "Dad, what do you mean?"

"Your sister's handling like this is very deep in my heart."


Kang Yu claps the desk, "don't call me! If you are a little competent, will it be the situation today?

What kind of people are Lu's? Our family is trying to prevent them from having time. You are so fierce. Just have a drink and have fun with Lu's son! I'm sorry that Qin Xin found out, otherwise I don't know which day your family was defeated! "

This is a very violent statement.

"How could it be so serious..." Kang Shuhong just said this, seeing his father's face was really bad, he quickly changed his words: "yes, I have made friends with Lu Yunxiao, but I have a plan, that's to go deep into the Lu family and see what their plot is."

"It's up to your sister to deal with things outside. You don't have to worry."

Kang Yu obviously didn't believe him.

Kang Shuhong was unwilling and resentful, but he couldn't argue any more.

After a meeting, he asked, "how long does that have to be suspended?"

"It depends on when you really repent and break off the relationship with those people outside.

Come on, you have time to visit your daughter-in-law. It's not easy for her to be pregnant in the hospital alone. You should accompany her more. "

As for his father's orders, Kang Shuhong could not help it.

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