Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2145 take you to breakfast

When I arrived at the Wei mansion, I saw Wei Xinrong sitting on the sofa with Kang Nuan, who bowed his head. Wen Sheng comforted me.

When he saw them coming, he said, "Mom, Qin Xin is here."

Kangqinxin sits next to kangnuan. Kangnuan leans directly on her shoulder and cries. She blames herself.

It turns out that Kang Nuan had a dispute with Wei Yuexi's mother and daughter last night. In a hurry, Kang Nuan slapped her. Wei Yuexi ran out in a rage.

If Wei Yuexi is just in a bad mood and wants to find a place to hide, it is not difficult to find a person, no matter whether he lives in a hotel or leaves the city by plane cruise ship, with the influence of the Wei family and the relationship of the government.

But there is no news until now. It's only in the hands of others.

In fact, the Wei family didn't know that Wei Yuexi had never found Kang Qinxin, but they were really worried and wanted to find a way.

Now it's no use holding himself accountable. Kang Qinxin asks Wei Xinrong, "cousin, there's really no news?"

"Hotels have been found everywhere, her classmates and friends have been contacted, and the terminal airport has no record of her departure. People must still be in the city, but I don't know who hid her."

Wei Xinrong was serious and didn't want to say that.

"Look again.

If you can't find it, find someone to look it up in secret.

Ashi has a good character and is generous. He has never had a grudge with others. If someone really has ulterior motives and doesn't worry about offending the Wei family, there are few people in Singapore. "

"But it's not easy to check them."

Wei Xinrong actually guessed a certain idea, but considering his mother's presence, he said clearly. After Kang Qinxin coaxed Kang Nuan back to the house for rest, he said to them, "I think it may be the Shen family."

He helped Shen Junlan to fight with Shen Yinghao and participated in the Shen family fight. It's not a secret at all.

These days, the Wei family has offended Shen Yinghao.

With Shen Yinghao's character and ability, he can do it.

Kangqinxin immediately picked up the phone, "I'll call Shen Junlan."

Wei Xinrong stopped her. "I asked, and he didn't find anything."

He shook his head and went on, "if Ashi has a long and short life, I will let him die."

He was also full of guilt, blaming himself for not protecting his sister.

"Don't worry too much, cousin. If Shen Yinghao ties up Ashi, he will definitely negotiate with us on terms. Then Ashi will not be in danger."

"But he will never let ash go easily."

Wei Xinrong looks red and blames herself. "My mother didn't know our fight with the Shen family. She thought it was her quarrel with ash that made her run out. Now she's too sad.

I can't help it either. I asked her to call you. "

"I shouldn't have lied about it."

Kangqin thought about it, and suddenly said, "the government can't find out the way in the dark. We have to find the Yan family."

The Yan family is in charge of the local black market and gangs, with great organizational power. Even though the government knows that they are secretly engaged in the arms business, it has been doing nothing.

It's not that Yan family is too cunning and insidious, but that Yan family helped the government resist Japanese invasion, so the government acquiesced to them.

But the Wei family and the Yan family never paid.

The Wei family is engaged in gun control in the government, which is an important position of the military department. However, the Yan Family privately manipulates the arms business, which inevitably leads to competition.

In front of the Yan family, the Wei family can't get well, let alone ask for help.

The Kang family and the Yan family have no friendship, and they are in a bit of a dilemma.

"Otherwise, would you like to look for two little ones?"

Their two families have nothing to do with Yan's family, but as the head of the Chinese family, they have a very good relationship with Yan's family.

Wei Xinrong would not have opened the door to her if she had not been desperate.

Kang Qinxin knew the interests and didn't linger. He called the villa of sparrow boat directly.

Who knows, sparrow boat is not in, the housekeeper that answers a phone says his home two little return old curtilage.

Kang Qinxin can't find the old house of Si's family, but he doesn't treat people when they are around. If you wait a second more, Wei Yuexi will be more dangerous.

She had to call Pei Yanqing.

Pei Yanqing heard that Wei Yuexi was missing. He was also worried. After listening to the three words and two words, he immediately took the initiative and said, "I'll go to my second cousin for help. There are so many talented people under him. It's not difficult to find someone."

Pei Yanqing calls Si Zhai, which is the most normal thing.

I didn't know much about it. Si quefang called Wei mansion to find Kang Qinxin.

He had already told me to go on. He spoke in a calm voice on the phone. He even joked: "if you come to me directly for such a big thing, why do you still turn around to borrow the relationship between Yan and Qing?

Why don't I help you? "

Kangqin said calmly, "I want to find you. I can't find anyone in the villa."

There was a pause and then there was no sound.

"I know what you're worried about, Shen family. I've arranged several people to go in these days. It's easy to go deep into the interior and check the trace."

"Thank you very much," Kang said heartily

With the intervention of the Secretary's family, there is no need to disturb the Yan's family.

Kang Qinxin didn't expect to go around. Finally, he went to find the help of sparrow boat.

I don't know when she owes him more and more.

It seems that he is here. No matter what happens, he can solve it. It's reassuring.

Kang Qinxin did not leave the Wei mansion, accompanied Wei Xinrong and other news.

During the whole night, there were a lot of calls, but neither the Wei family nor the people she ordered to go down could find out the news of Wei Yuexi.

When she leaned on the sofa and was in a daze, the servant ran in and said, "young master, someone is coming outside, saying it's Miss Biao's."

Kang Qin opens his eyes and looks at Wei Xinrong. They go out of the door.

It's really the battle of Si family.

Song Hezhen is waiting for her by the door.

"Cousin, I'll go first. I'll contact you if I have any news.

If Yingmao calls me and asks him to go to the head of the bank first, I won't be there today. "

Wei Xinrong also knew that he could not follow his boss's car, and the Wei family needed him, so he only watched the team go away.

After getting on the bus, Kang Qinxin went straight to the theme, "two little, is there any news?"

Compared with her anxiousness, the sparrow boat is much more insipid. Looking at her, she doesn't answer the question, "what do you call me?"

"2." Kang Qin's face was slightly sluggish, and he was very good at it. He changed his way and said, "bird boat."

His lips are slightly crooked, and he just feels refreshed. He says with a smile, "it's a gesture of begging for help. When I use it, I'm very conscious."

Seeing his smile like this, kangqinxin was a little distracted. Seeing him, he took his eyes back and said: "it's urgent.

Ashi, she's not involved in the world. I'm afraid she'll suffer. "

"Don't worry.

If someone wants to hurt your cousin, the body will be cold.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to kill her. "

His voice is mellow and pleasant. It seems that it has its own appeal and makes people's floating mood gradually stable.

Then Kang Qin asked, "where are we going now?"

"Take you to breakfast."

"Do you want to eat English food or French food?" she asked

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